Do you ever think maybe the wrong side won WWII
Do you ever think maybe the wrong side won WWII
No. And what's wrong with them? They're fat, so what. They look like nice people having fun.
at least we're not speaking german right now :^)
>WTF, we need genocide now
You could be speaking Germany if you weren't so fucking lazy.
Do you ever thought that your "logic" is flawed?
It is true that there is a big crisis in the modern world - however - this does not lead to Nazis (or even the Soviet Union) representing an alternative of more prosperous and fulfilling world.
It is me or they are all zetas normies/basedboy ?
Literally the only differences between that group and the Jow Forums meetup photo is Reddit has taller men, looks older on average, and there are actually women (female) in the group.
No, the reddit looks like fucking normies while Jow Forums looks like invididualist weirdos
Yes and no. It's not like there would actually be a thousand year reich or anything like it. It would simply be a different authoritarian government, degenerative in its own unique ways.
There is literally nothing wrong with this picture. What else would you want at every hub on the continental interstate other than gasoline, quick food, and a place to sleep on the road?
>lol there's literally nothing wrong with the entire planet being an asphalt hellscape of the same corporations and brands, dominated by the car and devoid of aesthetics
I really don't see how americans would be less fat and obnoxious if Nazi Germany was still around.
>people fought and died in wars for this
Are we in hell
No but WWI
Jesus christ look at these autismos, the absolute state of americans
Yh my race being brainwashed into thinking turning our countries into Pakistan or Congo is a good thing was definately a sign the right side won WWII.
Of course but don't expect these idiots on this board to realize that.
Get a load of this guy.
The 30 years war yes. Catholics should have cleansed the land of proddy scum before they went full heresy.
>the entire planet
Why are you being intentionally disingenuous?
liberty will die either way and socialism will take it's place. the allies gave us 100-150 extra years of freedom but killed the preferable type of socialism
Fascist “aesthetics” are nothing in form but overly complex bullshit that breaks down in any inspection beyond its initial pleasing look. Like their tanks
Is that Varg?
same brands, same cars, same motorways, same asphalt, increasingly similar looking muttified people, a cancer that will eat all of humanity
I'm not saying this as an insult, but is Varg autistic? I've genuinely wondered about this.
All Scandinavians are autistic.
>same brands, same cars
Is this supposed to be an issue?
>same motorways, same asphalt
Are you actually complaining about more people having developed infrastructure?
>increasingly similar looking muttified people
Do you ever think the wrong side won the Cold War
no gmo foods, subsidized corn syrup, hormones in the water...
Looks like garbage compared to a nice European town.
Why would I ever think that?
Yes, global homogenization is an issue
Motor-centric infrastructure was one of the biggest mistakes in American history
i amazed you people lay these modern problems at the foot of hitler and his regime
he literally made a video claiming autistic people are superior because they're more like neanderthals
>Yes, global homogenization is an issue
How so?
Wait, what?
>How so?
deconstructionism is gay and soi
How so?
How does me working in IT help the decline of the West?
too many britfags, americunts, and shitty-ass politictians who don't do shit? Yes
does that mean i think germany should have won and all jews should be dead? no.
>>increasingly similar looking muttified people
You just have to look at old photographs.
Pic related is a famous photograph taken of a child laborer in a textile mill in Vermont. This photo, and others like it, shocked and moved the nation and were instrumental in changing the child labor laws.
The only problem is that this kid is in better shape than 90% of American kids today. If I saw this girl in Wal-Mart I'd think "Wow, how nice it is to see a non-subhuman kid in a Walmart for a change."
That poor dog. He didn't choose that life.
During the 1930's the Farm Service Agency sent photographers out to document the lives of migrant farm workers. Again, these photos weren't supposed to be glamorous; they were intended to document the lives of the worst-of people in America, to encourage people to support the New Deal programs designed to help those people.
This is a fairly typical photograph.
Here's what their NIGGERS looked like.
These are literally the lowest people America had to offer at the time. That's what these photos were taken - to document how lowly they were.
We literally know nothing about Addie Card and if she was healthy or not. You can't assess anything based on a single picture. You're full of shit.
how the hell does the robot not see this
German would be an improvement on this bastardization of tongues we call English.
>We literally know nothing about Addie Card and if she was healthy or not. You can't assess anything based on a single picture. You're full of shit.
I can know that she isn't an obese retard NEET. Which puts her condition over the majority of this board.
Here's another picture. Going for multiple races this time. White guys, black guys, Filipinos. Literally the lowest status guys in this society, with the worst job. Objects of national sympathy and concern.
This group of guys would annihilate the people in OP's pic in any contest imaginable.
Here are people who were so poor that they didn't have indoor plumbing and are using an outdoor well to draw water.
But somehow these people look like they're in an LL Bean ad.
Somehow we have reached a state of affairs where only our most privileged citizens still look as human as the WORST-OFF Americans of previous times. How did that happen?
>Which puts her condition over the majority of this board.
Unless she contracted polio and fucking died.
People get sick and die in 2019 also.
I'll note, however, that if you look at the medical staff standing by the iron lungs, and compare them to the nursing staff in any urban hospital in 2019, *their* staff looks more human than *our* staff.
Health is a fucking choice. If any of you want to become fit enough to be able to beat up everyone in this pic, you can do it. In fact we have the healthiest people in history based on the simple fact that all the world records never stop increasing. A sprinter from today would blow the fuck out of a sprinter from 1945. Unlike contracting a preventable illness and dying, you are completely in charge of your weight, general appearance, and muscle mass.
I don't know what you think a fascist regime would change about that.
That's the comfiest shit ever. American road trips are based as fuck.
Yes, we need to genocide the kikes who are trying to destroy the white race and our civilization through degeneracy, mass immigration and forced mutliculturalism, prove me wrong faggot
>pro tip: you actually can't
>I don't know what you think a fascist regime would change about that.
I'm not OP. I don't necessarily believe a fascist victory would have led to better outcomes in this area.
I just jumped in because there appeared to be some dispute about whether people in 2019 have degenerated since the 1930's. And someone asked how you could tell, one way or another, so I jumped in with the old photographs.
The Library of Congress photo database is really kind of incredible. I recommend it to anyone who wants to kill some time. Talk about "the past is another country".
>liberals try to fuck your kids, destroy western civilization and support communism
>the people who are fighting against them are the autists
hahaha based braindead retard, the first time i saw that photo, i literally felt a slight impulse to vomit IRL. What a shit hole, literally. Thank god I live in a small Euro town near the mountains with no nigs. USA = shit
The really funny thing about that photo is that it represents literally the best of humanity (outside of music). Every last detail depicted in that photograph is an individual story of genius, discovery, struggle, and empire. The things that had to be achieved to make that photo possible make the achievements of literally every previous civilization look like jungle savages wearing skins and building huts out of sticks.
How can you be so based and so right at the same time
It would be difficult to get fat a century ago unless you lived on a farm and drank a gallon of cream each day, especially if you were poor.
Most of these people in the photos were one drought away from eating each other.
Also laboring from dawn to dusk six days a week will keep you pretty trim.
that baby is photoshopped
Best scenario right there
those are reddit mods
and people who defend them are redditfags
>selling a bunch of cheap over processed """food""" for an insane amount of profit is the best of humanity
literal dwarf village
The legacy of Roman civilization was its great works of infrastructure that still stand strong over 2000 years later
The highest ideals of the nations of Europe are expressed in their Cathedrals, art galleries, and imposing palaces
But the height of American civilization is Mcdonalds
>>selling a bunch of cheap over processed """food""" for an insane amount of profit is the best of humanity
Do you know what had to be done to invent even the smallest part in one of those cars?
Even the story of how we came to have TIRES on cars is a story of genius and determination.
See those Exxon signs? Exxon (and its predecessor companies, all the way back to Standard Oil) have sent men into the most inhospitable areas ON EARTH and have made energy available on a scale that was previously unimaginable.
See that McDonald's sign? McDonald's organizes agricultural output on continental scales to support world-wide operations. McDonald's makes the trading enterprises of literally every century prior to the 20th look like gypsy peddlers selling trinkets to a couple of niggers running a lemonade stand.
Tourists oooh and aaah over the Roman road system and what an achievement it was, and there is more road surface in your average US county than there was in the entire Roman Empire at its height. The US built a continental-scale interstate highway system in under 20 years. It took the Romans a couple of centuries of road building before they had a road from Rome to Massilia.
The cup on the left is an ancient Roman terracotta cup that was recently sold at auction. The cup on the right is a red Solo cup recently used at a frat party.
The cup on the right is the greater cultural achievement in literally every way.
Don't drink, don't toilet
What's doggo thinking?