You are wasting your breath, people on this shithole of a website are far too removed to recognize the degeneracy of their actions. Pathetic
Angel Reed
Why would God make someone gay and then punish them for being gay?
Ian Richardson
God gave you somewhat resembling a free will and hoped you choose the right path, you being a hedonist and addict chose wrong and will suffer for it
Jose Cox
God doesn't make anyone gay. Every faggot was tempted by the devil and they failed to resist temptation
Angel Martin
It doesn't matter if it's a sin, culturally speaking what feels good matters more than what is good.
Mason Hughes
>God gives us free will >punishes us if we don't make the choices he wants us to make
That's fucking stupid. Why even give us free will then? Don't say it's because he loves us, he's all too happy to damn us to hell for not following the dotted line.
Cameron Sanchez
If god didn't want people fucking each other in the butt then he shouldn't have placed prostate in our assholes
Chase Roberts
>culturally speaking what feels good matters more than what is good.
This backfires when someone thinks that killing people feels really really good.
Evan Bailey
Yeah the problem is that people make an identity out of their sinful desires and use it as justification to commit them. If god told us not to do something, then obviously some of us would want to do it anyway, which is the whole point of giving us correct guidance.
Aaron Smith
Actually hymen doesn't breaks lmao
Isaiah Hill
If he didn't want people shoving things up their asses he should have made the hershey highway a one-way street.
Jonathan Evans
killing is a necessary evil. if there weren't hunters animal ecosystems would go out of balance and devastate nearby human life. similarly empires must collapse and get overrun by bloodthirsty veteran soldiers of all tribes killing each other or there wouldn't be enough resources to go around. I'd say the next great reset is in 2030 earliest, 2080 latest if we're lucky.
Nathan Myers
And then there were the crusaders, who, despite worshipping a God who made "don't kill people" one of His most important rules, thought that the very same God would approve of them slaughtering everyone who doesn't worship Him.
Brandon Long
There's a difference between killing someone for the sake of survival and killing someone just because it gives you a raging boner.
Caleb Lopez
fortunately the latter have comprised outliers in every society. i guess they are necessary too to keep people in check from being too trusting of strangers
Hunter Bennett
Religion is one of the biggest tools of the devil, that's why you have all the pedo, greed and wars attached to it.
Robert Jones
>Religion is one of the biggest tools of the devil,
Nah, that's not it, it's much simpler than than. The church attracts scumbags for the exact same reason the government or a corporation attracts scumbags: it's a big, powerful, wealthy organization and the scumbags want as big a piece of the pie as possible. They want the whole pie, and then they want to take everyone else's pies. And then they want to steal forty cakes, and that's terrible. The church/government/corporation is just the means to that end.