Why aren't people taking climate change seriously?

Why aren't people taking climate change seriously?

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we're trying to get the ice caps to melt. ever watch Water world?

>protesting forest fires
>better get naked
never change roasties, never change. "We're" not taking climate change seriously because rich business owners control the politicians and climate scientists and would rather enjoy reaping the profits in the here and now than sacrificing so future generations don't inherit a fucked up world

women have no other method of expression

They are; it's just dumb amerimutts that aren't. There are demonstrations in many countries every week.


lol they will do nothing

Didn't France just have a bunch of big protests against measures implemented to fight climate change?

>Demostrating global warming:

She's an mma fighter at a weigh in. Fighters normally strip down anyway.

Because the solutions offered are shitty and will be ineffective.

because caring about earth apparently makes you a basedboy cuckold

Because every 5-7 years we are told how the earth will perish in 5-7 years
Also this

because taking efforts to stop it might cause corporations to lose a tiny slice of profit

Most people in power now will be dead by 2050, and people that will live into the 2070s won't be in power for another decade. So really, you'll see politicians and "leaders" take this shit a little more seriously around 2030, but it will be far too late.

Maybe if you demonstrate enough the global warming will just stop

Climate change is a hoax to guilt developed western countries into allowing mass immigration from third world countries under the guise that they are responsible for their displacement.

In reality, the earth undergoes natural cooling and warming cycles as has been documented since the beginning of time. We're currently in a warming cycle which is going to have a large impact on the living standards of most poor nations.

Global elites, with just cause, want to use this to fulfill a globalist new world order where no country has borders, the middle class is destroyed and labor is valueless and no one bands together with a connection through nationalism, race, religion or culture. The ultimate slave class.

The only form of pollution that really matters to humans is synthetic chemicals. Especially endocrine disruptors that alter hormones.

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This is what cope looks like folks, because the alternative is accepting that you fucked up the planet irreversibly

im a vegan and by virtue of not wanting to hurt animals i contribute to saving the rainforest, as do all vegans

with that said, the environment is actually the least important issue for me. personally i fully support environment destruction, and the melting of the icecaps and huge rising of the sea levels. if an apocalypse happens because of meat eaters it'll be the only good thing they've ever done

i went vegan for animal ethics, not for the environment. if you want to ruin the planet, be my guest. fire sounds are the most comfy


seriously listen fire burning, its so comfy

Because in the 80:
The earth is cooling we are going to be in a new ice age
Possible solution: moar taxes
Now: the earth is warming we are going ro cook to death
Possible solution:
Moar taxes

Climate change is only affected by 3% because of humans the rest 97% is solar activity, during history there was 1000x more carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, that was tye period where plant life actually thrived more than anything else, and it was the time when plants started growing in otherwise impossible/inhospitable locations, the earth goes thrugh climate change ever 10k years, in geolocigal record there are at least 7 drastic and about 1000 minor climate changing evebts recorded, some dating far far far before the dinosaurs. Climate change activism is nothing but feel good virtue signaling, also all of the studies climate change activists cite also say climate change is irreversable and unstopable, so they are so up in their asses thinking they are actually saving the earth while actually not doing jack shit, they literally think they are like jesus christ or something, climate change has become like a religious cult

>im a vegan
Why do vegans always announce that they're vegan to everybody, thinking we give a fuck? You just had to shill veganism in a climate change thread, you fucking fag.

It's a gay ass meme leftists push to win elections like it's been happening since the 70s. As if it's something new or serious.

Decrease in human population is good for ecology
It balances itself so its all fine

incredibly, originally based

still muted

Cause i just don't care, ill be dead relatively soon, sounds like my fictional child's problem

Not much we can do about it. Its something that just, happen.

>Climate change is a hoax
Lmaooooo. I guess the US, China and India should just continue to pollute and fuck up this Earth. Fuck off oil shill

>Coca Cola Co keeps using up the water supply to generate a trash soda drink that tastes like pure shit


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>hottest 20 years in recorded history have all been in the last 21 years
>people are dropping dead from the heat in countries that normally don't get hot
>iT's JuSt NaTuRaL cYcLeS

Unironically would make life better for everyone if a few billion died.

Humans have been around since the beginning of time hur durrrr shut the fuck up low iq brainlet

Amazing argument. 10/10 you refuted my point perfectly.

Climate change is such a risk because poses an extremely uncomfortable paradox for policitians and industrialists. On one hand, it's factual that unabated industrial consumption of the raw materials of the planet is guaranteed to eventually make the planet uninhabitable for higher species as we both destroy in situ habitats, pollute potential future habitats and cause further climatic shift. On the other hand, this industrial consumption is precisely what is underpinning western living standards and the core premise of our economic system and the arguments for a free market economy. Any substantive policy on climate change necessitates some form of economic contraction, and that simply is not acceptable in our current Overton window.

We need a new Temujin to wipe out millions and take us back to a more ecofriendly society.

Because I want the world to end

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Although a larger population will have a higher baseline consumption rate, it has no real bearing on the consumption of unsustainable resources which are often on bullshit - just think about the disposability of modern tech and appliances.

Calling for genocides is stupid because it reinforces that climate change is an argument about gatekeeping the planets resources and ultimately delegating who should be allowed to consume, when we should be changing the entire system.

Because even if every person in every first world country went100% ecofriendly overnight forever, It wouldn't matter because China and India are the top contributors of pollution and climate change along with other shitholes like Brazil. Unless we go full WW3 on those sub-humans nothing will change.

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>when we should be changing the entire system.
Yes but we need to cut down on shit RIGHT NOW, and that's not happening without force.

shut up ooblets dev

>US polluted more than twice as much as India in 2017 in terms of CO2 emissions
But yeah keep pulling shit out of your ass.

Its pretty obvious that we're driving full throttle into a climate disaster. Even if people actually listened and took action, large corporations never will, so we're totally fucked. At least I can take some screenshots of threads like this and shitpost about it if Jow Forums is still around.

>large corporations never will
This is why you implement pollution tax.

is this a competition or something? who the fuck cares who the leader is, one country is trash, the other one is gas fumes, we're all under the same atmosphere.

Here's a spoiler: China and India's industry is primarily producing goods for the Western market after we outsourced most of our own industry. Their carbon and pollution footprint is ours, just in another country.


If you're not calling for genocide the scale of which this world has never seen, you're not taking it seriously either.

India produces around half as much carbon dioxide as the U.S. despite having four times the population, and even China's per capita carbon dioxide production is less than half that of the U.S.'s.

>retards fight each other over who is the most trashy
no wonder the world can't agree on anything.

So...Thanos (aka banus)? Kek, pretty soi idea t.bh desu.

Checked, coke literally tastes like what shit smells like.

there's this blind taste test by 2 autistic Canadians on Youtube who are obsessed with soda and even they rate Coke the worst. it's not a mystery, it's just capitalism at work churning out shit brainlessly with no one questioning it.

No one takes it seriously because no one wants to listen to some hippie fucking autist screaming about plastic straws for weeks on end

Also the majority of people could not give a fuck

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What can you do about it? You need to stop civilization as you know it.

Cool that sounds interesting, I'll try to find it.
>It's not a mystery, it's just capitalism at work churning out shit brainlessly with no one questioning it.
Almost like in that story The Emperor's New Clothes, huh? It's a societally shared willing delusion.

if you lower gas prices, CO2 emissions will go up. so yeah, it's all willingly shared delusion and also everyone willingly has their hand in the cookie jar.

Well if some Canadian soda autist says it tastes bad then it must be true lad

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first, there was 2 of them saying it was bad. second, someone else in the thread thinks so, i already thoght so yeahrs ago, but damn bro, your autistic smug just over comes all that, you win!!!

I suppose it's true that many people in the first world also stand to gain from it, or at least lose some of their current standard of living. It's not just limited to the large corporations, even though they may be responsible for the majority of it.