I am considering becoming a liberal. They just seem a lot happier. I have so much anger and hatred for no good reason

I am considering becoming a liberal. They just seem a lot happier. I have so much anger and hatred for no good reason.

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How about you stop being a part of identity politics instead, you fucking retard

you might as well try to pretend santa claus is real again.

You'd turn to Satan for happiness? Where's your kippa?

what do you mean by "becoming" a liberal? If you support liberal policies you're a liberal, pretending to be one doesn't make you a liberal.

good luck trying to spit back up the redpill, you wont succeed. P much every liberal policy is rooted in giving more totalitarian power to women and degenerates

>be centrist
>not racist
>not a bitchy vegan SJW

not sure how you associate happiness with a political ideology, op.
maybe base your political views on policy?
but i wish you happiness user

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Complains about everything but does nothing. Works a job but only thinks about going to cool hip places with friends. Lets loose when out like they're 6 years old to "feel again". No ambition or drive to get to the next level. Constantly blames others for the obstacles to progress. Uses anxiety as an excuse for their daily struggle of going out in public

Yea, go for it you weak faggot. You're angry because you're not happy with yourself. Learn and adjust, give effort.

Happiness isn't an emotional state, but an objective characteristic of a life. Changing your worldview won't make you happy, but it might make it easier to cope with your suffering. The truth is painful. The strength of one's soul is revealed in the degree of truth that he's capable of coping with. There are certain worldviews that are characteristic of strong souls, like marxian critical theory and the more serious shades of conservatism. They contain so much painful truth and so little cope. On the other hand, there are worldviews like liberalism that exist for those who cannot handle the truth.

I am a politic absurdist.

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Then you better get a lobotomy, and forget everything about facts, logic, avtually thinking for yourself or indipendant thought.

dubs of truth
Anger and hatred for what user

If literally hating all conservatives and mandatory-liking shitty orange man bad memes in your daily shitbook feed is what it means to be happy, I don't wanna be happy.

This, political ideologies are arbitrary and all function properly under the right circumstances. The compass is a meme

you don't have to stop hatred, you can just tone it down

Becoming liberal isn't going to just magically wipe away your anger lol

The reason that you are angry is because you are genetically inferior and can't cope with that fact, being a liberal is coping that and accepting that you are a low-t cuck that women will only use for status (money) and not for sex

your move now

i mean in your case


Traps, comfy, robots, minimal rules r9k Discord


sorry, you can't actually go back to being bluepilled, you can only ever cover it up or suppress it

I'm in the same boat, except I don't think it's possible to change what I believe. I wouldn't know how. If I did know how, though, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

I'm sure that you can live a hate-free life without changing something completely unrelated, but if it helps, go for it

In what way do they seem happier? The ones in my life are emotionally compromised over any little thing they hear on TV. I have a gay coworker that said he would kill himself if trump was re-elected (though the dude is late 30s and made a few attempts already). If you're far right and seething over niggers, how does switching to seething over boomers, conservatives and white people make a difference? They aren't any less hateful than any other group?

I gues if u are into being brainwashed

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>t.became conservative because he wanted to be accepted by Jow Forums and have some form of community

>be on centre left
>about as depressed as the average robot
>don't really care about identity politics, outside of laughing at idiots on both sides
>can't get laid, but i realize it's more to do with me than muh wimmin

I-is this the radical centrism i hear so much about? Or am i just not quite as retarded as the average bot, simply because i think identity politics is a waste of time?

The physical world can't give you lasting happiness. You must learn to escape this world

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>ancient ass vanilla pepe

yea, this post isn't abysmal tier bait

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this Idealist nonsense is only meant to confuse the proletariat

Always concerned with the flawed and evil world, you authoritarians. Never the perfect monad. This is why you fail.
But I suppose hylics just can't understand the glory of gnosis. Perhaps in another life you will, sad as it is that you will spend more time in this prison.

Which branches of conservatism would you consider ideologically coherent? Christian distributions?