What does r9k think?

Are these legs gf worthy?
Asking cause they belong to le gf

Attached: Joe3033p.jpg (1504x2016, 217K)

Another pic for reference.

Attached: Vote Joe Biden.jpg (884x1572, 506K)

cute bulge

Saved. Thanks for the fap material OP.

Ask me anything about these thighs guys

Attached: Joe Biden is God.jpg (647x722, 157K)

Worthy of what excactly? cause human trafficking is a great option to get rid of filth like this.

Incel jealousy is an interesting form of jelly

Have those thighs ever choked someone to death? If not I'd be happy to volunteer!

Well i need a boipussy pic to decide if its gf worthy

Pic related
Nope, was Virginia before Chad

Attached: Bussy.jpg (1041x603, 158K)

Very good but why is there a bulge in the first pic

more bussy and penis please based chadbot

Don't die on us chadbot!
pls deliver more mister, khv robots are desperate.

Attached: 1566536783528.jpg (720x720, 81K)

It's not a buldge, photo is just a weird angle
I'd post my benis but I'm self-conscious. Here's a booty pic.
The booty

Attached: Joe Biden is God.jpg (1936x2592, 224K)

benis of gf I mean user.
good booty

Your gf is kinda fat desu

More of that incel jelly for my sandwich

Attached: 2020 President Joe Biden.jpg (1183x683, 172K)

Not even an incel.
I have a girlfriend myself. I'm just saying that your gf could afford to lose some weight, it'll be good for her health

>is whoring around online for attention
>I'd post my benis but I'm self-conscious.

piss off nameretard

She is a bit fat desu

Her body is completely unremarkable. She's kinda chubby too

You don't belong here, leave faggot.

I, for one, believe all bodies are remarkable. Also thick thighs ftw.
Just rubbing it in virgin fag

>thick thighs ftw
nice to see a fellow patrician

>What does r9k think?

From one lover to the next, the gift of thigh

Attached: Seriously fyck Trump vote Biden 2020.jpg (1125x865, 476K)

keep em comin will ya

Here's the last one I got without her sexy face

Attached: Joe Biden should be president 2020.jpg (1439x645, 280K)

I think the lace looks kind of gay.

don't worry i won't mind her face

>femboys exist in surplus on Jow Forums
>0 exist in real life
What gives?

imagine attentionwhoring to some lonely ugly fuckers and then using the word incel like a slur
retarded fuck