I just organized all the images I got over the past couple of years from this board

I just organized all the images I got over the past couple of years from this board
my "asian girls" folder is nearly 5GB now

do you think I have yellow fever?

Attached: 1524071455956.jpg (1080x1080, 1.39M)

Has no meaning. How many images in total?

664+ (there is one more folder I need to organize)
I just realised there are some webms and gifs in there aswell

you only need one pic cause they all look the same

show us the best you got

depends on your taste user
chinese? korean? plastic korean? asian american turbosluts? japs? SEA?

incredibly based originally

best of each

>my "asian girls" folder is nearly 5GB now
yea fake and gay larping faggot nigger newfag

5GB=16 THOUSAND 300kb pics

Attached: 1526602747938.jpg (634x953, 407K)

his photos are 3D and 8k

Im too lazy to search the best of each but here is a nice jap girl

Attached: 98ca275cc1b9d970.jpg (1052x1580, 272K)

>272 KB
post the other 15,999 now

read I never said I had 16k, you're just assuming it
but you sound like a douchebag so I will ignore you after this post

>I never said I had 16k
you said u had 5 gigabytes which is roughly 16k illiterate braincum faggot larper nigger

fuck your gay thread

>I just organized
how did you organized?
by tit size?

I made different folders for different stuff
Girls (which has more subcategories)
etc etc

can you show me an example of war girls?
also do you have any favorites?

no I mean war pics, gifs and webms
but thats also a category I could add to my "girls" folder

I dont have any favorites actually

Attached: 1516602669931.jpg (499x408, 80K)

I need some nice pinay pics, OP.

I dont know what pinay means but here is a pic of a group of asian girls
I havent figured out where they are from though

Attached: c313a4ebc31bd8c4.jpg (750x750, 106K)

Who cares, we all do. Here, add my favorite asian girl to your folder

Attached: ECiQIWbUcAE7eGi.jpg (615x923, 98K)

ok I just googled it
I saved this image and the user who posted it said these girls are from the philippines

thx user
Im actually looking for asian girls with shorter hair right now

Attached: 1548918083456.jpg (960x960, 86K)

I have 60 000 porn pics on one hard drive alone. His number is believable. I amassed those pics in only 4 years btw

You're welcome. Okada Nana is truly a goddess

Attached: 0447_1_jzjck8cb000h20f7588a4y5x.jpg (960x1279, 134K)

they are definitely asian-american. only american girls wear fashion like that.

thanks user
are these asian american aswell?

Attached: 1532279308122.jpg (1080x1349, 102K)

a little harder to tell but i think so. their parents are chinese most likely.