Lock in my bathroom is broking and I'm trapped in it

Lock in my bathroom is broking and I'm trapped in it.

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do you live with anyone?

No and I have no credit on my phone.

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Use a small item to pick the lock

clime out the windoe and you be save

Shit your way out

Kick down door

Depending on what kind of handle the door has, you might be able to push it open if theres a wide enough crack between the door and wall. I used to use a butterknife for this, don't know what you could use in a bathroom for it. Maybe a toothbrush? A cotton swab?

or try to send out poop signals?

Also see if you can use TextNow or Google Voice or some other free phone service to call someone. TextNow doesn't always work for me but sometimes it's able to call certain numbers.

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Order a pizza and tell them to come rescue you.

Check the door hinges, might be able to pull the pins on them out or something.

Call a family member, friend, or co-worker for help. Ask them to bring a lockpick and slide it under the door. If you don't know anyone or don't live close to any family, call 911.

Nigga calm down, here have a fap so you can chill

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I have no fucking credit and I don't have a social media account as well.

call 911? fuck originialty

Try downloading TextNow if you're on wifi or something. Also most phones let you dial 911 without credit, there might be an emergency call option on your phone somewhere

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i think the last thing we want is cops in op house, he being a faggot and all i bet he got shota on his pc

Maybe he could ask them just to send someone to help him out like a firefighter or someone

Why would you lock the door?
I mean you said u live alone, so whos gonna sneak up on u?

And see where and how I live. No thanks

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This is dumb. All the cops or fd will do is kick down the door so op u might as well just break it yourself

I don't know I just do it

Well if you're not willing to let anyone see how you live, find a small item and pick the lock, break down the door and replace it later, or prepare to die slowly and painfully

OP if u dont want to become one of those stains posted in shock threads you need to kick down your door

keep us in the loop op you gonna break the door or wut

>Newgrounds presents: Room escape, IRL edition.

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Banging and trying to break the door. Still trapped.

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i suggest sitting on the floor and try to break the door with your feet, even a faggot like you can do it i believe in you op!!!

You're not banging hard enough. Gather all your strength and fucking ram yourself into that door. Endure any pain you might feel.

Ow god the smell

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show us your bathroom op might help us in figureing a way out

Kick as hard as you can, next to the knob where the door is weakest. Ramming it with your shoulder is actually retarded.

There is just a door no window. I just have to keep banging at it.

op just sit on the floor and smash the area around the knob with your feet it takes less enegry and does more dmg

Use a screwdriver or something similar, anything that fits into the screw really, to take the entire knob off of the door. If you can't do that, then make sure to try the lock again, and if it still doesn't work then try to force the doorknob. Does your bathroom have a window or something that you can escape through?

Wonder if a big porcelain toilet tank lid would make a decent battering ram, or if it would shatter on impact and cut open your hands?


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Call 911 before ur phone runs out of charge opee.

But now the door is broken

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show us door op

How did you end up managing to do it user?

Just kept kicking at it.

nice glad i helped

You have wifi access. Use google phone retard

What's app or something

op is out now, now he can go back to fuck himself with a 10 inch dido like the faggot op is

I kinda wish you were still locked in there

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Rare fefeposter? Or is that just a lobster?

are you bald or balding anonnn?

you could have at least posted something decent
this garbage wont excite anyone

Do you have whatsapp you dumb faggot or how are you posting in the first place?

Nta, but wee-fee ofc.

Just go out you fucking sissy.