Cant lose these extra 20 lbs

>cant lose these extra 20 lbs

Ill never be effay. Ill never fit in to small size shirts. I will never be less than size 30 jeans. This fucking sucks. Its like i hit a plateau. Im doing everything right, im running everyday, i picked up a smoking addiction to curb hunger, i drink black coffee and tea throughout the whole day, i chew and spit certain foods. What the fuck.

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who tf cares dude. you dont care about yourself so why should we care about this post

dont eat. its that simple

>chew and spit certain foods
seems your relationship to food is not balanced, the food is the key

Are you lifting or only running? Also join a martial arts gym, you'll burn calories like crazy while fighting. Stop eating carbs, set calorie deficit etc.

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>i started smoking
I found your issue

Plateaus can be overcome, you just need to do more excercise and eat even less

Whats wrong with either. They both help you lose weight.

how much do you currently weigh?

Five foot seven male

water fast with multivitamin and potssium sugar and salt. no more than 100 calories a day. you will lose 30 pounds a month

thats not how you lose weight user

please tell me you are joking

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damn, im 5'8 and 105lbs, im pretty sure it just takes time, dont give up or you will never be peak effay

>tfw 6'3 and 190
i wanna be /fa/

Don't eat for a day or two and your stomach will shrink. If you really don't have self control then hide your little piggy snacks you fat disgusting slob. And continue to work out, you can do this if your pathetic glutenous ass could actually acheive anything. Best of luck

Coffee and tea contain caffeine that makes your metabolism burn more. Also smoking curbs appetite so you eat less.

>size 30 jeans

what the fuck are you trying to be anorexic? if you're a manlet sure 30 might be big but if you're 5'10+ then you're fucked.

No im normal height. 5'7 and 150lbs. I need to be 130lbs.

>inb4 hurr durr 5'7 is manlet , no its not its normal height

thats not how you lose weight you retarded incel

1) dont eat sugar
2) avoid foods with high fats
3) exercise

youll lose weight properly, anything else does not work and will make you even more retarded

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Nicotine is a pretty strong appetite suppressant. Try to get your hands on some adderall too OP. I can go all day eating nothing more than a bowl of oatmeal and banana without feeling hungry on the days I take adderall.

Yeah maybe if you're in China

holy shit nigger, stop right there


thats it

it you follow these 2 simple steps as a lifestyle you will become a chad

doing anything else just makes you a retarded incel

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oof i hope you live in asia

I'm not disputing that your method works. I do eat right and I exercise 5-6 days a week. I'm just offering OP some alternate methods that also work.

PROhint: depending on how much you're "running" (and I'm guessing it's not a lot), you're probably only burning 200 - 300 kcals/day.

Which is like 1 snickers bar fatty. Stop being a filthy pig.

to be fair if you just wanna lose weight, i was in jail for 25 days and the food sucked dick so i probably ate like 200-500 calories a day. went in at 180 came out like 155 after the 25 days.

It's not your fault. Fast food companies send out brain manipulation signals to your head and make you buy the food. Trust me it's real