Girls of the board can I ask you something:

Can you please GET THE FUCK OUT OF Jow Forums AND ALL OTHER Jow Forums BOARDS.It isn't enough that you destroyed movies,series,games and even western civilisation.You want to destroy every male space as possible just for little attention.I know that all the sex starved guys here they treat like you are some kind of goddesses even though the only think you do is destroy the quality(the little bit it had) and turn it to another gynocentric shithole just to feed your ego.For all of you that give them validation what do you think that this will magical give a girlfriend the only think that does is make thing even HARDER for you and help female control even more.If you aren't a pathetic mangina the right thing to do is just ignore them just that,women LOVE attention(Nurture babies/kids and get attention is the only things that enjoying) so don't give them any so they will get back to Facebook,Instagram and(Because of your looks propably)Reddit.I know there will be many white knights that they will disagree and try to make fun of me but I don't worry about you I speak for the rest of you that care about this site.
Let's make Jow Forums great again(I don't like Trump but I don't like Hilary either it was just for the quote).

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Underrated post. Women were a mistake.


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Agree man agree

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Baah hah hah... This is the most retarded post I've read this week. Maybe if you could stop being so amusingly retarded for one day I'd leave.

Put men in fema camps now reeh

Do not worry brother the revolution will start(I hope so)

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Please give me attention.Any type even bad I don't care because nobody give it to me in real life and my narcissism is starved.

well said, roasties fuck off

All the guys that they don't agree be like

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Yes. Motto user. Motto. Yay

5g internet connection is a conspiracy to melt ur penis btw

This is the cringiest shit I've seen all year, congratulation

elliot was a faggot and so are you

They cant, they need to enter every male dominated circle to prove they are equal and to feed their egos.
Woman are monsters without empathy.

More and more people learn the truth.

faggots lTT



STUPID incel you don't understand that men are always bad and women are always good.Why don't they let them fix your movies,games,country,etc.I will tell you why you don't them I will tell you why it is because you are misogynistic,racist,sexist,etc monster you're worst than Hitler.

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>implying you didn't make this thread for attention and (You)s
lying little slut

Imagine being so pathetic you feel threatened by womens presence

Attention all fellow robots.

Time for de pussy is nigh and we must dismantle the matriarchy. The tyrant big booby mama of the government. All women must be secured to fema camps and their social media rights must abolished. Too long they've made us suffer. Time of da man is here! REeeEeaEeeeEeee

robots rise up against fem*ids and jans

>imagine being so low IQ you reduce the issue to just that

Alert tumblr faggesse spotted

No we don't threatened by women but mostly by cucks that will follow your every command like helpful idiots by your self you can't do anything without manipulate a man because you evolved like this(They are so much example that for this).

Similar post.

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It is because of two reasons.First women don't use logic they use feelings.Secondly
because they try to shame you so they don't lose attention(directly and/or indirectly) they will try to stop everyone in every possible way so they can get even a little attention.

Ah the good old Jow Forums.

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Females, I have a serious question

Have you ever felt something in your ovaries?
If you like a guy, do you feel it aching in your ovaries, or anything like that?

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Haha no? Your balls itch when you see hot babe?

I wish we will but I don't think so it seems like Jow Forums turn to reddit and feminist will rule all corners of the internet and the world until it will propable collapse because of how bad are women at management.

It really does finally FINALLY

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Our time has come. Roastie whacking day is upon us.

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Channel your hatred Jow Forums and say it with me:

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You know it is actually truth

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Yeah, but it's true Threads that promote women and give them attention should be deleted

I d0 what I want

By the way, have you folks ever checked out "schizoid personality disorder"? Google it.

I could think of plenty of people who are ruining this board before female posters. Gays, traps, avatarfags, discordfags, orbiters, normalfags. Females are relatively tolerable. 90% of the cancer you see ruining /r9k and Jow Forums in general comes from male posters.


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>Females are relatively tolerable
oh yeah

You are right but I think women and cucks are the bigger one.

Thank God I didn't miss the thread.

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