post images and gifs that just feel bad man
Sad feels thread
>the fact that we will never have this
Koreans eat dog everyday
I thought only Chinese do it?
Lego rape
idk man , it looks like she likes it
Normies will get offended by this but wouldn't mind if was pig or chickens.
Vegans will get offended regardless of the species. (oregano)
> her le 50% face
Why does this make you feel bad?
tfw no ice fairy gf
This is not my fate
This is not my fate
this is the love of my life. she doesnt know i exist and never will and never has. it hurts to love her and i dont even know why i do.
you are me
you are literally me
I love my ice fairy airhead
cuz all women are whores user, they injoy getting raped
This is depressing for Jow Forums
>tfw women dont like guys with southern accents
That is depressing in many ways
Can't lie that it bugs me but that's just social conditioning being a bitch and If a human being is getting fed it's cool with me.