Is it actually possible to be friends with a woman or will someone always be using someone else for sex and/or utility?

Is it actually possible to be friends with a woman or will someone always be using someone else for sex and/or utility?

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For normal people? Yes. For cumbrain robots? No.

Not necessarily sex shit, but yes, one of the partners always gets jealous of the """"friend"""" having or getting a real bf/gf so having an opposite sex friend is possible but not worth it.

It's not possible to be friends with anyone without using or being used in some way or another.

you just can't be friends with one that is hell bent on trying to turn you into an orbiter when all you want is friendship.

I don't know, it sounds like a load of drama honestly.

I'm in kind of a predicament, I recently met this nice girl during College Hours and we really do connect, I can't imagine us being lovers or anything but all is good. It's just that it's too perfect, maybe I'm paranoid, maybe she's just putting up with me until I'm useful idk.

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I tried it once but kept my distance because I was afraid I'd fall for her and she ended up falling for me. It didn't work out though, she had a nasty looking pussy and asshole.

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You can if you are not attracted to her physically or emotionally

its possible but do not neglect my own needs

its possible but not worth it. although Id say the same for men

Not every girl has a fucking orbiter you retarded cumbrain

get away as soon as possible as far as you can

If you're not attracted to her, then it should be easy to be friends. If you are, then you might have some issues.

it's not, please don't lose your time with it
there are much better things to spent your time with then women

Is it possible to be friends with anybody?

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now you're asking the true question.
honestly yes, but, never trust anyone

>increasingly sweaty and nervous platonic friendship

it is !
but there has to be a cultivation enough (and cultivating) of common energi/interest. it's realli like any other friend, otherwise it's only acquaintance, or yes a utility connection.
but naturalli, as babies are, sometimes the comfort and safeness of touch shall ..

what are you even on about?
what I meant is, that you can't be friends with a girl who sees you as an orbiter, and tries to actively turn you into one for the sake of her ego.

apparently offering to just be friends is an insult for these tards, because how dare you not worship them.

>me back in high school
>friend gets a gf
>she joins our friend group and we all get along
>sit next to her in a lot of classes so we talk a lot
>feels good finally have a friend who is a girl, feel like maybe I could make friends with both genders easier now and feel less neurotic
>friend breaks up with gf
>still go to talk to her because she is still me friend
>she just turns away mid sentence from me and walks off
>never contacts me again
That made me feel very sad, I thought we were friends but as soon as she was out of a relationship and open for male advancements again I was suddenly of no use to her, I was never even romantically or sexually interested in her but still she cut me out because I was no longer a relevant accessory.

i'll add that it is certainly rare(r) to find a female/ female-presenting/spirit that is into realli anything in this modern age that they are so well provided for. but that's the coupling of bio-defaults (he provides, and is provided; she is provided, and provides) and the extent of security and aimlessness that is in the most modern industrial world ..

To hell if she is or isn't just try to enjoy your time with her while you can

I use women for entertainment. If they cannot say something interesting when i talk to them, i discard them.

I've had females in my friendgroup my entire life. Probably because I don't sit around worrying about the theory of women from losers who have very little interaction with them

if you're not sexually viable in her eyes yes.

nah, women use their "friends" that they don't have sex with for utility.

>Is it actually possible to be friends with a woman
if im not attracted to her then sure

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Only if you knew them as a kid.

no, women try and milk their guy friends for free food all the time

this, fucking parasites have no shame

One of my closest friends is a girl. We've been friends for years. Never anything sexual to it and if anything I've gained more from the friendship than her, she's so goddamn kind.
She's not my type appearance-wise but she'll make a fantastic wife for someone one day - kind, caring, intelligent, altruistic to a fault, rich.

Slightly less close friends with another couple of girls. Both of whom I'd fuck given the chance but they're fun enough to hang out with even though that's never going to happen.

you are so full of shit its unbelievable

Girls are friends with guys that are not atractive enough for them to fuck

>you are so full of shit its unbelievable
What's so unbelievable? That a girl might be nice person or that not everyone is out to fuck everyone they meet?

im friends with a girl who i occasionally get nudes from but she tells me to ask for them anytime. other than that shes really fun to talk to.

You can truly be friends with a female if both of you are in a relationship or married.

*In a happy relationship or marriage I mean.

>Is it actually possible to be friends with a woman

i strongly believe its not

that's what makes it more fun user! Like when you and your female boss are working on a project together and all of a sudden sexual tension builds up. How policy and society say you can't date just makes it all the more enticing

you can be friends and fuck you know. I did that once with a girl. we were friends for like 2 years before we just started fucking.