Classic World of Warcraft thread

Post your talent trees here

I'm going to be playing disc priest with my group of 4 friends.

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I wish I had friends so I could level with daggers, but since I don't I gotta go with swords, taking every pvp talent I can get.

Might also respec Hemo at some point for shits and giggles.

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Going feral druid to tank for dungeons or whatever plus for pvp.

I dont know what im gonna do, i just want heal people

Ive never played and am going undead priest, do i have to follow a guide or can i choose my own skills and respec later?

which champion are these league runes for?

>being a heal slut

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> he plays a priest in classic
> he doesnt play shadow whilst levelling for his shadowform
Normal fag spotted

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Sorry fags, I'm busy playing the REAL classic.

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You can follow a guide if you really want, but you don't really need to - most of the guides on the internet are garbage anyway. You can respec later if you want, but it gets more expensive each time.

As a priest, I recommend taking 5/5 wand spec on the Discipline tree and 5/5 Spirit Tap on the Shadow tree early on as they help you keep your mana up between fights. After that you can do whatever you want, Shadow is usually the way to go while levelling because it gives you more damage, just remember to use your wand to deal damage between spells so your mana has time to regenerate. You don't really need to have a "healing" spec to heal people while levelling, so don't worry about that until you're 60.

I'm a undead shadow priest. Blackout, devouring plague. I can win any 1v1 fight.

No you can't, t. sl lock
At least not when i'm in the game - when aq is released.

Looooooool. You have no idea how OP this spec was back in the day.

Vurtune Frost Mage 1

Back in the keyboard-turning clicking days.
There's a reason sl lock is forbidden on all henhouse tournaments. It's not fun to watch a single spec roflstomp the whole turney. Lock is uncontested 1v1 god and even without sl spec, a good lock will beat good spriest 90% of time.

Do you reckon we can use classic relaunch to our advantage? Remember Barrens chat? Lots of potential there.

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Early on yes, but classic is based around 1.12 were locks are buffed to godlike status. Spriests are still very strong, though.

> Lock is uncontested 1v1 god
I would say that spot probably belongs to huntards, with SL locks coming second. I still think a really good rogue can beat any class in 1v1, but it's really hard and depends on specs.

hunter gets melted by lock, there's no way a hunter can win a wpvp fight if the lock isn't absolute retard, much less a duel which has limited area
a top rogue can't beat top mage or top priest and a top lock only with rng
perplexity and busdriver were the best vanilla rogues and neither got even close to 50% against parla, yolam, trig (but trig is on a whole another level from the vurtne wannabes) or seuche

>a top rogue can't beat top mage or top priest and a top lock only with rng
Can't wait until classic comes around so I can beat every class and prove you wrong. I'm literally going to be ganking every alliance player on the server at the same time. I could be stealthed behind you right now. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

once I get used to fighting casters without cloak of shadows again, only thing from after vanilla that I will miss lol

>perplexity and busdriver were the best vanilla rogues and neither got even close to 50%
They can't be such good rogues if you know who they are. A good rogue never reveals himself.

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i'm not playing until aq, lock is king of shit until t2 and i hate bwl
you can stay on your lowtest burger servers ganking retail shitters, all the top pvp guilds are yuropoor

2 points into imp corruption, then rush imp Voidwalker, then fill out affliction and then fill out demo

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>hunter gets melted by lock

But that's wrong, dummy. Literally all the hunter has to do is activate Bestial Wrath and watch the lock get shredded. And they WILL have Bestial Wrath because they all play BM because why would they play anything else.