Are vocels real or just cope?
Are vocels real or just cope?
Just go talk to women you fucking weirdo
incel isnt real
you are a volcel
Im somewhat between incel and volcel - im not having sex not because of ulterior reason but i rather dont find sex interesting to put effort into getting some.
im volcel if im not real idk what i am
Do you identify as an attack helicopter?
I'm very attractive to females. I get all the looks and flirts. I just don't react to it like a normie would. I scream into pillows and fap to forced porn.
Are you autismus?
I just want to get super sexy and keep hating them.
I'm kind of like this
>wonder what sex feels like
>don't give enough of a fuck to find a gf/one night stand/whatever
>would rather buy a video game or two and a dozen beer than use the money for a hooker
I'll never forget the time I get the most "I wanna fuck/let you fuck me so bad" stare from a female like two feet away from me and I just looked away like "whatever" and then I looked back at her and her face was frozen in shock.
I'll never forget you're a normie
Same, its too much work/risky.
I'm just a fat dude who looks devastatingly sexy when I work out. Then ilet myself get fat again. Then I get fit. I was a skinny loner in high school tho. No gf.
>gets pepper sprayed
of course it's not fucking original jfl
no im attractive and normal i just dont want sex
I'm an on-and-off volcel. Basically, I go through very long dry-spells, mostly due to low motivation.
Not that user but its basically glorified masturbation
my comment is not original but i am real
grills are reasonably interested and flirty with me but I don't want anyone to see my small dick.
right now I have a decent job and social circle, all because people assume my cock is regular-sized. no one can ever see.
Its basically guys who could get laid if they aimed low and played "the game" that woman expect you to play (approach/dates/pass shit test), but don't want to.
All incels are, technically, volcels
Kind of depends on your definition. I'm gay so I could theoretically get sex like in 10 minutes, but I have standards so gay men are pretty much off the table because they're all shit. It's been so long I may as well be a virgin again.
>small dick.
Sub 4 inches?
roughly 4.7
even when I search for small dick porn I never see dicks my size
Sounds to me like you're living as if you're a character in a movie instead of accepting your reality. You're in denial. Hit the gym and talk to women platonically. That part should be easy since you're apparently too cool for sex.
It's either that or you're gay. Choose one.
jesus christ, absolute dicklet
>devastatingly sexy
You are fat. You have always been fat.
That is an average length lmao
Go outside and find some confidence
no it fucking isnt dicklet. Average is 5.5"
I just dont have flirting gene. I didnt understand teasing girls in primary school.
I'm just waiting to take the throne as the final Antichrist.
Nope. I started out skinny. Then got fat near end of and after high school. Then got fit. Now I yo yo between fat and fit but I haven't been super fit yet. That's my next phase. Super fit and ungodly sexy.
quit larping faggot, just accept that youll never get laid because youre a fat fuck
I don't know if I'm a volcel. I just know that I dont want to bother with trying to get with another girl because I know whoever it would be will never be better than what I had so I dont try.
>I know
No you do not.
I already go outside Mo-Fr, why do I never see dicks my size in amateur videos? Women aside, sex is only fun if you can thrust properly. On a good day I have like 12 cm to work with, zero leeway.
I suppose you could say I'm a volcel, I've been called a volcel by other internet people, but I can't help but think the term is kind of a cope. I do want to get laid, I do want a gf. I want it more than anything else, I'm just not willing to do a bunch of stuff that most guys never need to do and that still might not even guarantee a gf anyway
Sure, hypothetically I could get laid if I really was willing to put in a lot of effort and go through a lot of stressful and scary experiences, but so could anyone potentially
I'm admittedly not as unfortunate as other robots/ incels, I must be pretty good looking because I've been asked out before by women, handed phone numbers, flirted with etc. but I'm such a fucking sperg that those situations will never lead anywhere
The way that most low tier normies (think generic beta guy who has a few relationships) end up in relationships is completely without effort. It's through a social circle, it's through being set up by friends or just knowing one another as friends first.
I think the reason I choose the term incel (or maybe robot is better, because sex is a secondary concern I'm more just lonely and tfw no gf) is because I fell through the social cracks and I was never afforded that option.
dude you have fucking nothing on the amount of sperging ive done
i was literally offered a bj but sperged out and didnt go through with it
I would refuse a bj too.
that's cool, man
but I think you're missing the real main point of my post
because i didnt care
but you just had to reply with your far more substanceless little anecdote?
how fucking insecure are you dude, I bet you're heavily embellishing whatever really happened too
real, and so is male hypergamy
>male hypergamy
no such thing
Doesn't matter. People view it like this.
>unattractive loser
"lol niggas an incel cuck xdddddd"
"he's gotta b gay or have a small cock xdddddd"
>*THEORETICAL* super fucking attractive like holy shit and everyone somehow knows your cock is huge and you're straight
"oh tht boi must b waiting 4 the rite gurl so kyooot xdddddd"
>*THEORETICAL* be Keanu Reeves and a virgin
There is no such thing as an incel.
Any man has the ability to engage in rape, so long as he abstains from rape he is making a voluntary decision to remain celibate.
how's it going? would you like a nice comfy server?
>"oh tht boi must b waiting 4 the rite gurl so kyooot xdddddd"
This is true though.
except most incels wouldnt be able to subdue a woman, and so cannot rape one
Die of cancer, please.
Tools exist to enable even the most feeble man to subdue a female.
Im a volcel because my genetics are inferior.
Im an incel because i hate it