Had to take the morning after pill again. The pharmacist was super judgy

Had to take the morning after pill again. The pharmacist was super judgy.

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How many in what time period? They fuck up your body and really should be used sparingly.

I take about four a yeaar. I don't have sex too often so it's cheaper than going on the pill

Pff, pharmacists are fucking delusional people, once i had sex with my gf and i came inside by mistake, i went with her to the nearest pharmacy cause i didnt want her to be alone, and when she asked for a mornin after pill the pharmacist was looking at me as if i was some kind of monster, she kept giving me a bad look, this woman solidarity shit has gotta end desu and pharmacists please stop fucking judging

If you were with me, you wouldn't have to take it.
I'd look after you, we could have a family.

There is a cheaper and safer option: use fucking condoms you dirty slut.

Also do an STI test because you may have chlamydia by now.

>mfw the evil fucking pharmacist dares to judge me just for aborting a baby i mean it's like 2019 s m h

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i would judge you for murdering a baby for 10 minutes of pleasure too

she's just jealous ur getting laid

itt: moralfags and edgelords

I always found it funny how the whole abortion debate was dying out in favor of the pro-choice crowd. Then it became contrarian to be pro-life and "traditional", then you have this entire debate reignited.

>morning after pill = abortion

It literally stops the egg being fertilized you retards, no matter how pro-life you are, that simply can't be human life at that point.

And there are reasons why it shouldn't be used as a birth control method.

How about an iud ? It lasts 5 years and you have no fucking problem one month after installing it

>It literally stops the egg being fertilized you retards
incorrect, as the egg can be fertilized in half an hour after ejaculation

It mostly prevents implantation therefore IF the egg was fertilized=abortion

Buy a sterilet, you dumb slut

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Except it doesn't. Phoneposting, but here's a source from planned parenthood.

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just stop taking creampies

>Planned Parenthoo
>lying so people murder more babies
imajen me shock
i mean u're not dumb right? u can tell what they say makes no sense, since you're taking the pill THE DAY AFTER potential fertilization has already occured

anyways, u can literally go to the manufacturers' website and check that indeed, it does prevent implantation

>mfw already used it a couple times
Please tell me I didn't murder my babies like my mom did

well there is no way to know if the egg was fertilized

probably not i guess

>The pharmacist was super judgy.
Good. Your vagoo is a reproductive organ, not a fucking toy. If you don't want kids, keep your legs closed.

There's plenty more sources you can see for if you bother to search it, stop making up wild stories.
>women can go to planned parenthood for abortions
>this means everything from planned parenthood kills babies

Die in a gutter tinderhole

>stop making up wild stories
it literally says on the products sites that it works like that brainlet

You are just in bad faith

>everything from planned parenthood kills babies
what does PP have to do with anything mongoloid?
But yes obviously most if not all the people invovled are "pro choice" and likely to sugarpill reality

now fuck off

how do you take the pill? do you stick it in your hole and let it dissolve to kill all the baby chads?

Fuck off, i had sex and i came inside, not only im moving my ass to take her to the pharmacy cause i dont want her to be alone, you still judge me? You're more of a terrible human than I am

a lot of people get intense pain after getting an iud installed - getting an invasive surgery just to get dicked is fucking retarded. OP should just stick to condoms or birth control like someone with rudimentary IQ and self control

I fuggin wish anony

Condoms. If you want to be a promiscuous woman, plan it out and make the random dudes you're banging wear condoms. Simple solution.

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How about an IED? You just shove it up your pussy and detonate it, guaranteed to keep you from getting pregnant

Yeah that works until I poke a hole in one or sneak it off, dumb roasties

You dissolve it in water and give yourself a facial using a turkey baster. It works better if you're horny.


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What baffles me is the willingness of many women to take what are effectively hormone pills on the regular instead of simply modifying their behaviour.
The female body, and by extension the female mind, is in a constant state of flux as is, who in their right mind would think it's a good idea to further fuck with that chemical balance.
So instead of enforcing condoms usage and pulling out, or simply not having sex when not prepared for pregnancy in the first place, women opt to fuck with the own chemistry so they can chase a temporary high.

You know you can buy it over the counter at Wal-Mart right?