>Be on /v/ and Jow Forums from 2014 to 2017
>Redpilled and conservative
>Start browsing Jow Forums in late 2017
>Questioning whether I'm a tranny in 2019
You fucks did this to me. FUCK YOU
Be on /v/ and Jow Forums from 2014 to 2017
You did this to yourself, have a little self control
Another soul lost to the tranny trap
>and Jow Forums
explains it desu
Sorry, you are an NPC
>internet image boards shape my personality and opinions
pls kill yourself senpai
>being this easily influenced
You never had any chance fag
>when someone gets influenced into Nazi LARPing it's based
>when someone gets influenced into being a tranny it's cringe
Really makes you think
Lmao post location faggot
Being a tranny is pretty gay yeah
larping as a nazi is actually the least based thing on this website
I never said getting influenced into becoming a nazi is based , you retarded faggot
The only reason you think you wanna be a tranny is because you think all males are disgusting and can't be cute. You look at pics of cute anime girls all day and associate that cuteness with femininity.
The only solution is to start browsing /cm/ and become a cute boy.
Kill yourselves you worthless rats.
I hate my penis though
If I knew it wasn't going to hurt immensely I would have chopped it off already
I would want to be a nazi but the thing is that im not white
Why do you hate it? Is it something aesthetic about it that you hate? Or something else?
Another victim to ANIME
Disgusting fetishes, overwhelming sexual urges, and it gets in the way
You haven't gone into much detail here.
>Disgusting fetishes
What fetishes?
>overwhelming sexual urges
To do what? Plenty of boys have urges but they tend to revolve around pleasuring the penis rather than its removal.
>it gets in the way
Of what? Someone else's penis?
>What fetishes?
Interracial, bestiality, diapers, loli, CBT, incest
>To do what? Plenty of boys have urges but they tend to revolve around pleasuring the penis rather than its removal.
Why would I want sexual urges when they are disgusting?
>Of what? Someone else's penis?
Sitting down, exercising, riding my bike especially. It'd be better if it wasn't there.
Almost none of those are facilitated by you cutting off your dick though. (Except for loli, which I guess you are self-inserting as the loli? But you're already too old anyway so it won't work even if you are trans.) I had to google CBT, but it seems like if you didn't have a penis, you couldn't even do that one! So cutting off your penis would actually /reduce/ your ability to enjoy those fetishes. Am I missing something?
>Why would I want sexual urges when they are disgusting?
In the previous post you called your own fetishes disgusting. Now you are calling more common boy desires disgusting instead? Which is it? Be kind to yourself user, you aren't disgusting!
>Sitting down, exercising, riding my bike especially.
I can understand with the bike-riding part, I am male myself and that's the main reason I don't like to ride bikes lol. But I'm sure you can find lots of good exercises that don't mess with your junk very much? And if it's an obstacle for you when sitting down, well then... I guess you can be proud of how big it is! I know you're not in that mindset right now, but maybe one day you will be able to count your blessings!
>Almost none of those are facilitated by you cutting off your dick though
No dick or balls no sexual urges, no way to fap either.
>In the previous post you called your own fetishes disgusting. Now you are calling more common boy desires disgusting instead?
My fetishes are disgusting sexual urges.
>I know you're not in that mindset right now, but maybe one day you will be able to count your blessings!
It being big just makes me more disgusted by it.
Ah, so it's not that you want to indulge those fetishes post-op, it's that you think those fetishes come /from/ your penis itself, and if you remove the penis the fetishes will leave with it.
I'm sorry to inform you then that the brain is your largest sexual organ, and your fantasies are coming primarily from your brain, not your penis. It's best to forgive yourself for whatever private thoughts you enjoy than to castigate yourself in such a drastic manner.
Removing your cock and balls removes your sex drive, that is known science. Trannies do it all the time
It will definitely drop your testosterone production and lower your sex drive, but it won't remove it. Don't you know that women and transgenders have fetishes too? Some of them desire some pretty fucked up things in fact.
People with weak psyches should be kept away from the internet. They can be programmed to believe anything.
You can break any man by posting enough traps.