Any bots here have speaking disabilities?
I can't pronouns "r"s properly, they come out as "w" or "o".
I sound like a fucking retard, tried fixing it for years and nothing works.
Any bots here have speaking disabilities?
I can't pronouns "r"s properly, they come out as "w" or "o".
I sound like a fucking retard, tried fixing it for years and nothing works.
>Any bots here have speaking disabilities?
yeah, i stutter on words which start with b,d,g,p
Reminder that these things and have a certain charm to many
Are very cute*
i cant differentiate between 'f' and 'th' sounds and i get teased for it sometimes
why it would be cute thing?
Not mine user, I just sound stupid and dull.
You ever repeated your name 6 times because it has 2 Rs in it?
I stutter at t's and a lot of other leathers when I'm nervous it gets super worse like i stutter a million times before finishing one sentence
I don't know, there's just something cute about someone stumbling over their words, repeating thing, and pronouncing things wrongly. It has an odd charm to it like I said. Makes me think of the person as nicer for some reason, something like that.
Don't beat yourself up over it. Some might tease you or belittle you for it but others might not mind it at all or think it's endearing.
I have dysarthria.. I sound really drunk
I stutter on st and t the most but it happens for other letters too, I look like a retard and just slow down the conversation for everyone else
interestingly my mother said it would get better as I grow up but its just stayed the same or gotten worse
Y'all all have adorable voices
>there's just something cute about someone stumbling over their words, repeating thing, and pronouncing things wrongly
only if you're a cute girl not an average guy
No, anyone. A tall masculine man to a small girl. Maybe it's less "cute" in the first situation but it's still kinda endearing.
Same problem.
I can roll R and speak it fine in my language but I struggle with the english soft R and others sounds (like "th").
Who said french accent is sexy???
I knew a guy in the army, was always high on something or anything
think he fried his brain, would always talk in slow motion or like he was drunk
>cant pronaunce r
>My voice is high, so i sound like a child
Ive heard people unironically believing i got some kind of syndrome
It makes it really hard to socialise when you sound like retard
have you ever met a stuttering person or is your comment based on anime? irl they aren't cute, they are annoying.
I don't have difficulties pronouncing any particular sound but have a stutter and can get stuck on any sound. People made fun of it back when I was in school. I manage ok but I'm pretty self-conscious and it makes it hard to approach people
Can you record yourself speaking? Never heard of this before
I have a lisp. So when I say 's' sounds I sound like a snake, it sounds more like 'th' or like I'm blowing through my mouth while I'm speaking or something. Like, "sizzling sausages" is a nightmare for me to say. I've had people say that phrase to me when they wanted to 'shut me down' while I was speaking. It is like a complete disadvantage verbally speaking (haha get it) but I don't mind too much.
I have a really deep voice tone and speak very slowly.
god speaking disabilities are so fucking hot i cream in my pants every time when they have a stutter and or have trouble pronouncing stuff
I use to pronounce my r's as w's in words like rock and stuff as a kid. Had to go through speech therapy through like 3rd or 4th grade in elementary school. I sometimes slur words and speak too fast at times even now still which can confuse people.
*if you are already attractive
Some strings of sentences I say cause certain words to be completely unintelligible, but I can't narrow down the reasoning or how to avoid it. Every so often I'll finish a sentence and notice I basically skipped half of a word. Nobody seems to have any trouble understanding me, but it throws me off.
I can't speak at all. Not even simple vocalisations.