How do I train myself to stop spending every cent I get on shit that I don't need? I'm already in a few thousand in debt and any time I have more than $0.01 in the bank I just buy what ever I can in an attempt to feel whole inside. It's a serious addiction, and when ever I attempt to save my money I become anxious until I spend it.
How do I train myself to stop spending every cent I get on shit that I don't need...
damn you must be a woman
next you'll be for food on r9gay like that other weeb fag
Stop using digital spending methods, use only cash
Spread your cash throughout your house and in obnoxious places
Bring a specific amount of money with you when you go out
Repeat a mantra to yourself about saving money
Get real friends and loved ones to feel whole, posessions will never fill that hole.
The nature of life wants to expand and liberate itself from limitations and boundaries. People find unconscious expression to it through buying things, sex, reading, eating, fetishes, and so many things. If you can find a conscious expression to this then it will not become a problem for you.
When you can see your actions are actually limiting you in so many ways, then you will lose the desire to do them. If you're saving up for something important to you, will you waste it buying things you don't need? What will you do if you get health problems or get in an accident and need money? What if something expensive breaks? Imagine you made a new friend you really like and you can't hang out with them because you spent all your money. If you can see the shackles you're putting on yourself by purchasing unnecessary things and how they cut you off from opportunities that would make you feel more wholesome, you won't even need to train yourself.
You're utter trash. I hope you get in line.
You know how they talk about Delayed Gratification. The truth is this concept is a lie. Gratification has to be Redirected to a zero-cost alternative, like stress relief techniques.
Also, here's a list of priorities:
1. What you need (food, water, etc)
2. What you will actually use (realistically)
3. Indulgences
4. Clutter
5. What you can't make yourself
you guys talk like it is easy to not spend
Considering how ultra-materialistic our culture is, I'll agree with you.
it literally is fag
buy food first then balance ur budget for ur autistic children figurines
What are some of the things you buy?
It is, there are so few purchases I could make that I would actually deem useful. It's hard trying to find something worth buying.
I will try that
but I don't want to become fat
u sound like a stupid whore
fuck off and starve
my dad sends me money often user
but I keep purchasing crap
I have some strange urge to buy before someone else does
Try to treat your money like a high score in a video game, except in this video game you only have one life and every penny is one point on your score. I do this and pretend I'm Scrooge McDuck or some kind of Jew.
I have same problem, buying cool shit makes me happy. I now have lots of homebrew stuff I rarely use, gallons and gallons of mine, 10+ dolls, a box full of doll clothes, and like 2k+ panties. The panties will eventually be sewn together to make a blanket using no additional materials except thread.
What helps me is signing up with betterment and automatically putting like $400 from each check into ETFs, they make it easy. Not trying to shill, vanguard and others have similar automagic setups. Also crypto, I'm up like 10x just impulse buying. I'm a hoarder so I can't bear the thought of selling because I fell for a cult like love of my favorite shitcoins. Also what if it keeps going up? Just ignore any lessons I should have learned from the last crash, buy and hold, memer till I die. Thinking of investments as toys is the right mindset.
Now I've got like six figures that I could easily convert to cash between all my different accounts and shit. Like a scrooge McSquirrel, got lots of hidey holes for my value. Gold and silver is also interesting. Money is garbage, it should be spent, just make sure at least some of it goes towards securing your future.
thx for the input self controlled user
I'd love to go to your house and easter hunt for money
How about a standard meal then? Doesn't have to be bland either. Just stuff like to eat.
>someone else does
I've been there. It's kind of like weighing your options, and knowing when to walk from it.
But don't sweat it, if you fail the first time. We all learn from it.
>Does it keep me alive?
>Does it keep me healthy?
If it's no to both then you should not buy it (((if you don't have money)))
Buy shit that you need in bulk. spend all your money in shit you need so there will be no money for shit you do not need