/letter/ thread

Write a letter to the person in your thoughts. Use initials.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know where Im going to honestly. You were right when you said that I'm a depressed retard, a low life and just a bad person who deserves death. You were really right seeing how my life is going on now. Everything is turning down and my future is nonexistent or just dark. Maybe it's karma but I don't believe in those things. Although I'm sure you're doing okay and happy maybe with someone else which I'm pretty sure you are. Some people just lose and others win and guess I was, am and will be the loser forever. Enjoy your happy life.

i don't think i know you, and hopefully vice versa. but i had a similar experience lately where someone told me that i was going to live a shit life and i was going to deserve it (among other things).
i don't know you personally so i can't judge the situation accurately but i can say that you don't deserve to go to such a dark place. i wouldn't wish the pits of anxiety and depression on anyone. i think that, by believing or always thinking about what that person said, you subconsciously reinforce it and allow it to control the direction of your life. while you might've done some awful things, it's never too late to change who you are now and to choose a new path. it doesn't have to be immediate and it can be just one thing a day that helps you become the person you want to be or to live the life you want to. you don't have to be the loser forever, user. i have hope that things will get better for you :) it's likely you'll read this response and disregard it, but please don't ignore it.

tldr; autistic self projecting about the abyss of self

BUMP'n tha tred

i dunt want it ded

live tred liiiive

i breth life intu dis tred

>a bad person who deserves death.
>someone told me that i was going to live a shit life and i was going to deserve it (among other things).
People are such shit-heads. Sorry you guys had to hear such negative stuff. Though, I would assume that you both must have hurt those people for them to say such nasty stuff. I could be wrong though.. seeing as sometimes people are just unprovoked and naturally abusive.

I really wanna see if you have anything to say about that. You fucking whore.

I hope you're already dead, retard slut.

Whoooaaah! Whooaaahhh! Whhoooaaaahhh! What happened, user-chan? Who hurt you and how did they hurt you?!

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This is driving me nuts.

You didn't have to leave. You really didn't.

You fucked my shit up. Really wish you ended up like Bianca. Trash whore.

user-chan, WHAT HAPPENED? An e-girl hurt you?

Your mom hurt me.

I bet you are a cumslut now. Piece of crap.

Dang! Idk who hurt you user but WOW oh WOW did-they-EVER! [pic related is (you) ]

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KeK that picture made me laugh

Good! I am glad to hear that, user.

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Be my gf right now originally

Wow! What a diss! How will I ever recover?

I hope my imminent death destroys every scrap of faith you had in a benevolent God.

I am still here, user. I didn't leave.

There aren't any girls on the internet, user. Sorry to disappoint you.

You did. You've entirely vanished from my life. Maybe you would've stayed if I'd been less nice to you. You seem to only keep the cunts in your life anyway.

Wow! Dude! That's metal af! I hope you don't kys! You sound like you also post on

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That's where you're wrong. I don't keep anyone in my life except for the mystery-hacker-man known as Jow Forums. When will they ever catch that guy?

>Who is this Jow Forums and will they ever catch the guy?

My disappearing act is my favorite magic trick!
I think it's what i'm known for!

Happy caturday r9gay.

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Is this it? Do I finally have closure? Am I able to finally move forward now and not look back?

>Though, I would assume that you both must have hurt those people
i definitely did some things i regret but nothing as bad as the emotional and verbal abuse they directed towards me. i don't want to use it as a cop-out, but i was mentally ill when i met them and wasn't seeking treatment at the time thus leading to my behaviours. it seems the same for them too.


another letter thread, honestly i just write these letters for fun now. I wish you'd tell me if this is true, i never payed much attention back then, but did you really ruin my life because i cheated on you, then you let your new boyfriend fuck other girls to spite me? is that real? Out of spite for me you let him fuck other women when the whole reason for why you lied to people by claiming i was trying to get you to kill yourself and effectively making my life impossible to live was that i TALKED to other girls.
You guys, you talked to me on omegle and told me all about it. You guys loved bragging about how your relationship revolved around trying to make me miserable. I guess there was a lag, back then i didn't pay attention, but now that my life is at standstill and nothing's happening and i'm not laying in bed all day miserable, all i do now is think about those things. I'm somehow a piece of shit and a horrible person for talking to other girls flirtatiously, but somehow you're a good person?
The thing that i find most defeating about it all is that everyone knew, everyone knew and knows that you two were full of shit and were horrible people, but they all pretended like you weren't and i somehow was the bad guy. For what? What was so unforgivable and deserving of something like that? I went on a chatroom to try and spook you guys while you were watching me? because i went to lainchan (or whatever that Jow Forums onion clone was called) and posted a random string of nonsense words with a reference to steins gate in an attempt to be funny and spook you guys? I know you guys aren't retarded, so you purposefully misinterpreted all of that and used it as an excuse. I wish i could ask myself how you could be such a horrible piece of garbage of an individual, but i know exactly why and how you ended up the way you did. Your brother, whom you claimed you weren't like. you lied about that too.


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Welp then. I feel sorry for you both. It's nice to hear that you're getting treatment and healing. Hopefully that person did or does the same.

>you let your new boyfriend fuck other girls to spite me? is that real? Out of spite for me you let him fuck
bbbaaaahhhhahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa omg humanity is hilarious! Wtf!

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Were you two dating or what?

thank you :) i'm hoping i can be a better person in future and make amends with those i hurt.
no, but they wanted to be.

To that user in that other thread

You think you're better than me, motherfucker? If I saw you in real life, I'd fucking kick your ass for speaking to me that way. You dumb piece of shit.

wanted to what? were they female or male?

>i'm hoping i can be a better person in future and make amends with those i hurt.
That's wonderful user! It's always nice to hear a self improvement story! It gets pretty dark on r9k, as you know!

Calm down buddy! Don't ruminate on it! Let it go!
My guess is that they wanted to be in a relationshit but that poster declined.

he wanted to be dating.
i appreciate your positive outlook, user. we need more people like you around here. i wish all the best for you and your future

where are you from user? what happened?

i don't really want to say much more because he lurks these threads sometimes. you could be him for all i know.

>i wish all the best for you and your future

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uhm anyone could be him really but well lets say Im doubtful now. At least tell the continent you're in to get a peace of mind for myself. Although I doubt you're the one I'm thinking.

That's understandable. Be safe and take care!

thanks for chatting with me! might see you around ~ bye bye for now

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australasia yep yep

Have a nice caturday! Bye, user! :)

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yeah nah. she doesn't even lurk here anymore probably so well. fuck it. I dont know why I come back to these threads every time, they only do nothing but hurt me. I should be just talking to that one girl Im talking to atm but chances for her to feel something for me are 0. Rip my life.

it's hard to let go of things. why else would i be coming back here? you should definitely keep pursuing the girl you're talking to even if you're doubtful. you never know how things might turn out.
the lad i'm now dating liked me for 5 years before we started seeing each other. not sure if that will motivate or demotivate though, haha.

Its hard though.The girl Im talkking to happened to be on the streets in Holland while I was on a trip, and retard me saw her and thought she looked cute and nice on that pastel coloured cosplay and went all cringey and asked for her instagram, she gave it to me and I thought she was gonna be like short answers such as "ok yeah fine" and ended up being really nice(although I assume she's like that with everyone). Then we talked a lot on instagram, I had to go back to my land, and later we added each other on whatsapp, kept talking and talking and some day idk I thought I got her bored like always and ghosted her and deleted her number. This was like more maybe 6 months ago, met her a year ago there in dutchland, talking till maybe september, ghosted her, then after months talked to her again, on january i think and then ghosted her again till now, I had to hit her up on instagram again to taalk and thought she forgot about me but apparently she still remembers me. And now we're talking again and honestly I dont have much hopes in fact I want to delete her number again cause she's way too much normal for me, with a social life, friends(which makes me feel bad cause I know she probably has tons of guys behind although on her instagram only has pics with girl friends mostly but still shes cute as hell so rip), and well she goes out and all that stuff, cosplays and all. I just want to delete her again cause now Im aware of relationships and women in general as in dating so I wont get hurt, always aware.

Dear OPEN,

You and your girlfriend are both horribly self-centered, unaware, trauma-bonded, virtue-signalling, manipulative fuckheads whose kindness is a mere temporary ploy to receive the validation you need to keep pumping energy into a worthlessly prestigious college experience where your egos swell like infected wounds and souls decay, only to work and work without tending to your emotional vacancies (despite both of you possessing emotional overreactivity and obvious temper management issues) until you one day crack under relationship turmoil where you've burned every bridge behind you and realize you two aren't such great people, nor are your financial plans aligned with what is genuinely fulfilling, so you'll both likely be stuck with each other, struggling to find purpose, blaming the world for your pain, never taking responsibility for your actions, until you turn on each other too.

You think everything is always about you. You always thought everything was happening to you and not because of you. I defended you countless times and still put up with your immature bullshit and terrible worldview and because you can't accept that you sperged out hard and it can't be put on anyone else this time, you flipped shit and gave me ALL of your misery, the one person who actually cared despite it all.

I'm sorry you cant cope with the fact I didn't want to talk to you for a while, that everything didn't turn normal after your hurtful behaviour and deplorable apology, so your high and mighty self held a grudge when I didn't have the strength, energy, or desire to help you with your "emergency" and so you end up badmouthing me with your bitch of a girlfriend for months, never communicating to me the problem, just waiting for the moment to make ME a villain, the victim of your reprehensible actions, to cover your tracks because you can't handle that I'm finally not enabling your delusions and that people YOU judged and put down unnecessarily are RIGHT about how much of a piece of shit you are.

You are a workaholic-bound-to-be-alcoholic even though you put your nose up at those who escape through similar means. You look down on anyone who didn't waste their childhood overcoming their insecurities by being "intelligent" and caring about the arbitrary system of fail/reward we are bound to succeed in. You try to live the life of an intellectually respectable person, yet are too stupid to see how much of a creepy autist you are in your life beyond titles and numbers. Some scientist you are, one that can't even deduce through countless pieces of evidence or in second-guessing previous theories to find that YOU might be the problem.

You're a sheep distracted by wordly acclaims. You're judgemental and stuck in your ways. You're a poor excuse for an academic but a great example of why people want humanity to die. Smart on you for having someone who wasn't there to defend you based on your biased narration of what happened. Dumb of her to take your word for it. Sycophants are comforting for a while, but poison long term, so hope you build an immunity, bud. You both are disgusting inside and out. You proved to me how grossly detached from the real world you both are and I'm sorry for you. I'm glad you're not in my life anymore and I never had the displeasure of meeting your traumawhore. Funny she can't see that your bedroom habits are reflections of a deeper sadistic character.

You aren't right about me or anyone else I know. You think good people are bad and the bad ones are good. You don't know who you are. Your morals suck. You both are gaslighting, victim-turned-bully, pathetic assholes who project every one of your shitty personality flaws onto those who hold you accountable and remind you of truth in the face of your stubborn delusions. You can't handle your past and so decide to destroy any ties to it, even the good ones. You are artificial. You are a safe-space loving retard, a onions-chugging man-tit-having little boy. Keep eating that stress candy, faggot.

And have fun brooding and writing your cringey self-insert teen fiction. Don't get your ass beat when your wizard powers don't work in real life. Finally, make sure you take that chill pill. Good luck.

Maybe they do lurk here, maybe to make amends an apology would be better then pulling a disappearing act leading to more pain. Doubt you are them though, but if you are consider actually talking about your feelings instead of being a ghost. It would go a lot farther to help then anything.

I love you more than anything in the whole world and you've made me happy in ways there are no words for. I can't believe that I found my perfect person, especially under the circumstances that I found you. I'm so glad I get to be a part of your life, even if I don't get to be in it in all the ways that I want to yet. I've written you so many letters in these threads. I wish I could go back and find the first one I ever wrote, when I realized that I loved you but I wasn't ready to tell you yet. I wish I could send you that letter.

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text me dumb ass, i saw the way you looked at me

awwww love-sick user! I hope it works out for you and your not like that guy who orbited and murdered bianca devins.

your letter about how some guy escaped a shitty relationship with you is heart warming, roastie.

>guy escaped a shitty relationship with you
Why do you jump to the assumption that it isn't a platonic ex friend that had no romantic/sexual interest?

sometimes i wonder what it would be like if i didnt get so stubborn and just dissapear like i did (actually get some closure) but i also think i had to do it because you hurt me so much and I didnt know what else to do. Not apologizing because i still dont think i did anything worth apologizing for, but yeah.
Been almost an eternity now but i still sometimes think about you.

I'm sorry, and I miss you.

What is this for? Initials?



There's a filter on the word s-o-y. It comes up as onions. Give it a try! You're welcome.

Who are you hoping wrote that for you?

I'm sorry I forgot your birthday. I just wish I could remember if you ghosted me after or before the birthday thing. I bet you had a lot pent up within you to get up and leave me without a word like that. I wish I could look into your brain, read your thoughts. Get clear answers from you. I know I've been a pretty shitty person to you and I don't really have any excuses. I hope you figure your path out and the future treats you well. I hope you realize your self worth and pick yourself up. You deserve it.

Someone but probably you aren't. Are you male or female, just tell me that.

I'm not the user that wrote it, I was just curious

It was I that wrote it, but I didn't write it for somebody on Jow Forums. I've yet to meet people from here.

dear future bf
where are u? i tell myself i don't need a bf but at the end of the day i think i am lonely. i like to imagine the days where we'd go out to the field and do nothing but lay down and stare at the skies together, or go out to abandoned lots together. share music together. share secrets. maybe you only exist in my head. i don't know if i'm actually ready yet but i'm here and i'm waiting. maybe i'll see you soon.

Hey A it's J

What kind of music are you listening to lately? I'm still super into folk punk, but I've been listening to a lot of 90s indie. Modest Mouse is damn good of you ever want to give it a listen (especially the lonesome crowded west, it talks about how bad greed is)

Yeah anyway I've been missing you lately and want to give you a cuddle.


hello, marry me.

___, ___, ___,

I see how you treat me differently when you're too busy tending to your Weinerschnitzel 4 for $5 deal. Why am I friends with thots? I want genuine connections and not this inane chatter and other monkey politics you all are used to. I hate putting out this negativity, but I need it to go somewhere but back into my own head. I know you're capable of more, but I see your subtle exclusion, forgetting, dishonesty, avoidance, etc. and it hurts me, but maybe I'm just too paranoid of others' motives. I'm so much happier alone or at least away from certain people. I wish it was easier. I wish this didn't drain me like it does. It's fucking with my head, this desire to fit in better with people I don't exactly admire or respect. I don't want to care about these things, but with exposure it is inevitable it will pop up sometime. I just want to be comfortable being me around people. I feel so lonely around you all. I wish I could trust you. I'm sorry I'm not as socially valuable. Or at least that's how I feel around you.

- *

Just gotta keep looking man. It can take some time to find someone you really vibe with but when you do it's awesome.

Does anybody wanna be my penpal? I don't use Jow Forums all too much, but I can email you and such. If you don't wanna give your email out, you can make one on cockli.

Sure we can write to each other, but you promise you're not one of those people who gets drama and shit like that which I dont like so if you truly want someone to talk to, I can make an email to talk everyday or something like or just some other platform. If yes let me know so Ill create an email for you, user.

God I hate you so fucking much
Every time I see anything that even reminds me a little bit of you I feel my blood boiling
I can't believe there's people like you in this world
You should just go ahead and die you fucking bitch

Initials, who is this whore?

Dear S,

I read your letter. I miss you a lot and I still do love you. I'm no longer together with my boyfriend. Please respond if you still love me.


Don't worry, you're a different whore. It was not for V.

Hey i know we will not talk anymore most likely, and it's all my fault that things turned out this way. I knew i was going to fuck it eventually, i always do. I just hope fix your life and be in a better place in the near future. You really are a great person and I'm sorry you met me, i know you have really good friends and probably you don't really care that much or at all about me by this point, but meeting you was something really special for me. I just have to say that I'm really sorry and that you were rigth about everything you said.

You know I still love you

haha youre still in love

Not cool, don't fuck with my head and my emotions, please.

Dear E,

You're honestly the most amazing person ive ever talked to and the thought of you getting someone else honestly scares me.
I never thought i would find a person so much like me ever in my life.
If i wasnt such a fucking coward i would tell you how much i like you, but im sure you probably dont feel the same way.
All these thoughts eat my mental health everyday.

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Better alone than chained with a group of people you dont like.

Being alone just opens you to 1) think about what you need to actually think 2) be more open to new friends

Just dont be alone for more than a year and you'll be fine

To my future partner,

I hope you're someone that can teach me new things about myself and make me feel emotions I have never felt before.

I hope you find delight in the small things I would do for you to brighten your day. I hope my cooking tastes delicious for you, and my songs break your heart in that one special way nothing else can.

I hope you don't find me disgusting the more secrets you unravel about me, my past, and the things I do when nobody else is around. I want to say the person who did/does those things is not me, but it is, and I have been coming more and more to terms with it.

I hope you love adventure, and push me to leave the house during the times where I am hiding from the world. I hope you have compassion for nature and animals in the same way that I do, and that your most admirable qualities are rooted in your heart and soul, not your skills or physical qualities.

To my future partner, I love you. Unconditionally. I hope I meet you sooner rather than later.

You're absolutely right.

I'm lucky enough to have a few people I genuinely feel comfortable around. I had acquired an entire group of people about a year ago that I don't have much in common with and it's hard to connect, especially since they are magnets for high-school style drama that I am not used to at all.

I'm distancing myself now and refocusing on my desires and goals.

Anyone reading this in a similar situation, if you don't feel like yourself somewhere or with someone, go somewhere or be with someone else. If all else fails, isolate and do something that feels natural and fulfilling.

i gotta bump
deh dis bread
i gotta bump it noww

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This is Jow Forums, sweetie-pie. Trolls run rampant here. Be safe!

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Hey k

I miss talking to you. I know I'm boring and not very fun but you really made me happy. I think of you often. I think about you almost everyday still. That's why I had to leave you alone. I wish you could care about me like I cared about you. I kind of wish things were back to the way they used to be but then again, maybe this way is better. This is for the best. I genuinely want you to be happy. I just want you to know I think about you a lot and I care about you still. I hope you live a happy comfy life even though you kind of hurt me.


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I sit here and ai consider how all thing might played out. Even had I rented an apartment with you, you ould have cheated on me. Even had I told you not get into a business deal with that fucking loser, you would have done so. You would have cheated on me when I went on deployment no matter what I did. What a horrid, irresponsible, careless, heartless bitch you are. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I look forward to seeing you life collapse, you ungrateful fucking SLATTERN OF A FUCKING BITCH. GOD DAMN YOU. MIGHT YOU DIE AND RECEIVE ALL OF THE JUST PUNISHMENT YOU DESERVE. GOD DAMN YOU TO HELL. You are a horrible person, and I hope your life crashes down around after all of your lies, betrayals, and half-truths are revealed. You deserve to hurt.


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D.S. -

you stepped into my soul and though you have long since left i fear your footprints shall forever bear witness to my heart that you were once here..

- L. N.

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To all the sad/upset/angry anons going through a difficult time. This image is for you!

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Shut up normal cattle! Take your 40 year old facebook mom pic and gtfo!

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Feel better. You don't have to be such an ungrateful jerk-ass-meanie.

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are you the same user from the face draw thread?

if u want someone to talk to i can drop a line


I like you. You have a nice energy about you. I had a great time on our date I asked you out on and am happy you asked me out on another at the end of it before you move to Israel on the 5th. It's too bad about you moving. I would have liked to get to know you more. Friends for now or at least until you come back if ever. I'll see you in the coming week one more time. I hope you find someone good for you that can travel between the States and Israel with you no problem. Unfortunately, I'm wrapped up in University here now and feel too established to give up everything and follow you. Besides, we just met and I know you wouldn't ask that of me. Matches are so hard to come by and are so rare I think. At least they are for me. Wish you well!

I love you and that is why I never asked.
A. R