
what's everyone up to today? I took one mdma pill and it kicked in about one hour ago. my vision is a bit weird this time too.

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I wish i could grow weed normally, with a decent lighting and soil, unfortunately I can't do that since i'm living with parents and one of 'em ex police officer and the other ex police inspector

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I took an edible earlier this morning

if anyone wants to join here is a /drugfeels/ server too

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Smoked the last bit of my weed this morning, did not get all that high. Made an "edible" about a half hour ago (threw the last of what was in my grinder/on the floor of my truck onto a piece of toast and toasted it in the oven with butter atop the bud) we will see how that goes.

Piece of shit dealer not picking up again. Is it worth it to try and make edibles with cbd flower? Might grab some of that just so I can chill today

why not at least make an IRC channel instead?

I never used IRC and most gave it up

>I never used IRC
we know, you're a discord zoomer

speaking of growing, how easy is growing shrooms? is it fun?


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Dunno man, never tried it

why anime beam kill's the :^)?

Slept for 14 hours. Woke up. Took 2 lines of speed. Drank a bit with friends. Wagecuck in 11 hours.

Fuck why did i involve speed? i wont sleep for anyway. Im gonna be royally fucked tomorrow. benzos, beer and weed wont get me sleepy now...

>does something
>oh noooo why did i do this

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My flatmate did it seemed pretty simple

okay user lets talk

Just took some kratom might get some beer. Hows your vision

>be druggie
>keep making bad choices
oh wow, who would've thought?

Last night was the craziest thing I ever experienced. I was heading to a football game with some friends, but because I really only smoked in private, all by my self, so I thought it would be cool to smoke before I reached the game. So when I parked my car into a parking lot, I smoked basically the rest of the weed that I had then walked there.

The walk was fucking weird, then when I met my friends, it was even weirder and crazier. I wanna do it again sometime.

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how often is acid laced on the deep web bros? i wanna order sum but im deathly afraid of that shit being 25i nbome. im too lazy to get a kit btw

Not often, I've ordered from 5 different vendors and all were LSD. Stick with SamSpade2 and you'll be fine.

snorted meth for first time 5 days ago. Anyways I was wondering if smoking it is better? If so how exactly do I go about smoking it? Never done that b4 and dont know if im supposed to smoke the same amount. All i know about
smoking meth is from tv where they use those crack pipes and torch lighters But would that be less harsh? because snorting it hurts like fuck and while the pain doesnt really bother
me im worried that its gonna fuck up my nose even more than it already is from snorting shit all these years

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what? you didn't even describe what happened, all you said was you smoked weed and something was weird, why even post that at all?

darknet vendors are pretty trustworthy, just find a listing with lots of reviews.

smoking meth is smooth as fuck, but IV is where its at

>next door neighbor is local drug dealer
I'm an unironic autist how the FUCK do I ask him without looking like a fed

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>yo dude is there any way i can buy some weed from you?

when you "smoke" meth with an oil burner pipe you're actually vaporizing it, not smoking it. so there's literally zero pain even if you fill your lungs up completely with meth vapor

he'd be more than happy to sell to your autistic looking ass you're right next door he doesn't have to travel at all.

yo can i buy some bud off u

Waiting for the codeine too hit, worried that I fucked up the CWE.

Luckily I am starting to feel something

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oh great the avatarfag opioid junkies are back

t. psychfag

t. avatarfag opioid junkie

Out of DOC, and I'd prefer to chill tonight, which opiates are nice for.

you do DOC? how is it compared to acid?

A bit more wonky and a lot more stimmy, it's a bit more uncomfortable due to vasco and the higher heart rate though.
Visuals are better IME

the drug that they do isn't the problem, it's the way they post

fucking this ghfjsdkhfg

Seems like such a trivial thing to get annoyed about

people get mad at the way people post all the time on Jow Forums

It is what it is I guess


Cheers mate

I've got 30 pounds on my empire market account. What do I buy?

I much prefer the opioid fags to constant unadulterated and repeating dribble that the potheads of this thread spew out.

50 mg of addy

Addy gang, addy gang, gonna clean my apartment with a toothbrush gang, play chess for 5 hours gang, Fischer gang, go seigen gang, takemiya gang, maybe some Shogi gang, melee gang, addy gang.

buy some benzos, they're not that expensive

worst class of drugs with no recreational potential

>he doesn't like to get comfy

>being a zombie is comfy

they're super useful to just have around especially if you're gonna be doing other drugs. it's always good to add on to something

Buy mdma, it's quite cheap if you aer EU

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sounds like you're describing nitrous

sorta but they're good at that purpose for completely different reasons. also nitrous is way more expensive than benzos when you consider how long it lasts

yep, i'm doing fine tonight.

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wtf thats amazin xD. i grew up with autism and never liked humans, didnt understand y they talk so much and play... wen i did acid, i felt pleasure/happiness from being around humans my age, or "hanging out" with humans, for the first time ever. how could i not feel that pleasure as little kid,
u see, wen i grew up for the first time, i didnt like humans at all, thought they were just boring, didnt understand why they talk and play etc. i think LSD is like a second chance to grow up if you didn't grow up correctly the first time, because it makes brain neuroplastic again.

usually my acid trips are dark and dysphoric, but yesterday i had the chance to do acid around humans. wen i did acid i felt pleasure from being around humans 4 first time ever. the delight of a cute "person" coming from cute face, cute smile, cute hand gestures, etc. seeing "familiar face". then i gained pleasurable memories of concepts of personalities that are happy to remember. its also very pleasurable to do things like pick out clothes, take showers, skincare, etc, in order to socially present a visually pleasurable appearance to other humans. thats crazy man. i didnt know humans actually like being around humans that much. i thought they only do it to "be normal". i never felt that happy before, ever, in my childhood even. i also like smiles alot. i think i might be able 2 try talkin to more humans in real life at university. but i scare ppl because im very inexperienced in talkin 2 humans since i never understood the point of it before. the time to dsicover pleasure of hanging out with humans my age was at 5 years old, not 20 years old.
edit: the dose was 105 mcg.

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imagine sitting down and writing this shit

thank you for your post user i find it very insightful and relates to me a lot. my whole life i always have this avoidance of people i associate only negativity with people. i avoid 100%, if someone enters a room with me i immediately cringe and get super uncomfortable. i cant look at peoples in the face and if someone looks directly at me i shrivel up and get so tense like i wanna just run away. i get really impatient when someone talks to me i get really anxious. i am very secretive with my thoughts and emotions, i think i have both inferiority and superiority complex. i have a harsh and untrustworthy gaze. i talk towards no one rather than directly at people, unable to form relationships. i did acid few times in HS but i was alone usually and yeah dark and dysphoric. its such a deep part of my personality so deeply ingrained. maybe acid would help me change and learn to love people and be comfortable around them. if i trip with this in mind and around people who can help me experience that love

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last night me, my cousin and my German aunt smoked about 2 grams of weed in one sitting, after i'd been up for 30 hours strung up on coffee and i'd drank a shot of mint vodka.

I greened out for the first time and couldn't move, went into a weird fever dream, every time i tried to lift my head i felt sick and was sick in a cup my cousin had by his night stand.

Do you ever combine kratom and beer? What's the high like?

I'm so bored and haven't got anything atm. I honestly wish I had brownies or edibles at this point; anything would help relieve this pain.

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why dont you go buy something?

I'm a hikki, and I used to get my stuff from dealers in the shit ends of london. Over an hour to get to the same place.

is there a specific reason you point out your aunt is german

no, just thought it was make more sense

Should I find shrooms today?

it's a neat detail

Anybody know any anime that has any junkie characters or even mentions heroin?

>Anybody know any anime that has any junkie characters or even mentions heroin?
sad post


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Where do you buy it mean?

>all the other drug factions hate each other and themselves
>engage in petty feuds over other user's drugs of choice
>meanwhile stimfriends all having a good time
>most arguments aren't severe, posters just high as fuck
>happy to talk about any drugs because of compulsive need to type
>even the meth heads who stop by while taking a break from their projects are chill
stim best drugs, stimposters best posters

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What the fuck is a hikki

Anime is wholesome entertainment and there is no drug stuff.

Who here takes heroin, so how many people take heroin reply here I wanna know how many heroin addicts browse this site.

laying bed feeling like shit because I spent literally the entire day yesterday masturbating on adderall

It's good to see other anons trying to better their lives.

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I tried to buy it a few times but who knows what the fuck was in that shit that they gave me. I smoked it never shot it up.

Had lsd for the first time yesterday.

>starts kicking in 15 minutes
>very happy for first few hours, laughing at everything
>at one point couldn't even focus on my vidya for more than 3 seconds
>hours of anxiety after that along with chest discomfort
>couldn't fall asleep until 4am and I have to wake up at 5am tomorrow for work

I kind of regret it desu. I really wasn't in the right state of mind and it was an awful time to do it.

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I got my Xanax prescription increased to 15mg a month

So thats something

>Believe in Jesus and you'll be saved!

Imagine bastardizing Christianity so much that the only thing required for heaven is belief. What a fucking worthless being you are for posting this, Jesus didn't atone for your laziness fatass.

nice how much potency user?

Based bartard! I've got 30 1mg Ativan a month here

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Its still an experience

I've only tried oxy but I love and wish I had access to more

Just took a bar of xanax and a bunch of booze. Waitin on em now

For me, it's lorazepam and Coors.

Started shooting coke again today, while I was working a 12 hour shift somehow. Also with zero sleep. And by the end of this night I had hit up my long time dealer (holy shit I've been going to him for 5 years on and off, ironically I met him from some guy on reddit in my area via opiatesrollcall who just gave me the number because he was too lazy to deal with middlemaning. ) anyway I digress. I'm sitting here pinned out of my mind because I'm now back to shooting crack. And wow what a difference. I broke off a couple tiny pieces off the rock and dissolved them in vinegar. Thinking it wasn't even enough to feel. Boy was I wrong. If you shoot coke, I implore you to try shooting crack. You will be amazed.

I fucking love heroin but its ruined my life so I'm currently abstaining from it.

super silver haze or pineapple express?

What effect does that have on you?

Makes me real relaxed

gotta say, that's pretty patrician to be desu

lorazepam is the thinking man's benzo

>talking to a man about a dog
>periodically doesn't respond for hours
Why can people never check their fucking phones? This shit shouldn't be hard.

I bought heroin once but not enough to get addicted. might do it again sometime but I'm not really a fan of opioids in general so it's not high on my priority

Thanks, gotta try this combination tomorrow

Just woke up, it's Sunday. Made some black tea and smoking some strong indica hash atm, will smoke some salvia dried leaves in a few minutes to make music and gravity more interesting. A priceless Sunday morning lads.

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what drug to permanently cure my autism? there's gotta be something

Doesn't salvia just make you stumble around like a lunatic?

Maybe at high dosage idk, low dosage are great