Tfw I'll never have a stable and loving long term relationship because of my BPD

>tfw I'll never have a stable and loving long term relationship because of my BPD

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Other urls found in this thread:!leZBUNxz4o/

Best of luck finding someone. There are a lot of people who actually are into people with BPD and see it as attractive, but BPD itself can make relationships not last. It doesn't even matter if people are into it, BPD itself is an issue that can trouble and plague relationships.

Are you a girl I dated a girl with bpd for 6 years so I could probably manage with you

Your just an infantile bitch faggot with no discipline who has 0 control of him/herself and never tried to get any

You don't have bpd stop trying to justify your lack of effort

You don't deserve one!leZBUNxz4o/

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What are you talking about if I had a bpd girl who even knew what the 14 words were I would marry her fuck off

It's a man. And I guess he's not you sorry

Damn that sucks wish I could meet a bpd nat soc girl

I don't want someone to enable my toxic behaviors because they get off on bpd girls. I want to be normal and have a normal relationship.

Well I mean there might be someone in the thread cough cough who likes bpd girls but idk if your a tranny

>You don't have bpd stop trying to justify your lack of effort
I was diagnosed by a therapist a few years back and have been actively seeking therapy.

any tips on how I can make someone with bpd feel comfy around me

I know one girl with BPD who I'd happily get into a relationship with. It's not impossible, you just have to keep attending therapy and taking your medication.

therapy is a racket for the jews just stop being a retard, retard
"mentally ill" people love coke. try finding out how to get coke

>I know one girl with BPD who I'd happily get into a relationship with.
The problem isn't getting into a relationship. It's the fact that once I'm in one that I'll just ruin it because of my emotions, the fact that I often jump between being obsessively clingy to coldy distant, and deep rooted anxiety.

I'm worried about the exact same thing. My friend just told me about how her ex had BPD and that it just wasn't possible for them to be together after a while, and the whole time I was thinking about my own BPD and how I will never find a permanent partner.

I'm not a tranny and what do you even like about bpd girls?

I know, that's what I'm saying. I would get into a relationship with this girl because she's proven to me to be relatively stable.

I think they exhibit the best and worst of the human condition. I think they are really amazing because they usually are at least honest with their problems. I like that they can be really happy one moment and down the next. I believe in order to truly love someone you have to except them for their flaws. Love isnt real if you dont love your partners flaws.

Her name is Erin and she's actually a sweetheart

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any real tips?

Every BPD girl I've met has been clingy and possessive and thats what I want. Not cause of some fetish, I just genuinely think it's the only way I will ever actually feel like I'm loved
I think I have enough love to give that maybe I could actually make them feel loved as well

She looks really cute I think her eyes are beautiful.

Be my bpd bf/gf

>Every BPD girl I've met has been clingy and possessive and thats what I want
We're not always clingy. At first I'll be super clingy and want to spend literally 24/7 with you and have pnic attacks if I think somethings off with you. Then after a while if you do something that angers me or something that I simply dislike then I'll distant myself from you, be cold and start to hate you until something happens and then I'm again super in love with you. It's an endless cycle.

She does have really pretty eyes. I think shes cute in general really. She gets a lot of hate on here and I dont really understand why other than she started posting while underage, which a lot of people do anyways?

Being friends with someone who has bpd is different than being in a romantic relationship with them

I'm sorry you're also dealing with this

Yeah she is a beautiful girl. Would be really amazing to meet someone like that here.

Mhm, that's what I've experienced
I didnt mean 24/7 just in general
Honestly as long as you're honest about it I'd be perfectly fine, I'd give you your space and still do what I could to make you smile
I can relate a lot, I suspect I have it too. So I'm always honest when someone asks if something is off

She posts here a lot and sometimes avatars as Usagi so I suspect this is her thread
I met her here that's why i know so much

I'm not Erin
So no, she did not make this thread

I doubt it would be a smart idea with two people with bpd to date each other. I can barely handle myself or a "normal" person. I think it would just make both of our mental states worse.

I'm curious, what draws you to Usagi? Was it a random image or what?
I ask cause it seems like a pattern in BPD
Anyways this is your thread to vent sorry to have made it about someone else. Tell us about you

Well I would cherish her if I met her here like I said you only truly love someone for their flaws. Not that I see bpd as a flaw like I said its the ultimate expression of the human condition I think it is very beautiful to express ones emotions so much. I also know I can handle it because I did it for 6 years and it only made me love my ex more for it.

I've been told that if I do have it, it's a less extreme case. I tend to go way hard into the clingy loving feeling and then out of it, but not real hateful, and then I go back rather quick
Plus I can pretty easily put myself in someone else's shoes. I can usually handle people with extreme emotional issues cause of it. I just want to understand so i can help, and accommodate, even if it's something I did

>I'm curious, what draws you to Usagi?
I've made threads with this same image before, that's all. I don't know, I feel like it's always fitting to me because I'm nearly always crying over sonething. I honestly don't even care about sailor moon, I just found the image on Google.

>tfw cant enjoy video games because of BPD
>constantly angry

Well BPD is a flaw no matter what
But like you said, loving someone for their flaws is a big part of it, I completely agree. You'd be lucky to be with someone like Erin, she's cool and I think she'd make a really good wife. But if you hurt my friend I'd skin you alive

I know this feel so bad. I honestly sometimes just get so angry I end up crying and hitting myself. Just because of a dumb game

Heh really? That's quite a coincidence then, sorry for assuming things

Reminder that this is a hermaphrodite who samefags about herself every day claiming to love her. (See this thread as proof)

I've talked to it on Omegle a few times and she's the absolute most boring insanely narcissistic person I've met through Jow Forums ever.

>tfw bpd is so shitty that I'm getting genuinely angry because people are making my thread about this Erin girl
Lol kill me

I wouldnt hurt anyone on purpose being heartbroken is the worst feeling in the world. I would never wish that even on my worst enemy. I think breaking someones heart is about the lowest thing you can do. But I will probably never meet anyone anyway. Too introverted and not lucky enough here.

Good. People like you fucked my life and countless others. Here's to hoping you all bpd subhumans die alone.

Hey I asked about you, I still would like to know more about you

Wew lad, why do gross trannies on here always go full Jow Forums? Noone will see the subhuman freaks as real girls just because blacks nignogs.

Well there's always the OP of this thread
At the very least she(?) seems really open about the condition and wants to not hurt people, I'd say that's good in my book

BDP girls are the most unoringial attention whores. They know anime images work well in general on the internet so they save something from sailor moon 'because that's cute and anime right?'.

sorry people got us confused op

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Yeah lol for real who would use anime pictures on a
Japanese image board
How weird right lol

She dosnt seem to interested in me she responded like once I imagine she didnt like any of my justifications but that is ok. She seems like a really nice person tho.

I have bpd and the last two guys I dated turned out to be legit sociopaths. I think I mistake their lack of emotion for stoicism or stability. They also feed off my blinded-by-love susceptibility to manipulation through validation and flattery. There were red flags but I chose to ignore them because I was in the idealization phase.

this is a Indonesian cartoon appreciation site tho

Nice numbers bro
But yeah she seems nice just a bit out of order on replies and a little slow to post them? Idk in general my experience with her itt is positive I wish she would tell us more about her I'm curious

This is an off topic board. If they feel so strongly about the anime influence they'd have actually watched some instead of being a generic thot who likes 'tha sailor moon asethetics'. Drooling retard

I've watched sailor moon multiple times user

I havent watched whatever this is from but I'm still posting it. What're you gonna do about it?

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>I don't even care about sailor moon
>I-I've watched it multiple times senpai!
Sure whore, think it through better.
Nothing. I'm shitting on an unoriginal whore desperate for attention. You on the other hand are a pathetic manchild who'll never have that issue, back to orbiting for you.

Which one are you? There's so many replies aat this point, I get confused easily.
It's not you're fault.
>I think I mistake their lack of emotion for stoicism or stability
I feel this a lot, dang. I used to end up dating guys who actually had basically no feelings for me and ended up being awful people too.

>wish she would tell us more about her I'm curious
What do you even want to know?

imagine posting photos of "yourself" probably just your sister or some friend or some shit to gain attention lmao

what is sage

>>I don't even care about sailor moon
>>I-I've watched it multiple times senpai!
>Sure whore, think it through better.

That other person isn't even me. I haven't even watched sailor moon but ok

The lame human condition one lol

i felt that on an almost spiritual level. For some reason, I'm always unintentionally drawn to the shittiest people who are almost always emotionally abusive and it SUCKS :/

Bpd is the literal worst when it comes to having stability in life in general, but I think my therapist told me ages ago that it gets easier with age.

I was diagnosed at 14 and im 17 now, and its getting alot easier to handle but that could also be because i started new antipsychotics

I'm a different sailor moon posting bpd lol

>I was diagnosed at 14 and im 17 now,
You can't be diagnosed with bpd if you're underage. Your therapist is shitty if she did. Also get off Jow Forums, you're underage and have barely expierenced life

At-least you finally noticed what a pathetic basic bitch mode you've got going.
Trannies don't count, go look at some suicide statistics.

>What do you even want to know?
What do you like? What do you do that makes you happy? What worries you other than personal relationships? Do you like animals? I'm interested desu you're nice

>Every bpd attention whore is underage
Like clockwork

I'm a biological female but ok

You're not lame and you seem very sweet but I worry you don't know what bpd actually entails. I would hate to traumatized someone, again lol

People with BPD shouldn't mate so don't worry about it. It's natural.

I was with a girl who had it for 6 years I lived with her so I know exactly what it is like. And nothing could traumatize me more then my shitty childhood lol :p

>nothing could traumatize me more then my shitty childhood lol :p
That's sure relatable. How old are you?

Im 25 so I worked out all that bs with my childhood was a long time ago and Im a pretty strong person now. Wbu

The thing is I actually seek people who are kind to me at first, and this guy said all the right things, made me feel so warm and protected. He acted really sweet and loving. And then suddenly it was like a switch flipped and he became so cruel, cold and distant. I realized he had just been flattering and manipulating me the whole time. And as soon as he found a new victim he left, lightning quick.

I should have known he had no feelings, because whenever I experienced emotions, he was like fascinated by it. It was so intriguing to him. He would be like whats wrong, what are you feeling right now? Explain why and how you are feeling this way to me in great detail. Oh really? How interesting.

Looking back on it, it was super creepy. Like I was an experiment on how to understand female psychology and exploit women better.

Funnily enough I do feel like my bpd is a little easier to manage now than it was in my teens. BPD + teenage girl hormones is a nightmare.

I was extremely upset but weirdly detached when he told me he was incapable of loving people.

Somehow it helped me cope better knowing it was nothing to do with me, but rather his own painful upbringing that made him this way. Almost made me feel sorry for him in a way.

I'm short and extremely insecure of my appearance. So even if I described myself I'm not sure it would be accurate. I like animals, doesn't most people? I worry about a lot of things due to anxiety. I usually sing music loudly to make myself feel a little better. And thanks

That's good, I have bpd because of my childhood and mother having it. I hope to outgrow it someday, at least before I become too old and gross. I'm only 23

>I like animals, doesn't most people?
A lot do but some don't. I love animals. Do you have pets? If you do or would want to have some, would you talk with them like they're people? I do a lot
>I worry about a lot of things due to anxiety. I usually sing music loudly to make myself feel a little better
What kind of things? It's okay if you dont wanna say but you have an outlet here. What music do you sing? That's a cool way to convert stress, I bet it would be nice to hear you sing

Unironically I probably won't even have biological kids if I even got lucky enough to marry someone. Due to my issues, I don't want to spread on shitty genetics

I bet you have some stories I definitely have a few. I think I am really lucky not to have let them make me really jaded. And im sure you will work through everything. Somtimes time can really heal things. That and having someone patient to lean on. You have a long way before you are too old or gross dont let anyone on the chans tell you your too far gone

I feel like I'm starting to develop BPD due to all the abusive experiences I've had with women from this site.

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I appreciate your words, they mean a lot. Thank you. I do have stories but I avoid sharing them over here.

I have pets but I usually talk to them like babies. I like music with high energy that makes me want to dance. In school I used to sing for school musicals

Jeez, I am very sorry you went through that. I usually sought out people who were kinda distant or weren't even my type personality wise because I felt like I didn't deserve someone who would treat me the way I wanted. I was abused growing up so I kinda expected everyone I date to be like my family and I ended up getting that. I am only now realizing that maybe that doesn't have to be the case. I'll be praying for you, I hope you don't end up in more toxic situations.

They are babies, and I've heard they really respond well to that. What kind of pets do you have user?
You must have a pretty good voice for so much practice. Do you have a favorite song to sing?

Yeah that is probably a smart move it can take a lot to open up to someone and some assholes on here like to just tear people down when they do open up your smart to guard yourself like that. I also find it really cute you talk to your pets like babies. They are something to be cherished so that shows your a good person.

Cars and have had dogs before. I prefer dogs honestly. I guess my voice is okay, I was told in the past to pursue some kind of career in such but I have anxiety. I don't particularly have a favorite song, I listen to too many.

Yeah, I tried once and broke down and deleted it after sharing. And thanks, I'm an alright person. I'm hot that nice, I've done some terrible things due to bpd

I meant to saty cats* I don't even own a car

If you prefer dogs why do you have judt cats now? What's something your cat does that you think is adorable?
Pursuing a career in singing seems really stressful for anybody so that was a good call I think. But you could always make a soundcloud just for fun? Do you sing to your pets? Since both relieve anxiety I bet that would be extra calming

I understand that guilt about feeling like you dont deserve to be treated nicely.

I am sorry you were also abused. My view is kind of complicated because I was sexually abused as a little kid, but my abuser would always be extra nice to me, buy me stuff to keep me quiet, would tell me I was cute and beautiful etc. But then would do these really fucked up things to me sexually.

The scary part is I didnt even realise this relationship was the exact same dynamic I had with that abuser. The flattery, the making me feel special and beautiful. But then being really exploitative and sadistic sexually. Ugh. Makes me cringe to think about how naive I was, or thinking that a person who wanted to physically hurt me could actually care about me.

Thank you for the kind words and I also pray that all children who have undergone abuse will find love and inner peace.

wow are you me, i've played video games my whole life but i'm terrified they're also going to be the reason i commit suicide

Im sure we all have our own crosses to bear so to speak. Yeah sometimes people mess up or do things they regret but what ever mean things you did cant be that bad in the long run. The fact you even feel guilty about them shows you are in fact a good person.

I now just try to stick with stuff that isn't too challenging for that reason. Best of luck to you. What games specifically make you the most upset? I find that I can't play competitive stuff or games that take too long too learn due to their complexity.

The dogs are no longer in my life. I think the cat can hear me sing, I never sing directly to the cat.

Thank you for that. I would like to talk more to you honestly

I've seen her loli cunny.

I think I would really enjoy that. Idk how I would contact you tho I dont really use social media

Do you have discord? That'll work

No but give me a second to make one

Therapists can't diagnose you with shit, they aren't psychologists or psychiatrists.

They can though depending on what degree they have my dude.

Ok its janon24 lol kinda a lame name I guess but I made it just now

You have to have the 4 digit number with it too