What's your favorite non-popcorn movie snack Jow Forums? And what kind of popcorn do you like with it?

What's your favorite non-popcorn movie snack Jow Forums? And what kind of popcorn do you like with it?
For me its red licorice and either regular buttered popcorn or cheese popcorn

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Nachos I like spicy popcorns

Nachos are great for movies but I always get self conscious eating them in the theater
I've never heard of spicy popcorn tho what's it flavored with?

Only thing other than regular buttered popcorn I'd eat at the theatres is cheese sticks. I'd have to decide if I want to get one or the other because even if there are four cheese sticks in one order, they fill you up really quick.
I also never got eating candy at the theatres, probably because I don't really eat any candy anymore.

chilli powder and lime

a cold glass of water goes well with anything
remember to stay hydrated

Cheese sticks, like mozzarella sticks or string cheese? The first one sounds comfy for sure, though you're right they are surprisingly filling
Personally I like candy with movies cause the sweet goes very well with the salty popcorn!
I completely agree user, a nice cold glass of water really is refreshing. But what will you hsve with your water during the movie?

i like to have a second glass of water with half as much ice, but in the same glass because it's not that big

Do you ever eat anything or do you somehow just survive on water?

photosynthesis, pic related

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That's pretty cool user, what's your favorite flavor of sunlight?

UV rays or ultraviolet

How dare you not post the ATHF movie version of that pic

nachos with an icee to drink. that's my go-to movie snack at the movie theater when I go by myself

i also have a gallon of water that i carry around with me, and keep near me when im working out or playing vidya

It didnt even occur to me, user forgive me please
That sounds really good, what flavor icee do you get?

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Crispy M&Ms my man

mike and ikes mixed with m&ms. that plus mtn dew is a really specific flavor combination that reminds me of being a kid. popcorn is better if you get unflavored in bulk and butter and salt it yourself

Crispy, you mean the ones with peanuts?
That really is specific but as long as it makes you happy
Also I can never get the popcorn to taste as good as the theater if I do it myself

i always get those sour patch watermelons

A candy of kings, not enough people appreciate those things

cherry or blue raspberry. I usually only watch horror or action movies. if it's an action movie, I get cherry, if it's horror, I get blue raspberry

You actually came through and did it...
Thanks buddy and sorry if I was rude

>having specific flavors for specific genres
Actually pretty cool user you sound interesting. I'd go to the theater with you
It's okay user it was completely justified, I'm ashamed that I forgot about that scene to begin with

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Bros I'm watching a movie lemme hear your movie snacks and traditions come on
This is basically free (You)s here
Movies and time set aside specifically to watch them are extremely comfy so let's talk about comfy times

Slushie taki sour patch kids or malt balls
I always just sneak in takis and put them in my popcorn

>takis in popcorn
That's an interesting combination desu
What's your slushie flavor user? Also malt balls are a severely underrated candy I tell ya

Blue i lile the colour blue so i just grab whatever blue slushi
normally blue raspberry
Mixing chips or taki with popcorn is nice

Blue raspberry is the best
Controversial question: what are your thoughts on the rise of Crunchberry flavored slushies in 7/11 replacing blue raspberry
Personally I hate it

If you guys owned a movie theater, what kind of snacks would you serve?

Me? I'd serve crab legs.

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That's a pretty upscale movie theater, I bet you'd have those big comfy seats too huh? I'd go for a treat sometimes but idunno if I'd get crab legs. Offer some short ribs tho and I'm down
For me I think my snacks would be more exotic kinds of candies and chips, as well as some really dolled up nachos
Also, those giant Turkey legs from fairs
I hope you come to my theater too user

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I like to dip my extra butter popcorn into Pepsi. Or take a big handful of popcorn, put it in my mouth, and take a big sip of Pepsi while the extra butter popcorn is in my mouth

Both of these options sound extremely unpleasant user, how did you come about this combination?

Pepsi tastes good with salted snacks. I even like Ritz crackers dipped in pepsi

I kinda find Pepsi to taste a bit salty itself if that makes any sense, I prefer a rootbeer with salty snacks for the contrast
Does the buttered popcorn effect the drink? I'd think it would

Chocolate covered gummy bears!

That's a thing? What are they like?