"Hey principal user when are you going to cut your hair?"

"Hey principal user when are you going to cut your hair?"

Attached: 180429kisekae.png (800x600, 176K)

heyyyy youre no the bullshit catholic school poster! youre a fake! a phony!

I cut it like a month ago my hair grows quickly no bully
also obligatory "sell laqrisha as a slave" request

Only after you cut yours
If you know what I mean

Why should I?
Short hair is for poor people and animals unable to handle personal hygiene in a daily basis

"Why would I lie about such a thing sir?"
"Found some Russian guys who offered $12,000 for her."
""Where's your excuse now?"
"Because you'll look more attractive."

Attached: Cut.png (800x600, 109K)

I get enough unwanted attention as I am right now.
No way.
What happened to laqrisha

"Sold her for $12,000."

Attached: 1539322588100.png (500x706, 214K)


Attached: woow.png (479x561, 148K)

>""Where's your excuse now?"
I must see tangible proof that at least three students have cut their hair
If you know what I mean

"Very few things I do is legal."
"Here, their hair is very visibly shorter."

Attached: Cutting.png (800x600, 107K)

I will wait until my hair gets a bit longer

Why is the nun wearing boots?

"Do you want me not to?"

Attached: Off.png (800x600, 106K)

Ms. Smith I think lupe needs to show the other girls how good it is to be a mother and bear children

After all we do need to expand the kingdom of God

"We'll use Kate as the father,"

Attached: Bear a child.png (800x600, 106K)

No, I want the girls to wear boots too. Put them back on.

To relieve pressure from lupes swelling tits have the class freely suck milk from them

I want the big one to take her goddamned clothes off

I'll be more forward. We need a pubic hair inspection. For, uh, crabs.. and.. you know, uh.. safety of the students and stuff.

i don't feel like i need to anytime soon, it isn't like it's going to make me look any better and also i don't really care.

>not 5th from the right