White 'men'

>White 'men'

And people seriously wonder why American girls are taking so much brown cock these days.

Attached: ECxcOdRU8AAjgf3.jpg (722x1061, 69K)

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That's a jew you idiot

White Americans are all literal mongrels, jews is the perfect represensation. Cuck.

What the fuck what is the story behind this pic of Ethan

How does being English, French, Irish, German, Italian, Spaniard and Scandinavian make me a mongrel?

you cant blackmail the jew

He's getting in shape for scootering.

It's been a long time since we've had a quality thread like this

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so what? Hila looked like a nightmare skeleton until she finally discovered hormones through pregnancy and was able to gain a little weight.

>How does being mixed bag make me a mongrel??
Think it through you unpure retard.

What difference does it make? Being of English and German ancestry doesn't make me some la creatura brown person.

Ethan is based AND redpilled


Attached: thick guu.jpg (640x800, 73K)

you're litterally nonwhite by white sumpremist standards. One drop and your spoiled, mongrels have gotten plenty mixed in.

>How does being English, French, Irish, German, Italian, Spaniard and Scandinavian make me a mongrel?

Attached: 1560187604168.png (680x789, 715K)

>you're literally nonwhite by white sumpremist standards. One drop and your spoiled, mongrels have gotten plenty mixed in.

Attached: comJEWter.jpg (371x379, 19K)

Wait is this real? to be original


>damage: 33-39
>armor: 2
needs more status resistance

original original

Ok Jew, fuck off and kill yourself. Nobody is falling for this bait.

Why is he so ugly? Someone describe it.

Inbred Ashkenazi genetics

He still got a better looking and good and faithful waifu then you'll never can dream of..

Damn he so THICC

A mixed bag of whites is still white. You meming retards need to think for yourselves.
No, Jews are mot counted as white.

Attached: 766F0B04-18AE-4C41-8660-C60F624DFF49.jpg (388x381, 33K)

lmao you're an idiot. Do you know anything about Europe and the differences between different types of white and historical attitudes?

yeah by importing her from the third world

Inbred ashkenazi genes is a real thing. Get a lot of them where I am and they all look the same - almost all wear glasses and apparently there are some diseases unique to them and their genes

How does one improve if they have a hank hill ass. Asking for a friend

"whites" are not created equal
Scandinavians are totally different from meds. An saying that an Anglo is the same as a Frenchman or an Irish man is an insult to all of them

Yes it does you Amerimutt

Attached: true white genocide.png (320x336, 90K)

One drop of nigger DNA.

easily - deadlift, squats

>A mixed bag of whites is still white.
You would have been in the camp with the kikes. It's called NATIONAL socialism not "same color skin" socialism.

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Hitler was a mythology writer. Ashynazi Jews from Europe are white people. White people trying to separate themselves from Jews is like black people trying to separate themselves from Jamaicans.

ethan what a brave little jew you are. that's probably the grossest ass i've ever seen on a man

You mean Africans trying to separate themselves from Jamaicans

No, because the only whites who pretend they're a different race than Jews are Americans.

>White Americans are all literal mongrels

i know this is a troll, but the scientific studies have shown only 1-5% of white americans have any degree of non-white admixture


Attached: LITERALL the same race.png (1155x880, 108K)

So faggot Twitter trend

>white men
>pic is a jew
Did your brain stop functioning?

Attached: 1566571832799.jpg (250x221, 9K)

Jews are white. Did yours ever function?

>Niggers believe this
Lmao, they are very different genetically

>Jews are white.
Holy shit, imagine actually believing this. What the fuck is wrong with you.

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Jews and Slavs aren't white but shit skin Medis and Italians are LITERALLY the same race as nords.

Attached: poltard.png (700x566, 60K)

Reminder that jews are semites and no shitposting will change that

That's a Jewish guys butt

This I'm so tired of Jow Forums autism, it used to be funny but now they are actually taking all these stupid memes seriously.

But Germanics, Anglos-saxons, Franks, and Celts are all the same white race.
Guise it's just race realism. Greeks are LITERALLY Brits.

When did i ever say that medis and Italians are white?
You're just projecting like a retard in embarrassment after saying that jews = white.

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You seem to think "white" is a single race, when it's multiple races. You just happen to exclude semites, a white skined people from the near east, from being white.
No one agrees on what the so called "white race" is, not even you.

he was literally invited to israel
thats how fucking jewish he is

you must be fucking trolling right now

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>My dad is polish my mom is English my Grandpa was Italian my Grandma is Swedish

Attached: my ancestor.jpg (705x773, 119K)


Read this and tell me Ethiopians and Arabs are white

>people speaking any of a group of related languages
Indians are now white, as they speak English and also spoke proto-indo-European, which was the precursor to all western languages.

White is a term made up by Iberian Conquistadores in order to administrate the New World, it excludes people with jewish or muslim blood and basically means an European Christian

>White 'men'
he's jewish...
"white" americans are not white

Hes (Ethan Klein) is Israeli

Ethan got that wagon boi