Would you date a Ioser?

Would you date a Ioser?

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As long as they don't mind dating a loser either

I would since I'm a loser myself.
All I ask for is that she tries to be healthy and is loyal.

A fellow loser is easier to date I figure, they have lesser expectations and will be easier to convince to take my minimalistpill and live with me in my small home I feel.

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women would only date a loser if he is (at least) a bit charismatic, funny and have some balls to say what he feels and thinks (and for that last part you would need some critic thinking)

How smalI is your home?

Probably not. Maybe if she is capable of improving.

It's a 2 bedroom, 2 bath home. Small may not be the best term to call it as it does have a kitchen, a living room and is spacious in my opinion. Before I moved here I had seriously contemplated buying one of those big sheds and renovating it to live in but I managed to get this place very cheap and have worked on it a bit. I'm a NEET by the way; soon to get neetbux. I make money here and there and should be getting a car soon, I may not have any grand lofty goals in life but I'm comfy.

You must live in Europe by the sound it.

My gf has to be one, at least in some part, or she wont even start to understand me.
The problem is that the female version of a looser is not the awkward and ugly female virgin I imagine, but a stupid whore with frozen heart and one or two bastards from unknown fathers, and thats an impossible thing to even respect, much less to love.

>all I ask are these things that everyone else on the planet are asking
Don't lay down your bar so low, you modest incel, you

I live in the United States user.

Which coast/state?

North Carolina is where I live at user, in a semi-rural area.

Compounding off this, I have a way to get free flights within the United States so if you live on the opposite coast it wouldn't be a problem for us to meet up still.

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This is so delusional that it's gotta be bait.

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I would date and take care of and marry someone who I related to, I was a loser too, but at least I have my shit together now, but I'm more lonely than ever.

How oId are you user? Sounds like you have everything under your control.

i literally dont give a shit about a girls status as a winner or loser. i just dont care. if i like her i like her. and yes, that does mean looks play a part.

I'm 21. I wouldn't say I have everything under my control but I'm working towards that goal, I am a NEET but I try various schemes and scams to make money. I want to become as self-sufficient as possible autistically so, that's the end goal. That means a solar panel setup, long-term storaged food and later on growing my own food. The only bills I want to pay are for water and internet.

No guy fucking cares woman have that going for them and it's actually preferable and more attractive for a guy so what kinda of stupid question is this

Here's my Discord, I'll be turning off my proxy so if you feel like adding me that's my Discord OP

l would prefer to.

theres no such thing as a female loser
they can just date a rich chad


This as well.

I'm not a loser male if career is what counts. I want a girl who will be impressed with my situation and dependent on me.

I'm trying to be less of a loser, so I'd date a loser who is doing the same, but not someone who has given up

>I have a way to get free flights


any 514/f/losers?

Honestly not because I'm struggling to overcome being a loser my entire life and dating a loser would only make me hate both of us. I've been dealing with myself being a loser my whole life and I still struggle I can't deal with her too.

If she was cute then yes, too bad any girl who looks halfway decent is a slut or taken.

if she has a good reason for being a loser, ya