some girl just publicly humiliated me, and im so fucking angry. Women need to shut the fuck up and learn their damn place. I didnt even do anything, i just came up trying to buy a pack of cigarettes and she said "why would you say you want to fuck me in front of customers" when i didnt say jack shit and everybody laughed at me or gave me dirty looks and one said "typical virgin". i have guns so lets see how she enjoys my joke, fuck you crackhead whore.
Some girl just publicly humiliated me, and im so fucking angry...
>not owning up to it on the spot
That's why you're a virgin.
i really did not say shit, i dont even talk to the bitch, i hate her and always have , she just thought it was funny to embarrass me
if what you said is true make a big fuss with corporate/the manager and get her fired
fake bait post. lolololol
Shouldve asked "why would i wanna fuck you?"
if a girl said that to me the obvious reply would be
>no I said I wanted a pack of cigarettes but if you're offering ..
this desu
this must be the easiest challenge in anyone's life and OP failed
OP is a turbo virgin confirmed
shes a dumb beaner cunt
not fake you nigger loving cunt
>i have guns so lets see how she enjoys my joke
better be behind 20 proxies and a few VPNS there bud
>"Why would you say you want to fuck me in front of customers"
The thing about trolls is you need to be quick to quickly, out loud, have a remark to make them look bad.
Even a simple "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about you crazy bitch!'
>b-but knowyourmeme told me 7 was enough
>i hate her and always have
Dude, you told this story as if a stranger did this to you. Now you reveal that this person is in your social circle.
This was just bant, and you were too much of a sperg to come up with a funny reply. So you basically got what you deserved. Say something funny back next time, and you won't have to come running to Jow Forums to cry about how you were "publicly humiliated".
posts like these remind me of old Jow Forums
you're beta faggot reaction was the only probablem here. you EASILY could've looked incredulous and laughed that off
>"why would you say you want to fuck me in front of customers" when i didnt say jack shit and everybody laughed at me or gave me dirty looks and one said "typical virgin".
based, I wanna buy her a drink
Instant response should have been "Sorry you have me mistaken for someone who fucks skanks"
just say the lines every wagie fears more than death itself
"can I have a word with your manager?"
>getting this angry over a joke
No wonder nobody likes you user, if you laughed it off and said "maybe I do want to fuck you" you would've made her embarrassed/mad and you would have actually fucked her. If you threaten death over a harmless joke you're going to be a virgin forever.
You probs deserved it desu
>"what the fuck are you talking about, psycho bitch"
>proceed to buy your cigarettes while looking at her sideways
there you go