Fuck this shit

Non repeating digits - masturbation
Repeating digits - suicide

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So close yet so far. orengino

lord forgive me for whichever sin i may commit tonight

sign me up famalamily

rollan - orrigg

originally done by me

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ooooweee is it gonna happen?

here is my original content to the thread

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(No I will not livestream it)

6/10 chance of dying
Wish me luck boys, hope im dying tonight

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close but no cigar. wish my second roll luck. got trips today twice for some reason.

incredibly original rolll

I had a good day. Lets see if Im quitting while Im ahead

niggers r smelli

bye nazi bud

take me to where I may be happy

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please be suicide, im begging

Lez du dis

if this is an original comment I'll eat my shoe

Either way is fine with me

killing urself is gay i refuse

Rolllshhuknftyq klloplfd jkgijj

it all ends with this one faithful post

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if you kill yourself you are a huge nerd

hello and goodbuye


Tis time to roll

Well it's rolling time

But I already tugged my pecker

ahhhhhhh whats it gonna be for another 3 years

I just fuck things up anyways and i was planning on doing it tomorrow (today since it is past midnight)

Let my roll be unlucky

that's a shame then

This server is better than any server you've ever been on.


Death is a mercy in disguise.

aw hell yeah my niggaa

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If trips I really will do it.

i wonder if id do it if i got dubs. probly not

they call orgasms little deatj in some faggy euro country so here goes