Femanons, when was the last time you cried, and why?

Femanons, when was the last time you cried, and why?

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A few hours ago, my e friend probably just killed himself

a few days ago bc my mom told me she wished i wasnt born yadda yadda yadda she hates me and my stepdad would kill me if he saw me acting like this yadda yadda
but were cool now she just came over

sounds like a female version of me desu

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When an eyelash/ some dust fell in my eye.
Hope it gets better for you other femanons though!

wow cool wanna b friends

Some time last week when I was watching Preacher. I get too emotionally invested in works of fiction.

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I was drunk and watched Saturnin youtube.com/watch?v=CDfZXVmnNBE
because I was feeling nostalgic and then BAM at 00:10 a random siamese cat showed up on screen, which reminded me of my cat who died and whom I loved with all my heart, so I cried. Broke my heart

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What do you even care, you dumb bitch? Why would it matter to you if one of your orbiters offed himself?

a few days ago when I once again realized that I am only getting older and still being a useless child that have never and will never amount to anything, whose seeming only worth in the eyes of others is to make babies and nothing else

I broke my foot and when I was getting up to pee at 2 this morning I put weight down on the broken foot because I literally forgot I broke it. I cried because it hurt so much and my brain has been damaged through out my life and its not reversible.

in the car while talking to my aunt a couple of weeks ago. i was telling her about my experience living with my narcissistic dad with anger issues.

I hope she's crying right now.

>only worth in the eyes of others is to make babies and nothing else
there is literally nothing wrong with this

your not helping her you know

why cant i just get a fembot to hug me and cry please hug me and cry

I know this feeling really well. I have this condition where my ankle breaks like once a year (more of a fracture than a break) but still it hurts like hell

I forget I have it until I step on it wrong and get a world of pain. It looks like I'm tripping over nothing and my face contorts into something gruesome lol

i cried a little bit today 'cause i was at petsmart and we were gawking at the animals, as usual, including the very precious kitties they had and i started to miss my cat very much and i became very sad.

Last night.
I entered a bit of a paranoid and manic thought loop, questioning the motives of those I'm close to and wondering if I'm actually of value to them or if they're hiding things from me.

Have you ever tried setting a "password" for yourself to break a chain of thought and start meditating/breathing slowly?

As in a word or phrase that is special to you that you can start repeating over and over again, to distract yourself from the rapid fire thoughts, so that you can try and calm down.

they hate you only i love you
now be my gf

earlier today. my beta orbiter refused to buy me a $500 pair of shoes. after I cried he caved and bought both them and paid for 2 days at a hotel where Chad is gonna fuck me comatose.

family pissed me off so i screamt and cried in my room like a bitch
based rock on queen

internet shit isn't real
Bitch please
Get over it
Post feet
Stop larping you weebbrain

>Post feet

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No wonder why you broke it, you fat ass retard lose some weight

This is the result of a hypergamy society, one that feminists designed thinking it'd free them but it merely did the opposite. Women are loose in this society and no longer have to develop a personality; what seperated women from another in the past was that. Now it's about how much of a whore you can be. If you wish to be seen as something greater then a mere sex object then you must attain a higher state for yourself. If you do not have a personality that makes you enjoyable to socialize with normally then what else would you be but a hole to cum inside?

shore add my discord Hayashi#2424

I sobbed super hard last night and soaked my shirt in my tears however I possess what is known as a cock

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I actually do have one of those. As silly as it might sound, I learned to recite pi in times of distress to distract my mind. I haven't done it lately, so thank you for reminding me to restart the habit.

I should set some other mental "passwords" to use in the future. Any suggestions or ones you personally use?

probably like an hour ago because i remembered how pointless and stupid it is to be alive. epic win

does ur name start with a t

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no, it is not, while we are feeding a superior being who controls our simulation.

no it doesn't start with a t sorry

im ugly, dumb and a neet

i don't think i can cry anymore unless i'm angry but i would very much like to

Today. I got dumped and then made pancakes and cried.

15 mins ago, no good man will love me when so many men touched me as a kid. I'm a whore

If somebody held you, would you break down and cry?

Right now. I'm experiencing a lot of anxiety at the moment. Feeling alone and afraid.

if you are hurt enough by thoose whom you trust it will be a rational reaction
once you aware,how wicked,manipulative,vile sadistic,heartless,ill people exist you will be more cautious a.k.a. "paranodid"
be on guard,evil never rests

a few days ago bcuz of oneitis

This proves that women are weak creatures and will emotional at literally ANYTHING

He's right though, at least mostly. At the base level, men impregnate and provide, women bear children and maintain the home. There is literally nothing wrong with that. The easier these conditions are to achieve, the better off people are. It's the natural order.

No user, you're not a whore. A whore prostitute herself under her will. You're a person like any else, just do what u makes u happy, you don't have to feel guilty.

Do you want to talk about it, femanon?

my medicine makes it hard to cry over emotional stuff. last time i cried it was because i had a vivid dream that my mom died and i woke up convinced it was real. i think that was in january.

You've been robbed, that isn't the same as throwing it in the garbage. You aren't a whore, user, and others can see that so long as you choose not to be.

i cry every day because men robbed me of the innocence i shouldve have in my childhood. i want it back

For all the fembots in this thread, I can see you've been through a lot. Life can be rough but it gets better. All you have to do is post your discord and I can set you on the right path.

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>All you have to do is post your discord and I can set you on the right path.

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You're not a whore, you didn't choose that.

I'm going to rape them, user. Don't tell them though!

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I know the feeling.
To be fair, it's not like there's much to achieve now that the world is set to collapse. Just find someone to be with and be comfy together. Maybe make a little family and prepare for what's to come. A clean slate has its advantages in that you can make something then.

How did you break your foot?
Original post

>smokes weed

I'm glad you broke your foot

What medicine are you on?

Look, the female me.

five years ago, it was the last time my dad beat me

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>tfw you will never hold and comfort a fembot as she cries into your chest

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I already love you, dork.

I'm glad you got out of that situation.

well if you'd married one of the half dozen orbiters you had in high school or college maybe this wouldn't have happened, but you didn't and look where the fuck that got you, whore.

You will, but she'll still cheat on you without a second thought the second someone she even perceives to be 2% better comes along, even if they aren't.

How can you tell that they smoke weed?

the fucking gigantic bong

I don't think fembots would be like that.

>many men touched me as a kid
Dont get it? U are just a resentful incel.

what orbiters? nobody would go near me

im your orbiter. marry me

Can i be your friend so i can give you the good old one two? all jokes aside F for your friend

I feel guilty for not being able to protect you from that..

I feel guilty for not doing it again

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>so i can give you the good old one two
That means punching somebody, user.

Not her but I would. I just want to be held tightly until my ribs crack.

If you are a small virgin female post contact, I will squeeze you endlesslPLEASE GOD GIVE ME SOMETHING TO TALK TO YOU IM SO LONELY FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

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But are you tall enough to crack my pelvis?

Whore for sure.

>ywn be a fembot's hugbox

use nigger faggot and scream it out loud

Stop ejaculating and you'll be able to speak to God.
Remember these words? Those with their gonads missing or their member cut, shall not have access to the kingdom of heaven.

These refers to something more subtle than you won't go to heaven if you cut your dick, your semen has energy outside the material, you do not understand.
Sorry for women, they may not be able to speak up, but they are better at listening the answers.

I don't care about your fucking dead kike on a stick I JUST WANT A FEMBOT GF AAAAAAAAAAAA

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kys dumb fucking nigger fagget

all females are the same its their instinct

Yesterday, so far I have dated two guys from here who seemed really sweet at first, then turned out to be sociopaths. I was really hoping I had found a great guy but he basically admitted he was a sociopath and had been mirroring me the whole time and that nothing he said or felt for me was genuine. Even when I go for nice guys they turn out to be evil LARPers by the end. Oh well, at least he was cute.

Today. I thought about how lonely I am and how I'll never be able to connect bc of extreme introversion and mental illness. Also thought about my regrets in life...yeah...I'm a loser. Also sad that I'm uglier than pic related.

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why not date me instead? I'm am for real sweet

>Why do all the men I persue on a forum for mentally ill autists turn out to be bad people
Gee, not sure really.

dont be sad about him
his pain is now over

Today when watching Tenki no Ko.
Love is not real in this world.

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Few years ago when I was reading about how intelligent dolphins are and then watched a documentary about dolphin hunting in Japan

This doesn't even look that bad. Some simple self care would fix all of this.

Cried two nights ago. Couldn't sleep for some reason and I found myself sobbing at 4am. I've been well for the longest time so I don't really know why I cried.

Sometimes we can just get emotional due to hormones.

True, I was on my period at the time so it makes sense.

What do you look like?

I am wary of this site now.

The most recent one seemed like a really nice guy, like a legit normie. But he was actually just a sociopathic gym bro who comes here to pick up sad lonely fembots, as I later found out.

>What do you look like?
blonde hair, 183 cms, chubby, nerdy.

>a really nice guy
>like a legit normie

Pick one

Probably a few months ago, because of school-related stress

>a really nice guy
>a guy

Pick one