He unironically cares about the amazon forest fires

>he unironically cares about the amazon forest fires

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Of course I care. It's a step closer to the long awaited extinction of humanity.

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>he doesn't want to breathe
i have a plastic bag i want to put on your head

To all the people who pretend they care about the fires, the fires were intentionally started to clear the forest for cattle farming. If you actually cared then you would go vegan.

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>he doesn't know that the majority of our oxygen comes from phytoplankton

actually they were started because they were clearing the forest for a vegan restaurant, so if you really cared youd begin eating meat.

based femcelchanposter once again
anyone whom cares it either too much of a brainlet or a p*ssy

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They were actually clearing the forest to plant new trees on it, if you really cared you'd be burning forests right now.

>the majority of our oxygen comes from phytoplankton
He's right you know. But who wants the Amazon rainforest to become a desert anyway? The kike liberal msm is blowing the whole thing out of proportion for clicks and views though.

t. assblasted butthurt, salty, but most of all guilty bloodmouths


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>t. assbIasted butthurt, saIty, but most of aII guiIty bIoodmouths

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Eating meat is such an ugly, Jewish trait. I hope you don't have kids.

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Nothing wrong with Jamon Iberico you fag

why are all vegans schizo fucks?

I have a better idea: have more white children and either genocide niggers or use CRISPR gene editing to turn them into whites. Meat production in its current form of factory farming and even animal agriculture is objectively and undeniably bad for the environment though. Lab-grown meat is the way to go in the future, not eating bugs (though that would also work in a pinch).

Kike or mudslime semite detected

Me changing my habits isn't going to do a damn thing about brazil.

Pork is nigger meat

They're redpilled on reality

There are wildfires on a scale visible from space in Amazonia every year. Just like there are in America.

It's not a crisis. It's nothing new. This year there are marginally more fires than normal, but trivially so.

The left just needed a new scare story, since bee populations rebounded and the northern ice pack came back.

The Amazonian jungle sequesters more carbon during its grow-back phase than at maturity, BTW.

Me going vegan doesn't change the fact that a genocidal psycho is the president of Brazil.

Fuck you, females don't exist of this website, also
>Implying females care less about the environment than males

I'm gonna shoot a deer and skin him and eat him.

No. I care about why they set fire to it. They want to mine the uranium under there so they can enrich it for nukes. Imagine another shithole with nuclear weapons. We already have two, they're called Pakistan and India, we don't need another one.

I mean it's bad, but I'm not gonna do much about it.

>>Implying females care less about the environment than males

Yeah, this is a good point. Females tend to be more hysterical about green matters even than sois. They do tend to be badly informed about the stuff they pretend to care about, though. A better use of this meme would be to have Slutty Wojack thinking something like:

>He doesn't realize we have only 12 years before ozone disappears forever!

Why cause needless suffering and pain to hundreds of animals a year though?

Agreed about da joo leftist msm.

I support hunters over normalfags. Hunters do a lot for environmental conservation and preservation and are responsible enough to actually hunt for their own food. It's the hypocritical meat eating kike leftist normafags that I hate the most.

>They're redpilled on reality
>claims "jews" force people to eat meat since 2 million years BCE

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Have the pajeets nuke the porky mudslimes, and voila, now there's only one shithole nation with nukes!

>Why cause needless suffering and pain to hundreds of animals a year though?
That has nothing to do with the Brazilian president repealing laws that keep loggers from destroying the rainforest.

>Pork is nigger meat

Obviously you have never had proper jamon then you imbecile

>keep loggers from destroying the rainforest.

Why would loggers *burn* the forest, though?

They hunted for their own meat and did it to survive. It's the kikes who are in charge of modern day factory farming, and they fill all of the corpses, especially the pork, with all kinds of estrogenic substances to keep their goyim slave population more obedient and docile. Veganism is in fact associated with and correlated to a rise in blood testosterone.

Right, that's because it's a different issue.

He's not me, but I never said they were forcing anyone to eat meat. They just happen to be animal abusers, and I think lack of empathy towards non-humans is a sign of Jewish bloodmemory.

>Right, that's because it's a different issue.
Exactly. So my eating habits have nothing to do with the Amazon.

Never learn, do you bitch?

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>they fill all of the corpses, especially the pork, with all kinds of estrogenic substances
pork is not even kosher schizo fag
>jews use kosher slaugher
>THEREFORE meat is evil111!!!

both of u off urselves

>Imagine pretending to be a female and trolling r9k for yous

Get a fucking grip retard. These threads are so fucking pathetic doing this shit all the time.

Aids was spread by niggers in africa eating raw bushmeat, aka aids infected meat. Meat eating in general is a nigger/kike/mudslime trait, and niggers love pork more than any other race due to their cannibalistic tendencies and the similarity of the consistency of pork to human flesh.

>Meat eating in general is a nigger/kike/mudslime trait, and niggers love pork more than any other race due to their cannibalistic tendencies and the similarity of the consistency of pork to human flesh.
okaay, this is a falseflag , i see

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I'm not an eco-fascist so I don't care

The ranchers are burning the forest for the explicit purpose of expanding grazing land and farmland to grow corn and onions feed for their livestock. If you've ever had steak from Brazil then you are directly part of the problem.

what the fuck do you think your aryan ancestors ate in their frozen homeland? mangos?

I've never had a steak from Brazil. The only things from Brazil that I consume are music, movies and pornography. So go shill your vegan autism somewhere else.

Dude look up jamon Iberico before you say stupid shit like this

I literal ate a good piece of picanha a couple days ago kek

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t. kike schemer
Of course da joos fill the pork with the most estrogen, since that is exclusively for the goyim, and not for them or their mudslime pets. Semitic kosher and halal slaughter are uniquely satanic in their cruelty, since they are a way to sacrifice and dedicate the soul of the animal to satan and hell.

Says 7 billion people.

He did not start the fires.

It's all true. You don't have to believe it goy, but that doesn't change reality.

t. goyim cattle content with consumption of whatever the kikes are feeding him currently

How do you know that? And what about the suffering you cause locally, at home?

>jamon iberico
Aka nigger ham

As long as you hunted it yourself it's fine. Otherwise you're a femsoiboy who's overdosed on oestrogen.

We know with 100% certainty that with or without the laws, they would continue to cut down those trees.

earth-loving women are losing their shit over it as we speak. many think this marks the beginning of the end and are swearing off having children because of it.

tried sending link but Jow Forums thinks I'm posting spam, however this is happening on lowcow /ot/

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>Nigger ham

You havent looked it up and know nothing of how the animal is treated to get the meat so good.

Same goes for your description of picanha, you have zero knowledge of meat whatsoever

>dedicate the soul of the animal to satan and hell
animala dont even have souls laprfags

>Semitic kosher and halal slaughter are uniquely satanic in their cruelty
they are literally following the Nohadide covenant to not consume an animal's blood as per Genesis:9 dumbfuck vegan fag

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>*jewing intensifies*
(((It's working!)))

Eating meat is awful for the environment no matter where in the world it comes from.

So how about you price in the negative effects it has on the environment to compensate for the harm and let the consumers pay for it like it should be.
Or are you that much left leaning or so oriented towards government control that you want to ban it completely?

>compensate for the harm
what harm??? domesticated animals exististing instead of wildlife existing in their place???

>she wants the sin noodle
>she won't protest for the climate

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Not eating animal products at all is terrible for the body of anyone who endures any significant amount of hardship or stress

You know, things women basically never exerpience

You're confusing aryanism with vikang hyperboreanism. They would have been farmers, so gruel I expect. Although I doubt I really count as aryan.


Harm to the environment and third parties that aren't involved in the transaction directly but are still affected by it

>Harm to the environment and third parties that aren't involved in the transaction directly but are still affected by it
such as...?

Doesn't change the fact that niggers love it because it tastes like human flesh, or that it's already full of estrogen even before kike intervention. Hunt for your own food goy.

"Whatever is not from faith is sin" (Romans 14:23) means no kikesher or halslime for faithful Christians.

Is it really? Come on now.

nice google search fag
the Noahide Covenant is eternal as LITERALLY Genesis says, and every human is bound to it tho (since Noha is the ancestor of everyone among other things) meaning pagans, infidens christians, joos, etc

If anything if you're eating animal blood YOU are the sinner

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>what harm???

They are retarded, and will answer something like "animals raised for meat are fed grains, and therefore meat is more resource-intensive per calorie" without realizing that's already accounted for in the market price. People who buy meat are already bearing the full additional resource cost.

I don't even drink milk and the only meat I eat is tendies and ur mum's cootie cat

>So how about you price in the negative effects it has on the environment to compensate for the harm and let the consumers pay for it like it should be.
Or a better idea is to not cause the harm in the first place. I would much rather live in a world where the government didn't have to step in.

This is the biggest lie and misconception spread about veganism.

>Thinks Noah was an actual guy
>Thinks Noah's agreements can bind me in any way

>Thinks these things and wants me to turn over the decisions about how we're going to feed everyone to him

The real reason that the most brutal excesses of a free market are worth it is because any system that requires or involves central planning will eventually channel all decision-making authority through one of you ABSOLUTE FUCKING RETARDS.

The noahide covenant is for kikes. Christ the lord created a new covenant between man and god with the New Testament. I do not consume animal blood anyway, or any part of an animal or it's excretions for that matter.

Yes. I would much rather the Amazon wasn't burned down to have cattle farms.

you can take my freedom but you can never take my tendies

>the free market

ok schizo
wrong, Jesus created a new covenant in place of the MOSAIC covenant, the NOAHIDE covenant is between God and Man and Creation till the End of Time and cannot be changed (per God in Genesis 9)

>without realizing that's already accounted for in the market price. People who buy meat are already bearing the full additional resource cost.
How is that even close to being relevant?

The populations of domesticated livestock are artificially inflated by ranchers forcibly breeding animals to meet human demand for flesh. Wildlife would not need as much space, as there would be a much smaller population in the relatively same area of land, some of which could be used to grow crops for human consumption instead of growing animal feed there.

Even if good Christians follow your kike-made covenant, veganism is not against it. In fact, not eating animals in the first place is much further away from consuming animal blood than (((kosher slaughter))).

intensive artificial husbandy is more efficient than nature yes, what is the "harm" there?
>could be used to grow crops
literally most arable land available is left unused what is ur pont

>kike made
okay fag larper Jow Forums aping nigger

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>How is that even close to being relevant?

The only economic difference between raising meat for human consumption and raising grain for human consumption is that meat production consumes more resources. That is the substance of the environmentalist complaint about meat.

But that greater consumption of resources is already reflected in the price of meat. That means that if you want the consumers of meat to bear the cost of the fact that producing meat requires more resources than producing grain - THEY ALREADY DO.

>literally most arable land available is left unused what is ur pont

Because environmentalists are economically illiterate, they suffer from a delusional fantasy in which meat production is crowding out grain production. Even though these differing types of production don't occur on land of the same type or quality, and even though the only current real limiting factor on grain production is the world spot prices for the various grains.

You've all but confirmed that you are indeed a kike, and a dumb one at that. Land is limited, which is why these ranchers are burning down the rainforest for more of it. Instead of using that land to graze livestock in or to grow corn and onions for animal feed, animals which would then be slaughtered for meat, the land could be utilized to grow vegetable and grain crops for direct human consumption, leading to much smaller amounts of water and resource usage. In addition, cows especially release enormous amounts of the greengouse gas methane into the atmosphere, and this fact is exacerbated by ranchers artificially inflating the populations, leading to more methane production and local resource consumption above the natural carrying capacity, almost like an invasive species would. All this before one even factors in the despicable conditions of the animals themselves. On to your second point, the function of Christianity was to follow the spiritual teachings of Lord Jesus Chirst without all the useless, evil, and essentially purely satanic kike cultural traditions and ritual customs, (((kosher slaughter))) being one of them. A bullet to the head after being stunned is much better than getting one's throat slit and having the blood leaking out, if one has to choose between the two. Kike brainlet.

Meat production is heavily subsidized by the government, in the U.S. at least.

There is no reason why fields currently used to grow corn and soi for livestock feed could not also later be used to grow crops for direct human consumption.

>Kike posting pic of kike to make themselves more easily identifiable

Thank u, kike-sama!

Based femanon. Want to go bust up old AC units with me and dab on the ozone?

No amount of shillposting for the jidf will make your foreskin grow back shlomo, sorry.

Literally no one will miss the boomers when they're finally gone.

I really love this movement. people are virtue signaling like crazy over this nonsense event they have no power to change or more importantly, the intention to do anything about it. but as long as you go around telling everyone the Amazon is on fire you're some kind of hero or something. "the Amazon is on fire". that's it, that's all you have to do

Not eating meat or animal products can help user, since that's what the ranchers are planning to produce on the land which they are trying to get. But I do agree with you about the rampant virtue signalling going on on normalfag (((social media))) right now.

Nigger slaves literally viciously fought each other over a barrel of salted pork provided by their masters back in the day. It's where the term "pork barrel" in legislative politics comes from.

I would rather not dignify this drivel with a response.

>he even pretends to care about the amazon ironically

>He thinks that the majority of our oxygen on Earth comes from the Amazon rainforests
Plox end this memey pretense user.

>muh rain forest
I swear the MSM is just one big cycle of stories that they rotate through, like how Hollywood endlessly remakes movies. Didn't southpark make a rainforest episode like 20 years ago?

>*events gets progressively worse throughout the years*
>you're repeating yourself
this is your brain on internet

Yeah brah but it's different this time, it's way worse than before xd. I know I said that a decade ago but trust me, its for real this time dood (please pay more attention to me btw, at least one (you) please).

Are they really getting that much noticeably worse user?

i already am vegan

Give the boy a vegan cookie and a gold star! Jk, good on you user.