Does anybody on Jow Forums even like that billionaires exist? Like, do you see these people on yachts, buying politicians, and fucking children (e.g. Epstein) and think "Man, I sure am glad that they have so much wealth!" How can you even have positive emotions regarding the existence of billionaires?
Does anybody on Jow Forums even like that billionaires exist? Like, do you see these people on yachts...
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They found the loophole, I did not, good for them
So you're neutral about billionaires. I bet that it will be the highest opinion of a billionaire from anybody who isn't 1) a billionaire them self or 2) addicted to the taste of shoe polish
Look at Bill Gates, he's a billionaire because he actually did something with his life and created something useful instead of being a neet and going on Jow Forums all day. Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett too. Fuck you commies
I genuinely cannot understand why someone with power and money would do something like that. Honestly if I was rich I would just save and invest most of it, and focus on living a comfy life in my house. IF you're so blessed with a peaceful life, why use it to ruin other people's lives.
Theirs are the tastiest boots of all.
There is no loophole. They are old money and have enslaved us all in this false hope on the basis of a pursuit of happiness. When in reality all we are pursuing is furthering their personal utopia at all of our expense, literally.
>Here's my wife daddy, go right ahead.
>After you're done with her you can come fill my bussy with your cummies :3
there are young billionares
with the invention of crypto you tax leechers cant take money from elite anymore
eat the rich
>IF you're so blessed with a peaceful life, why use it to ruin other people's lives.
You don't get to be a billionaire without a desire to tread on other peoples' livelihoods. If you wanted a peaceful life you would have less than a billion dollars in net worth
>that's right, goyim, the wealthy have too much money
>vote for me, a multi-millionaire with three houses in my name and in the company of other millionaires and billionaires to end this
>trust me on this one, I totally don't have any ulterior motives
If this were 100,000 years ago I would have fucking caved their head in with the sharpest rock I could have found. If you think someone else having absolute dominion over every aspect of your life due to their manipulation of socially constructed 'rules' is justified, then you deserve every bit of trampling you get underneath their boots.
There are initiates into the order. There are bloodlines. There are investments to committed members.
No, all of the people who worked for Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos created those useful things. Keep on rationalizing, cuck.
i don't care about them, why would i care?
>created something useful
MIGA cuck, kill yourself.
>Heh he made a million dollars by writing a book therefore vote for my preferred neoliberal so we can have more wars for israel!
The system is designed to work for very specific types of people. The rest will never be able to make that kind of money. The fact that they exist doesn't bother me as much as them not wanting anyone else to be able to come anywhere near their level of success just to keep their socioeconomic pools 'clean', so to speak.
>Created something
Oh my fuckin god that was the best laugh I've had in long time. The only redeeming quality to Buffett is that he, if im not mistaken, pledged 90% of his money to charity when he dies or something.
Name one (1) of these wars Trump has started for Israel. No, shooting missiles at a couple planes isn't a war
Personally, I think it's fun that being a landlord is all it takes to get lumped in with billionaires.
Don't lie you cucks use amazon for everything.
>how to enslave humanity
>own all the land
>charge astronomically for anyone to live
>own the government and control minimum wage
>control everything and let everything run rampant and then blame it on super capitalism
Do we have a choice? Do you know how many life changing ideas have crossed my mind throughout my life, but because of being poor I haven't the ability to see any of them through.
The. Rich. Get. Richer. This isn't a system of opportunity, this is global enslavement. The ladder was a mirage.
Bezos wasn't born rich.
With the organization of labor, your vast sums of imaginary money won't be able to compel people to build your yachts anymore
envy makes you weak, user, not a good thing to do
worry about you and your success...hating on billionaires does nothing but stress you out
You're right, electoralism does have its flaws. Bernie might be a crypto-commie, but he isn't overtly calling for the end of capitalism, making him something of a liberal (succdem). The fact remains, however, that because he has a clear track record over many decades of being committed to solving these issues (which is more than the track record of being against it like everyone else) and voting is such a small amount of effort, one can generally agree that voting is a good step in the right direction
the only people that like that billionaires exist are
>other billionaires
>paid viral shills (at least they'll say they do so they can keep their
Only ones who became rich in a jew way like Epstein and Trump. They are always limp, weak degenerates and trash people. I admire and respect industrialists.
Close. The playbook for the left generally follows a backbone of agitate, educate, and organize.
So essentially, if you can show a concerned party that the capital owning class is entrenching society into a commodity mode of production that is actively harming society and the planet, you can get them to organize in favor of their class interest (as opposed to the interests of billionaires). This is how you get the general strikes, the climate protests, the election of lefter candidates, etc. So, because billionaires are taking 80% of your surplus labor value and using it to harm the planet, the actions of billionaires are a cause for alarm and a call to non-violent action.
I am of a similar opinion. They were cunning enough to exploit something or someone, had the good fortune of being born into it, or a combination of both. Most of the people who hate billionaires don't hate them because they have done scummy things to get where they are and continue to do scummy things, they hate them because these billionaires aren't giving them hand outs. Sure it could be argued that they could improve the quality of life for everyone in the world for just a small fraction of their combined wealth but why should they? It's their money and they should be able to do whatever they want with it.
Do you suppose the strategy in that picture would work these days?
if you try that today, they'll just fire up an aircraft carrier and haul over a million immigrants.
the world is doomed now.
I think the organized strike of airplane support staff is what ended the most recent US government shutdown
How about we start with California, one of the most unequal states and the one with the most billionaires. How come you idiot socialists haven't gotten rid of them despite having control over their government forever? How come you have the worst quality of life in the country? Even turd world countries like Morocco can build high speed rail and you guys fail without a single mile to show
>Most of the people who hate billionaires don't hate them because they have done scummy things to get where they are and continue to do scummy things
Do you think that >50% of people are in favor of war in the middle east? The only reason that the US is in there is so that 8 or 9 billionaires can turn a profit. I think you can find majority of people dislike the shitty things that billionaires do.
Jewgle told me an orphan was rushed into Princeton (free-mason lodge numero uno). From which he was launched to stealing peoples money in ny for a bit to line his pockets with just enough to pursue an idea every living breathing human-being had but didn't have the funds to see through. He was born into a cabal of lucifer worshipping kikes who hand raised him to take a stranglehold on the online market to further their global agenda.
there are hierarchies, you climb them, you set legacies so your families are higher up in the hierarchies, there are revolutions. That's how life works. Hate it or play it.
The greatest hierarchy is the intelligence hierarchy which is mostly determined on birth. High IQ usually results in more money and an easier life. Greatest example is Zuckerberg. Got a 1600/1600 on his SATs which are by a lot of standards IQ tests.
Wow, that's a 50 iq meme. How come poor people are moving out of the most highly regulated areas of the United States such as Cali and New York? And moving into places with lower costs of living such as Texas and the South?
>then blame it on super capitalism
Dude but what if
What if dude
What if dude
Dude what if
Nobody owned the means of prod-
what if nobody owned the means of production and you could no longer charge people rent or charge them money in order to exist instead of capitalism? you could even keep a market for things that weren't necessary for survival
what you're asking is "are there bootlickers?"
the answer is yes
This, I used to be an anarchist, but their morals are just masked rules
Fuck politics as an whole
Sorry for the confusion. This is really sort of a 1 way conversation. You don't actually ask questions back. So nice pivot, but I happen to really like that meme.
presented with comment
the comment: "oof"
The greatest hierarchy is the intelligence hierarchy
There are homeless black men who could intellectually murder donald trump. But because of old money and ties to the cabal he has towers while the homeless black man has misery. The promise of opportunity is the best way to keep your slaves in check. Give a man hope and he will dream till his mind fades to black as he breathes his last. Your lies have lingered for far longer than they ever should have. You will either know death by our combined awakening or you will watch us bring the planet itself to it's knees through our absolute disregard, but not before we put you kikes in the oven for real this time.
you are using a PC and the people who created them and made this possible became billionaires thanks to people like you, using their goods and services
or you are posting on cellphone and you gave money to people who made this possible and they became billionaires
you are using the internet, the people who made this possible became billionaires thanks to people like you, using their goods and services
I get less bothered by them and more bothered by how people forget how much of their wealth they threw at them for said trinkets, gadgets and what not.
Okay, easy. Next?
This makes you look even more the fool because you gave them the billions even though they exploited others for it.
You just made your stance much worse than better. You just told us you know they are abusing people and making money off it and you still bought the damn thing.
Why are you like this, mister NPC?
so instead of doing something productive with your time you come up with this tinfoil shit?
Yes there are rich people who can manipulate the economy and politics, that's how it has always worked ever since civilization first came to be
I literally have friends who are millionaires, they're not a part of some secret society, they are just hard working and smart and risk takers, they start companies.
IQ is literally the best predictor of success in life by a great margin, no other trait has ever been as good at estimating success. Along with IQ there are personality traits that pave way to success.
You are a delusional waste of space, oxygen, and food.
You are just wanting (You)s at this rate. They came in offered a good or service that they controlled and people gave them the money. If everyone refused they don't gain the wealth.
I think we both know why (((he))) is like that.
>I literally am associated with the rich but not rich myself and your ideas on how the world CLEARLY works are absurd and you are deranged seek their help
A boot on your child's head as it's brains drain across the pavement. You will be awoken from this dream of yours violently.
Okay for sure dude. Let me know
>Does anybody on Jow Forums even like that billionaires exist?
Not really, but I have a girl that loves me so much she has provided for me for the past nine years. Kinda hard to care when all my needs are met both financially and sexually. We are all just meat and we will all just die, at least I can say I have tasted the sweetest love a woman can give.
im not being original but i dont really care
I just wish I was a billionaire. Fuck commies.
Not as good as you, but yeah, once you get good pussy that wants to stay around you stop giving a fuck about this shit. And if you have a kid? Fuck man I can't even care if my neighbors got it better, I'm going to enjoy the family I got and make it the best I can.
>you're a waste
If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have language, civilization, laws, sciences of any kind, mathematics, the understanding and research of health and what you now call religion. You are the byproduct of my creation, and you've rotted it to it's core. You and your ratings chart, you kike/kike puppet subhuman. Your dehumanizing of the human race to subdue them through your meaningless financial institutions. All to further your letourous orders by those who've snslaved you. I heard your neighboring tribe had an abundance of children this seasons. Get your raiding party together, baby blood tastes best within the 2-4 week mark. "Absolutely absurd! Whites are high iq we'd never partake in such barbarism!" You are so lowly you defend your captor with all your might as it drains you dry. The jews literally created a gold star by your name system to keep you complacent as they take all that it ever meant to be you from you right in-front of your eyes. Working hard for your good boy points in your Israeli father-figure's basement. A blemish on the history of man. You have no legacy.
If you reverse the first and third image you get a 100% accurate depiction of the real effect of immigration.
>28 unique posters
>Not a single one of them has an opinion greater than neutral on billionaires
Find a better alternative and I'm all ears.
Not so fast, Trostsky! Your alternative is actually far worse!
No, not really. I wouldn't really care about them if they weren't actively trying to shit on the common man. Just look at past labor laws and the hissyfits that they threw when people didn't want their kids getting fucking scalped at work. If that's not enough, they buy politicians and corrupt the government for their own purposes. Buy up the media too, so you can convince everyone that anything for the collective good of society is automatically "socialism" and "communism".
I also don't think Jow Forums really understands how much a billion is. I don't give a fuck about rich people. The surgeon, the lawyer, the engineer, these people are not rich. They might be compared to you, but they ain't shit compared to billionaires. The guy with a construction company pulling in a couple million a year? Small potatoes compared to billionaires.
And yet everyone thinks they'll become wealthy one day.
>I also don't think Jow Forums really understands how much a billion is.
There are countries where the annual GDP is in the tens of millions. What that means is that if you took every time money changed hands in that country over an entire decade, and added the amount of money that was exchanged, it would add up to less than a billion USD.
That's fucking insane.
As a Californian, I humbly ask you to please turn off the Infowars.
What socialists? The twenty or so trust-funded hippie children in the UC Berkley communists club?
There's only billionaires here because of Hollywood and Silicon Valley.
Eastern California is basically expensive Nevada, its hotter than hell and super sparsely populated.
If you avoid LA and SF its a very normal Southwest state. Stop believing what Alex Jones yells into his microphone.
>why should they?
Are you fucking retarded? Is it more moral to own your extra millions than to feed starving children, give clean drinking water to people without it, or finance vaccines to stem preventable deaths? kys bootlicker.
If you avoid LA and SF you're basically in the part of California that wants to secede and become Jefferson.
the right wing obsession with california is so fucking baffling and just goes to show you how these people just parrot the things they hear on youtube rants and never think for themselves
california is honestly the LEAST liberal state in the entire west coast. but these things never occur to them because theyre just parroting shit
and these are the ones spreading the NPC meme. fucks sake
Absolutely they do. When you have that much wealth, you attract lots of shady people. You think Les Wexner who heads up L-Brand gave Epstein his his house and private jet for something like $100 out of the kindness of his heart? I don't.
>Oh my fuckin god that was the best laugh I've had in long time. The only redeeming quality to Buffett is that he, if im not mistaken, pledged 90% of his money to charity when he dies or something.
The donating to charities they form is one of the USA's biggest tax and estate loopholes he's taking advantage of, like the good billionaire Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates are.
When you donate stock to a charity, you can write your current stock price off your personal income. Your charity can sell the stock the day it was donated and keep 100% of the money without any tax. Anything the stock earns above that is taxed. They'll also donate yachts and their other expensive toys to these charities. Then their family members sit on the board of these charities. They then go on various TV shows talking about how much their charity is doing good for the world, and how enlightened they are for pledging their wealth away. All while laughing behind closed doors.
They literally think the entire state is just LA and SF.
If you're so right-wing then how come I can't get a CCL, Mr "Lives in a may-issue shithole"?
I genuinely have no fucking clue what youre talking about.
i didnt say california was right wing? i said its the least liberal state on the west coast. and believe it or not there's more to what makes a state liberal or not than gun control.
I'm just annoyed that I can't ride a bike to the range because this shithole state requires me to lock a firearm in the trunk without a CCL and also refuses to give me a CCL.
CA has strict gun laws because ol' Ronnie Reagan didn't like the black panthers exercising their open carry rights in Oakland.
Seriously, I imagine you could get strict gun laws passed in Texas if every hispanic guy started wearing a shoulder holster.
That's the American Dream, we might find that secret loophole so we bend over backwards to support the system made to keep us in line.
We hold onto hope so they can bleed us dry.
Closing the charity loophole would absolutely best the thing to do billionaires, that way their "foundations" couldn't be tax havens, and we'd be all better off. David Rockefeller definitely abused the "foundations" in the way you described.
>If you avoid LA and SF
You mean avoid 90% of the population?
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
As long as this system is in place, I can understand why someone would play it to become really rich.
I don't hate billionaires, I do think it's ludicrous that something like this unchecked capitalism can exist though.
>self made billionaires are a special kind of high functioning autists
all they care about is this one climbing number, not things or people to spend it on, just this artificial number in their bank account, money, with the goal of generating more money, so the number can keep climbing. everything else but the number, has no importance to them. exploit people, pay no taxes, ruin the whole planet etc. doesn't matter, as long as the numbers grow bigger. They don't need the money to survive, they don't need the money to buy the tenth yacht. Their not some scummy normie millionaires doing this to gain money to spend on pleasure or a better life style, no, the only pleasure they really get is when the number grows.
The only 2 I like are musk and gates because they earned what they did and add now using it to better the lives of people
>earned what he did
LOL no. he leaches literally billions from the government in the form of grants and subsidies, thats where he makes profit. tesla itself is a failure that loses money. he also treats his employees like shit and he's not bettering peoples lives, mearly making awful compromises that allow wealthy people to remain comfortably within the problem itself.
electric cars are going to save anything. especially since the majority of damage cars do to the enviroment comes from the production of them, not use. buying a new tesla is actually worse for the world than continuing to use your gas powered car. not to mention the harmful and destructive cobalt mining. but musk doesnt care about that, he cares about profit, and just uses green concerns to generate more with subsidies
and dont even get me started on his miserable wreck of his idea for the hyperloop
Dude, you probably live in a shithole and California does suck. There is no normal part of this state. It's all falling apart. I've traveled from Sand Diego to Eureka and this state is in a shambles outside of a few wealthy communities. This state creates a lot of hardcore left wing politicians that want to apply their preferred policies to the rest of the country. Some center right politician from the Central Valley or San Diego is not going to set the agenda in California for the foreseeable future. The political voice of California is an an extreme left wing voice. Have you not listened to the fucking governor lately? Newsom is just as retarded as Gov. Brown.
>this to a level of this that cannot be compromised
>tesla sucks
>this invalidates all the work musk did with paypal
yeah paypal, the great beloved site which makes its profits off what is basically theft and has been involved in numerous class action lawsuits. youre right man that sounds like great work to me
There is no "extreme left" anywhere in the US you fucking braindead retard.
how far right are these retards to think that US politicians are "extreme left"
Your typical Democrat from California wants to
> let in illegal aliens and give them sanctuary
>give illegals in state tuition and aid
>do away with the 2nd Amendment
>spend billions on high speed trains to nowhere
>increase gas taxes so much that close to half the cost of a gallon of gas is just taxes
That seems pretty extreme to me bro.
Antifa cuck detected.
musk was involved during the "revolutionising ecommerce" years and had sold by the time paypal started friendly merchanting everyone
>the "extreme left" wants to do away with the 2nd amendment
jesus fucking christ, best laugh of the thread. dont talk about things you know nothing about so you dont embarrass yourself
as for the rest of your dumpster fire, you must just be pretty far right or just completely clueless if you think social democrats are fucking "extreme".
They're actually genuinely far left in some ways. Most of the rest of the world doesn't think it's a good idea to let illegal immigrants stay in their countries indefinitely, and yang-gang want a UBI.
t. listening to
That's exactly what they want to do you faggot. They want to restrict the right so much as to make it effectively useless. Act smug all you want, nobody except other libtards thinks the current situation is funny.
Poor people mad because theyre poor and dont work hard and make wise decisions: electric boogaloo
>Does anybody on Jow Forums even like that billionaires exist?
I can't say I care too much either way, I'll never really understand the poor person mentality to automatically despise the rich. Yeah it's not fair that some people are born into money, or get lucky enough to make it, I was born into a poor family myself and even with saving my money and taking advantage of the system to make more, my "best years" will be over by the time I can actually live comfortably, it sucks but it is what it is, if I can't get lucky enough to make it big in one go then the best I can do is try to build some generational wealth for my (future) kids, something my family have utterly failed at.
UBI is not far left or even middle left. UBI is basically a compromise to keep capitalism. yang specifically isnt left, his fucking campaign slogan is "not left, not right, forward". he's a really plain technocrat.
and theres more to left/right politics than immigration policy
no it isnt. if a leftist wants to restrict gun ownership so much to make it effecitvely useless, theyre probably a liberal, maybe a social democrat, and at the most far left, MAYBE a weird kind of demsoc. you're beyond clueless and gullible seems like your knowledge of leftism doesnt come from any sort of theory but just Jow Forums ragebait propaganda and "Jordan Peterson SJW ownage compilation #23"
go look up john brown gun club and the SRA itll take you 5 seconds. actual "far left" people are way more actively supportive of gun ownership in their community than any right wing dudes ive met
You libertarians have to spit on those people woulds? It's not enough to force them to live in poverty, you want to blame them for it.
you dont understand why people who suffer under a system, dislike those who uphold said system they suffer under?