This cheese unironically makes me feel happiness - it's the perfect mix of creamy and flavorful. Even though it's pretty cheap it's just so good
This cheese unironically makes me feel happiness - it's the perfect mix of creamy and flavorful...
I went to their factory with my mum a few months ago. Tillamook is beautiful.
They have pretty good ice cream
Cheese is made from rennet which is a culture that comes from the stomach lining of baby cows. This kills the baby cow. You murderer. Have a good day.
Decadence, materialism, and hedonism. Not only are you exploiting animals but you're stepping all over the safety of my environment. Fuck you. You are a disrespectful cunt.
Get fucked grass munchers
I hope a cannibalistic serial killer who only targets vegans ends up kidnapping, raping, torturing, and finally, devouring both of you.
The computer you are shit posting on was made in a foreign country by people that get paid less than $5 a day. This kills the spirit of the work. You are a murderer of spirits. Have a good day.
>more materialist, hedonist whining
The animal that eats dung and flesh thinks he's above other animals. Foolish slave.
What, you hope because you can't do it yourself? Even evil people are lazy.
shutb the fuck p nigger
>more pussified grassmunching whining
I am eating a whole roasted chicken right now
>I am consuming
>I am satisfied with my consumption
Pitiable ignorant slave.
>Cant even convince people to change
Oh you...
why are you like this user? serious question
Do continue to sperg out on people over their life choices which you don't, and will never have control of :)
It really is beautiful, I've only been once a few years ago in high school but it was so much fun
Thats one sexy doctor
get fucked, I love to eat cheese and nothing you say will make me feel otherwise
I was eating cheese as I wrote this shitpost you environmentalist cuck
you're probably just some angry lactose intolerant feminist
As opposed to what? Not consuming sustenance? Starving to death like the twig commie veggie fag nigger lover you are? I'd tell you to kill yourself but you already are.
You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.
You cant even lead the fucking horse, you are just yelling at it like a retard in hopes he goes to the water and drinks it.
Not gonna happen
do you just eat blocks of cheese? you know that makes you a glutton right?
Stop speaking like you're a fucking 145 IQ genius you stupid fucking grassmunching cuck
nah i think you have a bad case of faggotitis, sorry user
>ni neng nai wo he?
I wish all of you braindead monkeys had that capacity.
You certainly could benefit from fasting and flagellation the most out of everyone here, not that that was ever in contention to begin with. You prideful little shit. Learn some humility. You are insignificant.
You're trying to modify an ancient idiom to make it seem like an inadequacy on my part? Well, if I can't lead the horse, fundamentally the situation hasn't changed anyway. The horse is too comfortable drinking piss and eating shit in the stable, and whining when his piss and shit is taken away, or even the possibility of that is discussed. Poor thing. What can I do to rouse him?
IQ is irrelevant.
While I agree with you on the fact that IQ is irrelevant, I am failing to understand why you are attacking one of the oldest diets in the modern world. Obviously it's worked thus far, why do we suddenly need to change?
I know it's kind of a boomer tier question but as a 20's doomer I would really like to know. The world is fucked anyway, why not try to enjoy yourself as much as possible?
You sound like a massive faggot user. Hang yourself
>You're trying to modify an ancient idiom to make it seem like an inadequacy on my part?
It is called analogy mc retard, other faggot grassmunchers at least explain the benefits and advantages of their lifestyles but, you?
You even ask what to do to rouse him?
Fucking shit I bet you do not even eat meat because you are too retarded to know how.
Why do you act so pretentious over an anonymous russian basket weaving website? Who do you think you are going to impress?
ur mum so I can fug her
Perception on what is enjoyable can be contemptible and ignoble. Consider the other psychopaths in this thread.
Slave insults.
The point is that you either understand empathy or you don't. You do a lot of unnecessary blabbing.
Why are you calling him pretentious? What has he done that is pretentious?
Do you really need me to point out how he types like a pretentious fag that thinks he's smarter than everyone else? If it's bait it's really working
You are not and will never be the one to decide the scope of empathy.
There are no half-measures when it comes to that. You can either understand another's suffering or you can't.
He asked a fair question based on his proclivities. He was not being pretentious. Maybe you're just being foolish.
No it was pretty pretentious lmao
Can we get back to talking about cheese?
I prefer yogurt
Even if that is the case then you're reading too much into what is irrelevant in the end. All that matters is whether or not something is true
If I had the ability I'd personally tear a baby cow from it's mother, slice open it's guts while the mother watches, and take that rennet out with my hands
Cows are stupid as shit dude who the fuck cares.
Shut the fuck up user. I don't give a shit
>your intelligence determines your value
See? Even if the other guy's pretentious, he actually is smarter than these barbarians. So give him a chance.
>Some of the success in the vegan cheese market can be attributed to the continuing development of plant based proteins in substitution for cow's milk among dairy products. Plant based proteins or vegetable proteins are derived from edible sources of protein such as basedbeans. These proteins are used to help mimic texture and overall structure of the food product they are attempting to replicate in a non-dairy version. Plant based proteins are partly responsible for vegan cheeses being able to imitate the stretching and melting property that dairy cheeses possess.[14]
>A difficult challenge for food scientists is creating vegan cheese that melts and stretches like dairy cheese. Dairy cheese, and many lactose-free cheese analogues, melt and stretch because of the protein casein, which is a milk protein and therefore not vegan, so food scientists use a "blend of gums, protein, solids and fats" to attempt to duplicate the mouthfeel and melt of dairy cheese.[15] A project called Real Vegan Cheese aims to solve this difficulty by making cheese with casein produced by yeast rather than by cows. This cheese would have real casein, but would be vegan because the casein would not be animal-derived.[16]
>As of 2018, there are a few different approaches to making vegan cheese, but one of the more intricate and scientific processes involves fermentation. In this approach the "cheese" maker would typically start with some type of tree nut and allow the desired amount of nuts to soak in a small amount of water for about 36 hours. The soaking of the raw nuts allows bacteria to develop and then ferment. The natural sugars produced by the tree nut and the bacterial development are how the fermentation happens. The length of time involved in the aforementioned fermentation is what gives vegan cheese its variance in tangy flavor.[17]
>telling someone to shut the fuck up
Stop sucking his dick lol. Jow Forums posts aren't usually a good indicator of intelligence
Back in my hometown it is a tradition to kill the goat you are having for dinner yourself. It is always funny to see the little kids crying and then asking for seconds when it is already cooked.
I didn't mean like that user, I don't care about vegan cheese or the struggles in creating it.
Aww, faggy learned something today.
Who is a good boy? you are nooott
thanks fellow homo
Didn't mean to be pretentious lmao, maybe if I type more like a shitpost it won't seem that way.
I guess looking for other points of view on things is being a faggot on this board, I forgot
>ITT: Faggots getting mad at each other due to me posting about my favorite cheese
You know what? I'm going to go out and buy some of that cheese. I REALLY want cheese now.
>telling someone to shut the fuck up
Bro please greentext.
You wanted discussion of cheese.
please do, I just had some when I made the post and figured I would shitpost about my faborite cheese.
It's so fucking good, especially since I could visit the tillamook titty factory anytime I want >:)
Yes, intelligence determines your value you retard
Dumb people die. Smart live. Dumb animals die for their secondary value, food
>titty factory
What? as in boobies?
No it isn't.
Braindead vegan tard
as in the cheese factory
cause... milk comes from the cow titty
Dang, does this count as furry?
that sure is some pure animal love
sure, thank PETA for the furry cartoon
Then it's by the good grace of others that you're still alive. Maybe you should learn from their example.
Arent those the retards who torture animals and film it to fit their agenda?
OwO I need this! Where doez I buy? :3