How come most of Jow Forums doesn't know even the basics of how to dress?
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How come most of Jow Forums doesn't know even the basics of how to dress?
Post pic related on /tv/, Jow Forums, or Jow Forums and they all reply like crazy.
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why are those virgin jeans?
>no jaw or chin
insecurities, i feel weird going into one of those trendy stores. also, i feel like the trendy shit doesnt suit me, so i just dont bother. i dont have much money either way, so ill stick to my regular shit
See what I mean?
Serious answer:
>shit jean cut
>not fitted properly
I don't get it, you can literally get a good pair of fitted slim jeans that look good at the GAP or whatever.
Tight fitting jeans are uncomfortable.
Those definitely aren't virgin jeans, the relaxed fit ones(550) and typically in lighter colors are though
who gives a fuck retard
i always dress with a simple white or black tank top and joggers, they're comfy
What's wrong with new balance? They're comfy.
Graphic-T are trending you fashionless retard. I was literall wearing a bee shirt the other day and a cute Amazonian goddess complemented my style and then tollded me that under her scrubs she was wearing a Queen bee t-shirt.
I bet you're wearing neutral colors straight cut jeans or pants like some NPC who's afraid of sticking out
Lmao they'd look even gayer with those faggy skinny jeans. I mainly see manual laborers wearing boot cuts anyways.
Most young men either dress like complete poofs or 5 year olds.
they will say "well chad wears blah blah and gets pussy etc etc
only fags care about fashion desu
that's like taking care of hygiene and being metrosexual - having basic sense of fashion isnt that bad.
what do chad jeans look like?
literal sexcore
fitted jeans do not look good.
10 years literally only homosexuals would dress that way and now apparently this is hypermasculinity HONK HONK
A man like that can wear anything
Just dress like a professional; when everyone around you looks like they are stoner teenagers being forced to go to summer camp that's all it takes.
funny thing is in the early-mid 2000s bootcut jeans were the choice of pussyslaying pop-emo-core band members everywhere
>those trousers
>those shoes
>that pose
Let me guess, you're a /fa/ggot that thinks wearing all black like a KGB informant or dressing like a character from a tim burton movie is fashionable?
What the fuck else are you supposed to wear when its too warm for a hoodie / jacket?
>With a design on
Y lol no one gives a shit what design it is.if its some vintage brand stuff like an old marlboro or nike or some shit ppl go crazy for it.
Agree with the other 3 tho (Except jaw isnt clothing)
My boyfriend wears autism shoes (I never call it that though because his older brother actually has autism). I'll admit they made me quirk an eyebrow, but he's amazingly sweet and super hot so I don't really care. If anything, his penchant for band tshirts and autism shoes keeps other girls away. Which is good.
They're dad shoes, man, they just look weird. Same why you don't wear Crocs in public.
I have some Black And1 slip-ons that I use for work and they do just fine for me, also super comfy
Are you an 80 year old grandpa or a child?
Are you in kindergarten?
>simple white or black tank top and joggers
Based unemployed slob
>Slip ons
The thinking man's shoe. Pic related are mine but blue. Comfiest shoes I've ever had. Only problem is I never wear socks with them, some folks don't like me being bare foot in their house.
>they dont have vans slip ons for going to the pool and lazy days
whoops, heres the shoes I meant
Since when the fuck are t shirts a sign of being an incel? Almost 100% of the population wears t shirts. What the fuck else are you supposed to wear?
My wardrobe consists only of blue and black jeans and plain black t-shirts. How incel I am? Shoes are Vans and Nikes with simple designs.
Serious question desu, how do I properly do the tucked in shirt fit? I've seen some people wear ankle length pants and a in-shirt (t-shirt) and it looks /fa/, how do I make sure I can properly pull it off, if you get what I mean?
i miss the fedora times
It's mainly t-shirts with with pop culture references on them. Bonus points if it's baggy or oversized. If you don't wear slim fit jeans and tight fitting button ups or t-shirts it's over
reeeeee fucking chad wins again
I wear ankle length trousers and jeans and loafers. Match it with a tight button up top. With t-shirts I never try that but from what I've seen vans and socks work
The reason all of this shit is v-core is that no sane woman would want her man wearing any of this shit.
Those jeans would be out INSTANTLY, get some that fit and dont hang off you like youre trying to hide something.
something like black/gray 574 are fine, the big clunky white ones are autismal and unless you're super attractive and doing some kind of ironic normcore thing or are a married boomer you should avoid them.
Bow before my impeccable taste, /fa/ggots
What about velcro? I like to wear all black velcro shows from New Balance, they feel very comfy and complement my pants.
Vans don't make shoes in my size, last I checked a few years ago. I wear size 13 and 4E width. I think they had 13s but nothing wide enough for my feet.
Would it look weird to wear a full leisure suit with the collar popped open down my chest, showing off my very hairy chest?
go get em john arbuckle
Anyone who likes/wears skinny tight fit jeans are literally wrong in every conceivable way and should unironically be killed in the most painful way possible
I was thinking that example was a little too bold, but this one looks much nicer. I gotta get some platform shoes too. I'm thinking of buying 7 leisure suits, one for each day of the week. Do you think I can pick up girls in college classes if I dress like this?
Is not even that hard to don't look shitty, lurk /fa/ retards.
Only if you're extremely extroverted. If you keep to yourself and are an introvert you'd come across as weirdo. Sleazecore is big right now butdon't know if you could rock it in the winter
Disgusting just wear some normal snkers
>he doesn't know
The guy in your pic looks like a low test fag
It doesn't get too cold where I live, only down to about 50 high temps in the afternoon. Plus my rock hard nipples might peek through and entice ladies. What kind of extroverted would work? Should I try to make friends with everyone and just be really involved in knowing my classmates? Because I think I can do that. Problem is, I don't drive and it would deflate my image if people find out my mom drops me off and picks me up to college.
Hey that guy rolls his pant legs up like me! Is that a hip thing now? I have to do it because my jeans are too long since I'm a manlet and I can't afford to get them hemmed.
This is actually a really cute way of dressing for men.
You just have to be at least 6 foot tall of course
so unless you dress like a faggot then you are an incel?
The way you come across like on here, if you act like that in college then you should be fine. The driving thing is a problem, I've never drove because I've never had the confidence to do it. As long as mum doesn't drive a loser cruiser and you kiss her on the cheek that would be fine
T-shirts are ok but design might ruin the whole fit so avoid unless its actually good.
Just like most of r9k.
Yeah dad jeans are in at the moment. That look for me personally is too much. I prefer slim jeans, boots and a tight top
Bat Country/10. Missing the hat.
>How come most of Jow Forums doesn't know even the basics of how to dress?
Even the basics are ephemeral and subjective and therefore not worthy of our attention.
Basically you're just asking us, "Why aren't you signaling to the normalfags that you'll abide by our demands? Dance for us, you little men!"
>Post pic related on /tv/, Jow Forums, or Jow Forums and they all reply like crazy.
Maybe it's because there's a subset of people that are disillusioned with your normie dances and are attracted that look instead. Maybe you're onto something.
Maybe we should start our own 2019 school shooter core fashion movement and tell you /fa/ggots to go fuck yourselves.
Dad jeans are in? What the fuck? Am I cool now if I wear my wide jeans rolled up like that with New Balance shoes and my t shirt tucked in? Like pic related.
>graphic tees are trending
please be bait
pretty much. dadcore is all the rage now apparently thanks to zoomers. they took 90s fashion and revived it with a little twist lol
Holy SHIT, this is my time to shine! I've been waiting years to fit in and finally, Fortuna smiles upon me! So is Hal from Malcom in the Middle considered trendy now? Are we entering the rebirth of the 50s where it was normal to be cleancut and plain?
>hating new balance
what is "sex" about this fit? thhe shitty ass pants? lol
Yeah but fat people will always look shitty.
I fucking laugh at you. Wore that shit all throughout highschool and college and the only comments I ever got where those of distained confusion.
lol @ all the fags ITT thinking they know shit about fashion.
Protip: if you think what you refer to as "sexcore" is fashionable, you're a fucking idiot.
w-what's wrong with that? it's hot out! what should i wear instead?
If I'm chubby, won't I be more of a dad? Won't I fit in more than twink zoomers? Is Homer Simpson the ideal male now?
i fucking hate people who dress like this. fucking disgusting
Fashion is a cope.
that was 15-20 years ago grandpa. get with the times. that's as retarded as wearing heels since they were super duper popular for nobles at one point.
Yes, but only if rolled higher than the ankle.
I know how to dress and am losing weight so I can put that to use
For now I look like one of the fat rednecks that hangs out in front of the ammo shop. It's not the best, but it's a look I can pull off
How about a nice bill cosby sweater and some fitted brown pants and dirty thin skater shoes?
if you look like a faggot, probably. Nothing inherently interesting about a guy who lifts all day.
my fashion is totally shit, i just wear sweatshirts and shorts all the time, i dont have anything else, always with tennis shoes.
if we get a cold day in winter i wear sweatpants instead with a raincoat over the top.
its a bit cringe looking at it in my apartment just now (clothes just all over the place). im more Jow Forums than /fa/ggot but id love to get some real clothes
If you wear these things ironically, they are fashionable right now. Also its pretty great being outside of a big city and instantly fashionmogging every other guy just by wearing a fucking button up shirt.
Rate my style
>wife beater
If its cold I will wear a small jacket.
But here is the kicker I'm so small everything is big on me.
>virgin jeans
those are just distressed bootcut jeans. nothing wrong with that unless you're an effay fashionfag. light blue relaxed fit jeans would make more sense for your retarded picture.
>a black man in blue
Looks like someone saw that painting and watched Django
No boot cut is always disgusting. Straight cut for men always
It's not about the clothes user, it's about the style wearing them
based /fa/ggot SEXposter
Hmm I wear design t-shirts but they're always ironic/silly. Also prefer boot cut cause way comfier.
even if you're wearing boots? lmao
Being a super fashionista isnt for everyone and I'm ok with that, but here are some guidelines you people should follow:
-Make sure there's no fucking embroidery on the ass pocket of your jeans (if you truly must wear them, personally I'm not fond of them) or shit like that, and make sure they fit correctly. Super cringy seeing autists with ill fitting jean that have ass pocket embroidery; truly detestable.
-No bright colors
-No drawing stuff on shirt
-try to avoid synthetic fabrics
-If you're not a knowledgeable fashion guy, avoid 3/4 pants and shorts. They make you look lazy and more feminine most of the time.
-if you wear glasses, make sure theyre not the autism variety. If you're not sure, cant go wrong withh contact lens.
-avoid autism shoes ie shit thats ugly and obviously made purely for confort. Kinda hard to define though, as many people wear autism shoes but somehow manage to make it look alright. To be safe, make sure it's low profile with as least fluff and lines and shit as possible.
I always dress in all black with military boots, pure columbinecore. You're right about the lack of jaw though, what brand of jawline should I buy so I can be /fa/ like yourself?
Is it autistic to dress like this? I am 6'1" and Jow Forums but a khv dateless touchless
I always was confused by the depiction of the autist. Is he wearing an astronaut's space suit?
Sounds like being fasionable means being uncomfortable and impractical.
>fitted jeans do not look good.
If you're fat, don't go outside until your thin. It's easy. Eventually you will run out of food.
I always read it to be some kind of 80's white vinyl jacket/jumpsuit. Something so fashionably bold, yet so odd. Like something Devo would wear:
sweatpants? Cargo Pants? BDUs? Dickies?
What do you mean, all these guidelines considered, you can dress like mark zuckerberg anyway
>he doesn't have the GUNS to cut the sleeves off his t-shirts
Suns out, guns out, always.
That's just what Advanced Incel dresses like, he's so autistic and lacking in self-awareness that he ends up being /fa/ as fuck.
Watch the Shy Boys documentary on youtube, it's Jow Forumskino.
You're memeing but this actually works.
Lost 40lbs by not having any food at my place and only eating once a day.