When did you realize youre not a kid anymore

When did you realize youre not a kid anymore

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still in denial
the more i think about it the more i realize im probably a holden.
and i have no fucking clue why, i never had any major trauma or anything, just a shitty brain i guess

>when little kids start calling you ma'am or "that lady" instead of "that girl"

when i realized i was almost 30 and all my friends were preteens

ah, the old "allude to being a female" bait.

Sometime in my mid-20s.

When the balding started

>being called lady
>being given an adults ticket for travel

i seen a kids eat free sign at a resturant, and i was excited to go, until i realised im not a kid

I'm asian and 26, I still feel like a kid everywhere I go

When my father died when I was 11.

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>play any game, go into website, any online community basically
>will get known as 'that kid' in either a derogatory or playful way
>could expect to go into any community and find bunch of older bro like figures to chill with
>at some day i joined some game server and realised i was among the older bros instead
>always looked forward to this as a kid but now it just feels like time is running out

oh well.

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I had this feeling way before my majority. What the fuck is happening to me?

i'm an old soul and my childhood was traumatic

i feel like i've always been an adult and i'm happy this way

I am eternally a child
the joy of innocence is mine

When i was packing my gym bag to crash at my gfs house

when people started calling me a whore because i got raped
I guess my childhood ended at 12...

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>see attractive looking girl
>look for a moment, inspect
>"probably not legal though"

When a 15 years girl said me: Excuse me sir, could you let me through?

anyone who identifies as not a kid is still probably mentally a kid

Probably in late middle/early high school when girls started taking sexual interest in me. I was still playing pokemon and making crude jokes with friends. I barely even thought sex was real, let alone a possibility. My piers turning into horny sex fiends made me realize that while I wasn't anywhere near being an adult, that kid time was over. At 23 I'm still weirded out by people calling me sir, though.

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I was asked for my ID when buying booze, and I'm almost 30

Wise words

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Pics/vids or it didnt happen?

Don't respond to it then, subhuman.

"Oh shit I can watch this rated r movie in the theater"

When I stopped thinking that I was special in some way. I used to always have a fantasy that my life would mean something and have some dramatic climax like in the movies. Eventually I realized I'm just another loser and a million losers die like me every year having done nothing but take up space. It real changes your perspective on everything. Happened around 22-23

So I just turned 30 this month. When do I stop being attracted to highschool girls?

Never. Girls go through puberty starting at 12 and are almost always physically mature by 16. It is ingrained in your dna to be attracted to them. Most guys pretend not to be because of how aggressively our society treats pedos (rightfully so). It's just one of those things you have to deal with and never respond to. Although AOC is 16 in Ohio fun fact

When it was too late, I've lived too long

When i got fucked in the ass.

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I started getting called "sir" at drive-thrus when I was 18 and it hit me.

when i was 6 and my mom hadn't provided me with anything for a week I realized i had to grow up and i've been alone since then

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Ritualistic shaving of the testicles.

When I noticed myself unconsciously looking for wedding rings before approaching women.

when i originally joined the military

10...maybe 11 years old. I'm 34 now.