
What's it like to have a sister? I missed out

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It's hell, my sister is a fat bitch who always lie and live in my mother's basement. She's a neet and have schizophrenia. She harass my mother every fucking day.

I have an older sister and we didn't really get along because we were opposite characters. I love her but I sure wish I had a bro to watch my back

I also wanted to get naughty with her when I was a neet horny teenager

If you're an incel you have a fuck buddy or at least someone to have your first sexual experience. When brothers and sisters are young it's common for them to experiment sexually with each other.

I have 5 brothers and none of them liked me or wanted to be my brother, brothers are a joke. Now I spend my time wishing I had a sister instead

Yeah user, your "sister" does that.

Annoying fun when you both are still kids and then just annoying when she hits teenagehood

My case might be atypical, but having a brother was horrible. All he ever did was beat the crap out of me and mentally abuse me, and not in a friendly sibling rivalry way, but in a sadistic, unbelievably mean spirited way.

Sometimes he would just randomly snap and then start berating me for minor shit like leaving a shirt on the bathroom floor or accidentally breaking one of his guitar strings. He would force me to fight him (he was 2 years older than me and a lot stronger. 2 years is a lot when you're 12 and 14). He would hold me down and spit in my face and then force me to do pushups like a drill instructor or something. This was all in the name of "toughening me up." This was his way of justifying is behavior I guess.

The worst part about all of it was that he was built like a greek statue and girls loved him while I was kind of doughy and nobody gave a shit about me.

I think I probably have permanent scars on my psyche from that.

So, yeah, fuck having a brother.

one of them is a roastie bitch who lags my games.
another one is a incest-horny slut who doesn't know when to f off with that shit.

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Maybe in broken homes you tard

dont listen to these sister fuckers
i have sisters and i barely see them but when i do we talk about our lives its kind of comfy
but as for brothers i dont really get along with mine we dont fight or argue but there is definitely a distance between us

My sister has bpd and had anorexia now that she's living with her bf and is older now everything is a little better

She had a bad childhood which affected everyone including my childhood, dad would turn violent and angry
having a sister is just meh, she has a mean and irritable side, but she can be quite caring as well

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Look at this loser, can't even fuck his own sister, pffffft

you're just a beta user. you couldn't fuck your way out of a wet dream.

dunno, when I was little she helped out with raising me a bit, but she went off to college before I even got into grade school
don't really talk to her much if at all desu

People with siblings cannot be robots, they could practice normie speech with a brother and how to talk to girls with a sister

If you're a lone child with no siblings, relatives, cousins or any form of person within your family that is around your age, only then can you call yourself a robot
Everyone else is just cyborgs at worst

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>This was all in the name of "toughening me up." This was his way of justifying is behavior I guess.
>I was kind of doughy and nobody gave a shit about me.
You're a moron.

fun when you're a kid because you always have someone to play with

annoying as fuck and hellish when you're a teen

no different than having a distant friend when you're an adult. my sister lives in a different country now and i only speak to her once or twice a year.

She used to be cool. We were like, best friends. We played together outside, played video games, etc.
Now she's literally this copy paste girl. Being near a TV that plays the Jersey Shore while staring at her phone and stuff. Acting all shocked when I laugh about the guy who killed himself because his brother was gay.
I guess it's mostly my fault, though. I haven't been as good a big brother as I could've been.
Maybe at the end of life we'll get a re-do, right?

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The absolute state.

I have two sisters older than me.
Growing up, the oldest one (7 years older than me) was always a total ass to me, not sure why. Always yelling at me or giving me comments about how stupid i looked whenever my parents weren't around. This resulted in me becoming a timid, passive little beta boy who never had the balls to speak his mind.
One time we were out in the yard playing soccer against eachother. I won, so she started "crying" and convinced my mom that I had kicked her in the face. I just stood there like a retard not responding in any way as my mom was scolding me.
She also had my younger sister wrapped around her finger, so it was always that two against one kinda deal youknow.

Fast forward to about 6 months ago, she came out as transgender in front of our immediate family, and announced that she was going to begin hormone treatment and surgery, change her name, and start living life as a boy.

Everytime we see eachother at family gatherings, I can still feel the hate/spite/jealousy in her eyes whenever we make eye contact, but it makes me very happy to know that she has lived her whole feeling like she didn't belong in this world.

Thank you for reading my vent :)

>know that she has lived her whole feeling like she didn't belong in this world.
She didn't, she was obviously very comfortable being a girl. She's just thirsting for attention.

pretty fucking shit desu, you dont need to know anything else

depends if the two of you grew close to one another. i'm lucky my sister, brother and i, whilst very different have grown very close to each other. they are the people with which we know we can talk about everything and anything when need be. it's very appeasing to know that whatever you do 2 people will always be there to support you

my sister is a little slut

I suspect she has an affinity for black men

it was interesting jerking off with my sister's panties when we were living with our parents

fucking hell. like when you were in a 3rd grade and kept arguing with girls all the time except for entire time you are together.

very based brother

I see my big sis maybe once a year (half-sister), she was always kinda motherly to me when we were kids despite her only being three years older. She'd bathe me when I was little, brush my hair when I was like 12 despite my insistence I could do it myself, do my laundry. Now that we're adults we pretty much just chill and talk about our lives while drinking. I wanted to fuck her so bad when I was a teenager but I'm mostly over it now.


>If you're an incel you have a fuck buddy
You obviously don't have a sister. They don't give a shit about your personal life. Both my sisters had hundreds of gfs and they never once tried to help me get together with one of them. The last thing they would do is have sex with me, even my femcel younger sister would be absolutely repulsed beyond repair at the thought.

you didnt miss out.

I have two older sisters and one older brother. i love my brother. I hate both my sisters, they whine and bitch all the fucking time. they have no interests and just virtue signal that they want a good relationship with me. as soon as we sit down, they start insulting me.

last friday I told them to go fuck themselves, I will never talk to them again

>The worst part about all of it was that he was built like a greek statue and girls loved him
Yep, like clockwork. Your brother is the exact kind of man women adore, a violent psychopath who abuses and beats defenceless little girls up. He was just warming up with you for all his future gfs he'll beat the piss out of and they will love him for it. Ah, what a truly beautiful world it is.

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>another one is a incest-horny slut who doesn't know when to f off with that shit.
Holy shit you are a faggot. A female is offering you her wholes for free and you deny her because muh incest. Just fuck her with a condom fagit or get her on birth control. This could be a perfect opertunity for a b/s fwb relationship.

>white people
Seriously not even once.

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>Maybe at the end of life we'll get a re-do, right?

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Incest is more of a shitskin thing nigger.

Depends on the sister.

My older sister was pretty sweet but she died of breast cancer two years ago. Never spent to much time with her because she and my dad hates each others.

My little sister is a spoiled brat, but ok in short periods. Got everything she wanted when growing up.

But my ex girlfriend was the model-sister to her little brother who was 8 years younger. She was always there taking care of him, did a lot of fun stuff and just all in all had a blast with each others.

It's fucking gay. You grow up with them only to see them become a whore for some chad or tyrone and hear her get plowed in the other room next door every saturday because your parents didnt raise you right and you're still a neet at age 22 working part time at chick fil a

talking about a friend of course

>or tyrone
Thank god I'm an ausfag with barely any black people here. I couldn't take my sister being used like that by a white hating nigger.

LMAO keep dunking on these sacrilegious whites
Seek help

Common? says who? where? not too sure of this one friendo.

>Thinking just cause you have a sister means you can talk to girls
Ok bud.

>sister became an overweight feminist and a guy who got married to a person who literally looks like the soijak without glasses
The worse part is, I have a feeling that the worst is yet to come.

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It depends on the person, you and your sibling. My sister is 27 and she always treated me like a child, even now when I am 20 years old, she got married a few eight years ago and we have been living together since I was 8. Her husband is chill as fuck, spending most of his time either gaming or working, we talk about video games from time to time relate stuff, she spends most of her time studying or going around the house looking for something to clean, she has a tick with cleaning.

I try not to think sexually about my little sis but when she wears yoga pants and the shape of her legs and braper are all out in the open I can't help but get hard. Also her tits, REALLY good tits and most of the time she doesn't wear a bra.

>even my femcel younger sister would be absolutely repulsed beyond repair at the thought.
Maybe she isnt annon, maybe she's just as sick in the head as you but is too embarrassed to show she wants to fuck you.

>What's it like to have a sister? I missed out
like getting woken up in the middle of the night to clean a single fucking drop of piss you left on the toilet sit, she always has to be right, lots and lots of silent treatment, lots of farts, lots of free goodies they love buying clothes and shit for you, Someone fun to hang out with and talk shit with.

shame I don't talk to her anymore.

>repulsed at the thought of having sex with someone
1/10 bait