Gays are sick perverts. They shouldn't be allowed to marry or openly shill their degeneracy...

Gays are sick perverts. They shouldn't be allowed to marry or openly shill their degeneracy. Anybody else agrees with me?

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Nope. Maybe mind your own business?

>Anybody else agrees with me?


I agree, they should repress it and feel ashamed, throw them off roofs desu.

fuck you, you piece of shit degenerate enabler, it's my duty to care what kind of world my children and their children grow up in, my grandad fight in ww2 to preserve this shit and then you fags go and piss on all the sacrifice that many great men had, I'd throw you off the roof with the fags.

I agree. I used to believe gays were just normal people who were just homosexual and nothing else. But yeah something about homosexuality just makes them unfit to live with anyone else, they just come with so many problems.

>implying anyone would have kids with you

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Nice larp. How many confirmed kills did you get in iraq?

ehh throwing off roofs is a bit extreme. Some really great works of art came from closeted homosexuals. If they were allowed to be open about their sexuality, they wouldnt have become good writers.

If you're banning degenerates may as well ban all the straights who like peeing in each other's mouths and caning each other until their tail bones break

>literally posting anime

EXCELLENT post. Homosexuality was founded upon manipulation/molestation and should NEVER be encouraged.

>getting mad over Ai-chan

>peeing in each other's mouths
Still not as degenerate as a dick covered in shit, lmao


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Because it stops normalizing a mental illness

Yeah, we should kill gays. Round them up then scalp them and hand their toupees on the streets.

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I misread gays as guys. I still don't give a shit that they exist, but I no longer care about this thread because the op post at least makes sense now. it's still dumb but whatever I don't need to defend the gays.

I do qt, those bastards always appear to collapse societies. They should be hanged

disagree, let gays be gays. not only is it one less man on the market but they take another one with them. that's more chance for me to get a girl

They'll still spread HIV/AIDS to the rest of the population through IV injection and being """bisexual"""

Doesn't matter cuz of 80/20 rule, women would rather fuck with a manwhore than an incel

I would if degeneracy didn't have consequences on a society