God fucking dammit! How did I let my life get like this? Literally all I want in life is a girlfriend and eventually a wife. Nothing more, nothing less. I want to be able to hold a girl all night while I wake up and go to my uni classes the next day so I can eventually give my money to her to support her and eventually my familys happiness. Thats it. Thats all I want, and yet its still too much of an ask. Im legitimately a fucking domino set with two fucking pieces, and I still cant get them to fall. Just end my pathetic existence now.
God fucking dammit! How did I let my life get like this...
something tells me that if you base your self worth on having a partner that there may be other issues that prevent one from getting the desired partner
what else can I do? theres nothing else to do. beyond finding love, all I can do with my life is just accumulate more money while I sit there and cry. My future is cold sterile and bleak without some kind of fucking love.
Tell us about yourself. Getting a girl to date isn't that difficult unless you're ugly.
I would say its the other way around, if you need more than that then you are and egoist monster like most people
> egoist
if you have seen everything presented to you in this life and decided that the only thing worth any time is love, i suggest expanding your world view. those who think this world is small are too distanced from it, and lose sight of all the tiny things that make it wonderful. disregard the big picture, enjoy the smaller snippets and i think you could be much happier
Like what do you wanna know? Im not attractive, I know thats at least a big part of it.
>uni student
>white, blonde hair, blue eyes
>a bit overweight, but not like hamplanet tier or anything, like 270 lb
>5 foot 11
>compsci major, just at uni for the money in the future
idk what else to say
whats the point of such meaningless acts like chasing happiness if you fail at your only purpose in life?
Idk what else to appreciate. I know its good to stop and smell the roses and whatnot, but this world is really fucked. Weve got megacorps and degenerates threatening to destroy everything good in the world and spying on us constantly, the world is slowly physically dying due to human actions, and here I am unable to even find someone to find peace through on this fucking battlefield of a time.
user stop being a pussy, you have a whole life ahead of yourself to meet girls, hell you can just wait a few of decades and get yourself a cute robot waifu
i think you misinterpret what i say, generally when people are dependent on others for their sense of worth, there are other issues along with the dependency that can be a turn off for the very person someone desires, low self worth can be coped with in a lot of unhealthy ways, like smothering a partner, being controlling, non confrontational, abusive, there are a lot of bad things that go along with low self worth for so many reasons that all mix together in an ugly way
if you believe that procreation is the only way to contribute to whatever purpose society has given you, i would say you care too much about what others think of you as well. in the grand scheme that you attribute this whole purpose of life, you should realize that it itself is meaningless as well, nothing matters in the end, and we will all end. i guess we just disagree, chasing happiness is meaningless and pointless, but that doesnt matter if everything is. i enjoy who i am and what i do, even though nothing will come of it, though it did take me some time to understand that.
in my darkest moment, the one thing that brought me peace was gardening, it was difficult and tedious, but sharing my little harvest with those around me gave me an inner warmth that kept me going. if you want some more suggestions to try out, i can give some, but thats just one that comes to me instantly. peace will never be permanently found, especially not in someone else. just brief moments to catch your breath before returning to that battle of a time you talk about
From a biological stand point your only role as human being is reproduction and family building, is the only meaningful thing that you can do and you are denied from that experience
why would waiting help me find someone? All thats gonna happen is im gonna get older and sadder
That sounds nice, but like you yourself said, the nice part was sharing what you had done with those around you. Id be happy to try new things and live life once ive found someone, but until then, im just kinda stuck and feel so lonely and empty
Anime isn't real, grow the fuck up
the only meaning to that is instinct deep, with no complex thoughts behind it. you give too much credit to that impulse, there are far greater things on this world than procreation, i suggest expanding your view to understand that.
have you considered that by doing those things, it could lead you to meet someone? maybe if you went to pick up some seeds to plant, you could meet someone else just starting out gardening and grow together. by refusing to live life until you find someone, you eliminate the number one way of finding someone.
You're really young. 270 at 5'11 seems heavy.
You need to put your focus on getting a girl to DATE first. A gf is difficult to get. You need the dating skill first. So for that you'll need to be "well groomed" and have clothes that look decent, you DONT need expensive and no /fa/ shit. Find an actor that's similar size to you and look what they were casually.
Chat to girls and always be learning. Be aware of girls with mental issues, ie BPD. They're toxic and will destroy you. Read up on bpd.
If you struggle to talk to girls try chatting to cashiers more than usually, especially if you go often. Joke around and get used to it. Be forward and bold with girls, especially on dating apps. You'll be surprised how girls pretend to be goodygoody or hold back.
At your age probably having your own place, car, money to do things like bowling, probably plays a major impact in dating. So don't get discouraged. Always be learning. I also say the first girl you get the attention of you'll fuck up. Just be aware. Always talk to more than one girl, even if the others you don't care about, this keeps you calm and not clingy.
wdym? I dont watch anime if that means anything. Just wanna be happy
I guess maybe youre right. It just becomes a self feeding loop tho. Its not like I dont have hobbies now, I just dont meet girls through them often or easily.
>why would waiting help me find someone? All thats gonna happen is im gonna get older and sadder
find a better solution then mongoloid, stop putting women on a pedestal you sack of shit, learn how to be alone and happy
The only reason you dont see any meaning in things like society, laws, family, and 3/4 of the shit society forces you to do is because you either failed to reject your basic purpose on life. all these shits like the future fo society, or your family become completely meaningless the moment you failed or rejected your purpose on life which is to secure and protect your offsprings. Modern life is nothing but a huge tragic comedy. suicide is the only option
tl;dr you dont know a goddamn thing. you are 18 years old.
I know im young and I know im not in shape. Trying to fix that second one, but its a work in progress and not eating most days doesnt help my mood very often.
I did have a girlfriend for like a year, but it was an online relationship so I know it doesnt count, and it ended in disaster so its not like I achieved my dreams. She did have BPD but I was willing to ignore any and all red flags and accept whatever I had to accept to keep her in my life, bc my thinking is that the worst possible gf on the planet cant be worse than being all alone. Ended up cheating on me. I do rly struggle on talking to girls in person though. Kinda scared of them and them rejecting me.
Ive tried to accept my loneliness. I rly have. I cant cope with it. Its just not something I can do. I feel like every day that im isolated is a day that im throwing in the garbage.
you seem to believe that since i understand everything is meaningless, that i am unhappy. i enjoy what i do, and i do not need any meaning or purpose in doing it. you seem to have been fooled into thinking that for something to be enjoyable that it has to have a purpose, and im sorry thats the case for you, i understand why it would lead you to believe suicide is the only option