Why does it seem like women spend all their free time in coffee shops, at the gym or at parties?
Don't they have any real interests?
Why does it seem like women spend all their free time in coffee shops, at the gym or at parties?
Don't they have any real interests?
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>real interests
Haha lol very funnny good thread!
A woman's life is a never ending ego boost, a continuous flood of male attention. Women become dependent on this and can't bear to be deprived of such attention so they tend to hang out in public places.
Art and hobbies are dead, bud. Music stopped innovating after the rise of dubstep in 2011. Actually, Justice popularized the "wub wub" thing back in 2007 with their track "Genesis". All music has been beaten to death and homogenized by the internet into one big EDM mashup. There is no more innovation in music, and there cannot be anymore innovation. The peak of music was during the baroque period and ever since then, it has been a slow decline into mediocrity. The jazz period was when people experimented with atonality, which isn't really musical, but it was just another thing that had to be explored so that everything that could be done WAS done. Hitler heard what jazz was doing and tried to snuff it out.
Art has suffered the same fate. All mediocre, and if you think something is original, you can be sure someone else has done it before. Nothing is new and there cannot be. Hobbies don't exist because there is nothing new to do. The only answer in this brave new world is hedonism.
Humans are not a hivemind though. Everything is new to everyone at some point
Why does it seem like men spend all their free time at home playing video games and watching anime or at the gym.
Don't they have any real interests?
>There is no more innovation in music, and there cannot be anymore innovation
Microtonal music is making great progress in becoming actually enjoyable to listen to, e.g.
There's still huge scope for innovation here.
Because humans have a limit. When everything good has already been done, there is nothing left to do except the bad.
With all the people nowadays who will do anything for attention, including stealing, copying, and other artsy sins, art is bound to become more and more shit.
Women go to the gym where you are?
Are going to concerts a good place to meet women? I don't know shit about the band, but there is a "Cage the Elephant" Concert near me tomorrow and was wondering if this is a good place to meet women.
so what hobbies do you have?
Women don't need "hobbies" to get money or get laid, idiot
>Don't they have any real interests?
Like masturbating to anime?
>Going outside is bad
>Going to the gym is also somehow bad
>Having at least a stable social life so you don't feel depressed or worthless is also bad
Incels are the cancer of society. I slyly agree when we get spam threads about them doing HRT because at least they'd kill themselves faster rather than constantly shitposting >tfwnogf
Men have invented, built, and maintained nearly every single object you interact with on a daily basis, you goofball 9000. To say that men dont have any real interests is goofy woofy doofy noofy moofy poofy loofy koofy joofy zoofy
>real interests?
why do u fags want women to be your "bro" so bad??
women are dumb vapid simple creatures, they dont care about anything, and shouldn't
ironically YOU are victim to 2nd wave feminest memes about "equality" in your denouncement of "women"
why did u discordfag appropriate tuxpepe?
cringe even tho ur comment was good
the thing is that men have, but you as a male individual havent
>why do u fags want women to be your "bro" so bad??
Because it's pointless to have a relationship with a subhuman, might as well get a dog if women can't step up and be equal.
>if women can't step up and be equal.
right, this is literally 2nd wave feminism
this is what cool people in cities do. they go to places to socialize.
Why is innovation necessary?
Pre-modern cultures had art, and the form(s) that art took often remained static, or nearly static, for long stretches of time.
Innovation doesn't seem to be necessary if the point of creation is to bring into being a beautiful, useful, or enjoyable object. It only really seems to be necessary for the ego of the artist.
i honestly think you guys are just jealous. when you walk past a starbucks and see pretty women inside, you wish you could be a part of that
mindless consumerist activities
>so what hobbies do you have?
masturbating and posting on Jow Forums