Be me

>be me
>been with gf for 5 years, living with her for 3
>dinner date, plan to propose, asked bro waiter to bring ring after dessert
>she seems nervous, maybe she knows what I'm planning
>tears up after main course
>tells me she's been cheating on me for 8 months
>with my best friend
>leaves weeping
>waiter hands me a beer without comment
>this was our 5th anniversary date
It doesn't get better, anons. Life is indeed suffering. Maybe I'll just ask out the waiter and go full gay.
Where's the tavern when you need it.

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That's fucking harsh man, I wish you the best. I hope you find the strength to keep your head up.

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Thats just sick.
Thats fucking disgusting.
These women playing with us, we were raised by women, do you really think our answer should be a floppy pussy?
No, we are men, we dont need those disgusting cheating cunts.

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Thanks brother. Least robots distract me.

Same user who said theyre sick.
Honestly, I hope you find clarity in your life my brother.
Its harsh, its heart breaking, and horrible what youve gone through, but we must look for a brighter future.

thanks for the life lesson user , now I know for sure to never trust a woman

god I can't wait for cloning technology to come into full blossom

Thing is, she was really shy and a bit autistic when we first met. Never asked, but fairly sure she was a virgin. Not even a thot.

That brighter future you speak off is even further than I thought, having read anons story.
Godspeed OP.

So what are you going to do about your "best friend"? That piece of shit has been cucking you for 8 months.

thats why you go after girls with dicks like me instead of those pesky biological females
beginner mistake

I need a best friend right now, but not paying with my dignity. For now, my best friend comes in bottles and cans.
Based. Might try that.

that sucks buddy. i hope things work out better for you, it's better than having friends or partners who aren't actually your friends and don't give a shit about you to the point even their libido is more important.
it sucks dick, but you're better off without scumbags like that, they can only make your life worse.

this is why i'll never date a city girl

You made her cheat on you by being boring and then you put her into a position where she would embarrass herself. If you have a single bone in your body, man up and ask for her forgiveness for being such a jerk.

Nice bait, it's always the guys fault isn't it? go eat shit lmfao.

Just get a sex doll and download one of those AI chatbots, 0 need for real women

I'm sorry OP, you were naive. Females cannot be trusted, most guys are shit too. Never get married.

I feel for you bro. Hope you can find happiness by yourself and live your best life. Partners are nice but they're really unnecessary in the end.

Good. Take the gaypill. Awalt, dont forget.

fuckn females ay

drink your sorrows away lad

>Maybe I'll just ask out the waiter and go full gay.
lmao I remember when I got dumped after 4 year relationship.
Women seemed so cold and hard to apporach, and gay guys were such bros, I was seriously contemplating going gay.

Unironically based waiter.

this, unload your frustration with women inside an attractive man and never look back

Wow that's rough. I was about to buy a ring before my last gf dumped me. Took me months to fully get over.
>Maybe I'll just ask out the waiter and go full gay
I say do it, but wait a week first. If he rejects you it'll feel a lot worse now than once your emotions die down. Experimenting once the monogamous chain has been broken is quite fun.

all this normalfag cringe

Sorry m8, terrible b8.
First time I made it this far. One learns by experience, following advice just makes you a mindless drone.
Well, I'll give it a try I think. Always figured I'm bi anyway.
I know right, dude was the only good thing in all this.
Crying normie does not accomplish anything. Contribute or hide the thread.

I'll go to bed now. Thanks for letting me unload my shit on you. For all the crap Jow Forums gets, I saw a lot of good in my years.

Sorry to hear that, user. My condolences.

well OP you are a faggot normie cocksucker i g
so good that she left
get fucked

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I hope you can learn to trust people again, but I wouldn't blame you if you never did.

Keep going, you're better than they are.

that's fucked up dude, try to be alright.

Sorry to hear that user.
Cant imagine the pain you're feeling. Just remember what she did to you, never forget never forgive. Her cries are fake in a day she will be in bed with other men