How soul-draining is wageslaving actually like? Please let me know.
How soul-draining is wageslaving actually like? Please let me know
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its making me vampiric
I wagecucked at a restaurant working dishes as a teen and it wasn't totally draining but it was physically and mentally taxing. It was a small local resturaunt full of life and soul and even had a few qt waitresses flirt with me. Nothing ever went further though and I eventually just skipped work one day and that was it. When i drove by the place i reminisced a bit though of the coworker friends made there.
it depends on your job. if you're working your dream job things will be ok. otherwise it's not worth it.
ernie, no! what would bert think?
It really depends on a lot. If the job is "beneath" you it can be painful to do it everyday when you know you can do much more.
And also your coworkers. To this day my best job was at a Starbucks (I got my degree and working in entry level corporate bullshit now) because my coworkers made every shift fun.
Now, I work with dry chinks.
But its not so bad. It could be 10 times worse. Like sewer cleaner in Mumbai worse.
As soon as I'm off work a timer starts off in my head counting down how much time I have until I have to go back to work. I legitimately do not enjoy anything I used to half as much anymore, because in the back of my mind there's always that count down reminding me I got to go to work in X hours. At work time doesn't seem to move, it's exhausting being around people all the time, and there's always the pressure of being "on" because you're literally a slave. Once I'm off work I'm so tired that all I can do is mindlessly absorb shitty media. I no longer read books or watch art films. Just shitty tv shows, Jow Forums, and video games.
You get numb to it all eventually and it's not that bad.
>move to terrible city because that's where the jobs are
>except you're not actually in the city, you're in a lame suburb 50 miles away from the city because that's where all the big corporate office parks actually are
>get up every morning, spend 45 minutes driving 10 miles to work
>pretend to be friends with people twice your age who are obsessed with politics
>get held responsible for other people's fuckups while they get promotions and you don't
>drive home for 45 minutes
>half your paycheck goes to the government, 1/3 of your paycheck goes to rent, 1/6 of your paycheck you actually get to keep
>sit alone in your tiny apartment and play video games for two hours because roasties still hate you even though you're employed
It's honestly not worth it desu, especially if you can get by on neetbux or leeching off of your parents.
it has completely destroyed my soul but I have replaced it with amphetamines so I can keep doing it and hopefully it kills me soon
I can't smile any longer without tearing up.
I've isolated my emotions to push through the wageday so I can get wagepaid
It's actually not so bad until I think about how miserable I am. Most days it's a dull humm in my head.
I don't even get excited to go home, because I know I'll have to come back. I have nothing to come home to that makes me happy, but I do enjoy some good ol' youtube.
This describes it perfectly.
>work 5 days
>spend Saturday sleeping because I'm so exhausted
>spend Sunday becoming gradually more anxious about work tomorrow
Best comment. Here. All true, down to the mindlessly absorb shitty media.
I wanted to get a grad certification but studying is the last thing I'm thinking about after work.
When you enjoy it, it's like fucking a big black women for 8 hours a day, with her moaning on ya little dick
>When you enjoy it, it's like fucking a big black women for 8 hours a day, with her moaning on ya little dick
What did he mean by this?
This is wage life.
The fucking timer, it never lets you free. Always there counting down until its time to scramble back.
School was a little different, there were parts of it you enjoyed.
Doing the same thing over and over for eight hours is the opposite of enjoyment.
You absolutely have to zone out to get through it, but not so zoned out that if a manager calls your name you don't hear it.
God forbid you aren't on high alert while using 5% of your brain, they aren't paying you to daydream. Holy fuck me, this wasn't designed with human happiness in mind.
I have a dream of recording my own music every day and doing all kinds of cool shit with my life. Wage cucking seems like the absolute worst option anyone could choose. I really hope I dont end up there. I'm only in uni as of right now though.
>I legitimately do not enjoy anything I used to half as much anymore, because in the back of my mind there's always that count down reminding me I got to go to work in X hours.
This is the worst part for me.
I got a job so I could afford things I like, and now I no longer enjoy them.
apparently its not too bad if you get into positions like IT, programing (maybe), or working in a lab/pharmacy. the worst kind of jobs imo are where you're treated like you have no life outside of work and your work doesn't end when you leave the office/clock out.
I work in fast food and I honestly dont think its that bad, I just wish it payed more. If you can find a job where you earn a comfortable living while still leaving you with a lot of feee time, I would pick it over a job that leaves you with lots of money but no time.
>apparently its not too bad if you get into positions like IT, programing
I do this and I contemplate suicide every night because of it.
It's the life you get, and god I like my little dick pleased.
Combine it all in your heart, advance and discover user, it's full of surprise out there
The good news is that doing the right amount of work helps you form a routine and makes the rest of your life better.
The bad news is that the right amount of work is about twenty hours a week on a predictable but flexible schedule, and you'll get forty hours a week on an unpredictable and completely unchangeable schedule.
Ur weird. Why are you on r9k so much
I mean, how the fuck do musicians even become successful? You're either famous or a starving deadbeat
desu get a degree and a real job and your work will be more rewarding. tfw worked retail for 10 years but finally graduated and have a real job and it's pretty rewarding.
Im an entrepreneur (not a wage slave but i thought id add my experience (i wont go into anymore detail)) and i enjoy work a lot. Im always setting and acheving new goals, which leads to a sense of progression, and my work isnt often tedious but rather challenging mentally. I enjoy work, so much so that for the past couple years its been almost alll I do.
Sucess is not what you seek user. Sucess is full of superficiality as you know it. You want your small life, to fill it all in your big heart
You're right. Success is a bunch of bullshit. You either die happy and unaware of what you were, or become what you've always wanted to be and feel lonely.
I make my own music every day. I lived in a tent for a few months while I was working on an orchard and still made music every day. It's easy as fuck to do and my life would be mind numbingly shit without it.
If you have what you want, you're not lonely. Love can be seen by everyone user, and everyone creates it its own way
That sounds like a peaceful life. Music should be written for yourself, from the heart. Not for some crowd who doesn't give a shit anyway. I wish I could have what you have someday.
My life is in some shambles. I had 0 friends in high school for the last couple years, fell down a deep depression and am now in uni, just lonely and drifting along. One day this is all gonna change I can feel it.
Look around you closely user, some people are always watching, but they don't know how to approach
I know but fuck me if approaching anyone is the last thing I'm good at. I always got approached first in friendships. If I'm the approaches they will always expect that of me and that's not a role I can fill.
no more than yew
I understand, and this is where you just need to care about the situation. Do not pay attention to yourself, but to them. You will slowly learn how to expand.
user i'm gonna sleep, but you have will and envy, do not forget it.
Ok user, goodnight. I'll remember that.
So just do it. You only need a laptop. I have a 6 year old ThinkPad, guitar, an interface, a tiny midi keyboard and some half decent headphones, but you can get started right now with just a shitty old laptop.
Yeah i got a decent one, my dads old laptop. I'll try and crank out some original tunes in my spare time, besides I have plenty of it in uni right now.
Good for you dude, we're all going to make it even if we never make it big.
Wageslave working 40 hours a week in retail for about a year or so now, this is my third serious job. Here are some of my thoughts/tips:
>You're bound to have a co-worker/boss who's a douchebag or at the very least annoying, but it's rarer than you think to find absolutely deplorable people
>You'd be shocked how many smart/hard-working people there are who could find something much better than a dead-end or low-skilled job but can't or won't for some reason
>Find a job where you're on your feet for most of the day. I lost about 15 pounds in a few months after starting my current job
>Having a job legit makes you appreciate your free time much, much more
>Getting absorbed in your job/task and focusing makes the day go by faster even though it's hard to get into that mindset
>Your co-workers will grow on you even if you don't like them that much at first. You end up spending so much time around them that they become something akin to a second family to you
>Retail can help you improve your socialization and awkwardness SLIGHTLY but I'm still a little bit aspie and work with plenty of people who are similar
>If you don't get promoted or given a little bit of favoritism from management within the first year or so then you probably aren't going that far with the company, I'd think about looking for another job at that point
But ultimately...
>It's really not that bad. Some days suck, and it's pretty much never fun, but in the grand scheme of things it's definitely not awful.
Its actually not so much soul-draining as time/life-draining. I mean, if you didnt have plans for your time before you start working youll be fine wageslaving.
Former wageslave and I am willing to verify all of this.
Sunday afternoon and I'm getting my shit ready for work tomorrow. The clock is ticking down Working full time is too much for me, but I'm doing it so I can get ahead and achieve my other goals.
It's better than being a neet, but only fucking slightly.
>I can afford decent things that make my time off enjoyable.
>Government, family and society no longer pressure me to find work
>I don't have to eat ramen noodles for every meal
>Surrounded by beautiful women and milfs all day at my job
>Made friends
>No longer a poorfag, money can actually buy you happiness, to a degree
>Self sufficient
>Dealing with fuckwit customers all day every day
>Often too exhausted to really enjoy my weekends
>Becoming restless at my desk as my basic human instincts know I shouldn't be spending all day in a fucking office
>Regular existential crises as I try to figure out what my next fucking step is so I'm not still working this dead end job in a few years
>full time call center
who in their 5 senses would do such a thing
I work night from 10 to 6 doing janitorial work
It's soul crushing
I never feel well rested
I barely eat
People I work with are ok I guess
But I'm always in dread because it the job sucks so much
I hate going in to work every day
I get home go to sleep and wake up in dread of
>oh great I got to go to work in 6 hours
I live alone in my one bedroom shit hole of a apartment because no that's all I can afford
I want to just die
I'm trying to figure a way out of this hell hole of a existence that doesn't involve killing myself
But options aren't relooking to good
so like how school was? except you actually have to constantly be working?
>You get numb to it all eventually and it's not that bad.
10 months in and i still don't feel numb to it. everyday of my life is a burden. i can't believe that i used to be a happy neet in the past
What was school like for you? Most of my time was spent reading books under the desk and watching the teacher or other students talk, and all the classes were different. Even if every class was awful, they were at least varied, and you weren't in charge of them.
Wageslaving is different because it's doing the exact same thing for your entire shift/workday rather than splitting the work up into hour-long chunks, but it requires more focus than school ever did. Your work is less varied, but you have to pay more attention to it, and deal with stupid shit that randomly happens that's nothing to do with your main task.
Salaried jobs involve more variation than being a wageslave, but in many ways they're even more draining: you have twenty different things to do, but you're the one in charge of actually doing them, so you have to pay attention to not just the current task but to every other possible thing you could be doing. You end up disassociating from reality and switching between email and calendar for literally ten minutes because you're so overwhelmed by the mental pressure to keep track of everything, and you go through all your life in this mental constant fog.
>I'm trying to figure a way out of this hell hole of a existence that doesn't involve killing myself
Props for trying. Keep at it
Wagecucking is really fucking bad. The worst kind is working with customers. This experience made me fully believe that all people are trash. Boredom is also the second worst thing.
But you can get some useful abilities while wagecucking. In my wagecucking slave jobs I have learned to master my ability to fake smile, having energy and interest. Its quite useful because my therapist, mother and sister cant tell that I am planning my suicide.
God I cant fucking wait to end this shit.
Hated every second of it. Classes consisted of me sitting at the back daydreaming and doodling in my books, anything to pass the time. As soon as i got home i'd play videogames until like 5am because sleeping was essentially just a fast forward to the next shitty day. Didnt really have friends. Spent lunch time watching Twitch in the library. Weekends fucking zoomed by.
Both descriptions you just wrote sound like a nightmare. I'm incredibly neurotic so i'm pretty sure i'd crumble given any sort of responsibility.
I just wanna do something like volunteering with kids or at an animal shelter but i doubt i could find a way to make money from it - after all, that would defeat the point of volunteering.
Sorry for the blogpost. What do you do currently?
was meant for sorry, havent slept
Op, it depends. Do you do something worthwhile? something that you enjoy? I mean outside of work. Because if not you'll dread work and you'll also dread going back home. Or at least that's my experience
i love wage slaving
it keeps me grounded and i work outside on the land which is scientifically proven to help depression and anxiety
Currently working at a bar. Shits starting to get busy again. I make decent cash. The work is tiring though, and I honestly hate being in contact with other people for prolonged periods of time. Management is all assholes and they cant put together a decent schedule. I haven't had a day off in two weeks. I asked if I could get some more time off, the response I got from management was "lol we'll see"
Fucking hell niggers I just want a life outside of working and sleeping again.
I work at a mediocre pizza place full of kebab. I don't understand 70% of what they say and I meander my way through the work day pretending that I know what they want me to do. I hate every second. I go to sleep dreading waking up and going back to mini-pakistan. Don't be a wagie.
I would tell you to not do it but these days i'm finding less and less reasons to not an hero.
Reminds me of how the kitchen staff is at work. They're all beaners who barely converse in with anyone apart from themselves and they treat everyone else like shit
It's very soul-draining, and it's inevitable. But you can do a lot to make it more bareable.
1. Reduce commute time as much as physically possible (ideally walking distance)
2. Find companies with more relaxed start up style company culture (flex time, work from home etc)
3. Have number of days off per year as your primary benefit you look for when finding a job (unless you're in the US, in which case you're fucked because you're all as close to slaves as you can possibly get with your 10 days off a year). In EU you should be able to get 25 minimum fairly easily, up to 30 if you're somewhat desirable or shop around long enough.
4. Minmax your time outside of work, order exactly as much groceries you need for the week for delivery etc. Meal prepare if that's your thing
If you really put in an effort to live as good a life you can, then soulcrushing wageslavery really can become bearable, but the stress and emptiness will never go away.
>apparently its not too bad if you get into positions like IT, programing (maybe)
Lol, you'll be programming out of hours all the time to hit those deadlines. Or if you're IT you're gonna be called out of hours to sort out some issues after out of hours upgrades or maintenance, or network issues etc.
It depends on what you do outside of your day really. If you lead a strong, fulfilling lifestyle outside of work you can easily combat the mental fatigue - though the physical exertion that can hold you back from doing that is a whole other thing and depends largely on what type of job and what hours you are doing. In a sense wageslaving can be helpful for the more organized type by adding a sense of security from which you can easily spring-board your plans and execute them with greater efficiency knowing that you can't 'put off' tasks for later as you might if you weren't working. I don't find it really draining, though the people can be sometimes.
I worked at a dishwashing job like other anons as a teen and it was fucking bullshit. We were watched on cctv the whole time there and I was told off for even leaning a little bit on a metal railing when literally nothing was coming to us to clean and hadn't been in 10 minutes. Had to always look like I was doing something. Lunch break was 15 minutes for 5 hours of work. By the time you got your apron off and got outside you had a maximum of 10 minutes on your own. Then back for another 2.5 hours. 5 days a week.
What do you do user? Is it fun fun workie!!!!????
Extremely, I felt my soul slipping away after one month so I just quit before it could finish me off.
the job and co-workers weren't even bad, can't imagine how much worse it could've been.
im guessing real job refers to a warm body that jacks off in an office all day
Depends on how much you're being paid and how difficult the work is.
Hard work+low pay=soul crushing
Cake work+moderate to high pay is only as bad as the monotony and lost time of it....which gets so much better when you get paid...unless you're straddled with so much debt that your paycheck instantaneously disappears.
Spend money on things like pic related, and it's nowhere near as bad. Money CAN buy happiness, but it depends on what makes you happy. Family is a good example (wives and children are extremely expensive).
Money may not be able to buy a person happiness, but poverty almost always guarantees least with most people. Some can cope.
Depends. How do you feel about putting your best foot forward and doing work for three people and getting no credit for it while literal FOB immigrants with no grasp of the English language can half-ass their work and do things that would get you fired right there on the spot? Do the most work, get the most work. Know the right people, get the best benefits.
>How soul-draining is wageslaving actually like
What a weird fucking sentence structure.
Tbh user if you are that tired from a job that probly isnt even physical, you are just unhealthy
Another one of my co-workers is leaving today. All I can think about is how I have been at this awful job for nearly 3 years. I'm watching people come and go, some of them younger than I am, and I'm still doing the same shit with no effort or hope of moving forward or doing something else with my life.
I want to quit. I don't need the money, I'm a miser and I have enough savings to last over a year, but I don't want to put forth the effort into getting a new job.
I wish I knew what to do with my life.
This man is smart and is right. If you do not feel like this between work, you are a drone or lucky to work with something that is actually fulfilling (about 15 percent do)
I did call center part time and gave up after 3 months. That was the most souldestroying job i ever had.
It's okay, you have 40+ years to figure it out.
Eh, it beats neet alternative. Worst part is when you are so drained that you can barely go to the gym on weekdays, or you just go straight home and LDAR till the next day.
It is actually one of the non professional jobs with the highest suicide rate