What do you usually do Saturday nights?

What do you usually do Saturday nights?
What is different today?

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I'm glad that I don't have to worry about tomorrow and just watch some comfy movie/stream/yt vid.

Are you part of the NEET mustard race?

average Saturday is drink and try and forget my problems even only for a few hours, least I can find bliss in that, I wish it was permanent but reality is a harsh mistress

No, otherwise I would do this every day.

Usually halfway through an adderall fuelled 24+ hour masturbation session

Absolutely based 39


any other answer is normalfag

what about fapping to chinese cartoons

I usually sit on my computer in a dimly lite room and post on Jow Forums or play the same video games I've played for the past 6 years.

that falls under internet

Amazing, I do not play videogames but posting here still

1. >watch anime
2. >nothing

>watching anime

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shitpost, go to gym, maybe play some games. Different today because I had a date for the first time. It went really well....it was nice.

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God I wish Myanee was real

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Go to work
Tonight is different cause my mom has her bf over so I'm hiding til I go

nothing different. staying over at another "friends" house with other people. i feel left out tho. so im back here again

Internet, reading, learning to code, and vidya. That's pretty much the things I do all the time, not exclusive to Saturday.

why not programming

because "programming" is a skill CS majors learn in their first semester before being told any monkey can be trained to write code.

Shit, I use both terms in the same meaning. Writing code for programs.

i record myself jacking off and play it back on omegle through 4 different tabs on a small tag so when one person skips me they connect to me again

Livin the good life