We dont sit alone

Reply to this. Please. Fucking please. I feel so damn alone right now.

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heroow user

Hey, sorry that you feel lonely.

Was just about to post the same feel, guess I'll chill here instead.

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I love you, OP! You are beautiful bagel!

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You're not alone user, We're here.

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Total HURTBOX server, do not JOIN if you value your LIFE


It's alright buddy, you're not alone. And even if you don't have us, you have the porn ads.

Hey man. I'm going through some shit.
We all are.

whats goin on user are u good

Real human being... and a real hero


We're aII aIone together.

Back against the wall and odds
With the strength of a will and a cause
Your pursuits are called outstanding
you're emotionally complex

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I wanna fuck so badly but its weekend and both me and my gf are poor fags and we dont have our own rooms.

We are here OP.

Hey hey anony heres a very special (You) for (You) just because you need it so badly :^)

We're all alone here brudda, i guess being in sort of a brotherhood with a faceless anonymous is a better than being totally alone

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Here's another reply for you user
Hope this helps even a little.
Fuck I feel like garbage too, I'm gonna get high and go for a nightwalk

I'm feeling pretty shitty right now, too. Hopefully you'll be able to find what you need user.

I feel this on so many fucking levels. I just finished crying my eyes out over how I'm 28, I've never been in a relationship, I'm so fucking lonely, and I'm literally craving physical contact. I'm so starved for attention and touch that it actually hurts.

I really just want to kill myself but I know it would devastate my family. I just want someone to wrap their arms around me or hold my hand.

I don't know what else to do. I don't know how much more I can take.

I wish I could say it gets better, user. I wish I could give helpful advice but I'm in no position to do that.

If I could just be alone while I feel lonely, that would be a big step up from being surrounded by those whose presence mocks my lonliness.

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You found the right place user.

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Stay strong brother praying for ya

wow user, this wow, user
gotta stay hopeful
it could all change tomorrow,
what could possibly go right

Lonliness is universal. So you arent alone in feeling lonely.

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check out my vocaroo thread, fren :)

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You arent alone when you have christ inside your heart.

Hello, user! OwO

hey its alright, atleast were all in this together

you'll get better lad.

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Hey dude, if you need someone to talk to, we're here.

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fyckin bump for balls sake

You need to do something to take your mind off shit like that.

Start some sort of a venture that might help you make more money, learn some new skills.

Play fucking video games after all

we're in this mess together OP

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Take care, OP. You are not alone.

Posting from a park. Just sitting here and wondering. 30yo lonely user here.

Its sunday morning what are you doing to make today a productive day ??

Keep fighting the good fight anons you are not alone
I repeat you are not alone if they want to kill us let them come
Show them a battle they will never fucking forget

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We are alone together here