Be me

>be me
>be Spectre
yep feels good to be spectre

Attached: Spectred.png (701x658, 569K)

Other urls found in this thread:


is this a shit dota reference or something?

i have more than 1000 games on antimage, btw

the other games are on a smurf account because my main account get getting muted for 2 weeks at a time because i kept flaming braindead peruvian spic teammates

crunge dota player

Attached: !!.png (964x539, 776K)

cringe normie

Attached: WIN_201705asdasd02_20_14_48_Pro.jpg (1280x720, 208K)

You're such a fucking loser for unironically playing dota

Attached: image0-334.jpg (1080x1080, 115K)

>be me
>be lolita
>life is good
yep, life is good

Attached: image0.png (780x585, 491K)

Don't be so mean, let them play what they want

Attached: 1562637026212.gif (112x112, 204K)

yeah, thats pretty cringe

>spectre the ghost
More like Spectre the nigger

Fuck you this is now a diaper thread

Attached: 213345245.jpg (1280x853, 216K)

Imagine not having the Chad diaper fetish

Attached: 1539410858301.jpg (1280x1707, 458K)

Imagine not thinking chicks in diapers are hot

Attached: cutiesindiapers_0004_0.jpg (1280x1920, 376K)

fuck you, this is a GUNS thread now.

Attached: GUNS.jpg (628x640, 56K)

Imagine being a virgin beta only into vanilla shit

Attached: dplolly_0004_0.jpg (720x1280, 207K)

Imagine not embracing a link as amazing as diapers

Attached: tumblr_nv9fze2R2z1r4uy9io1_1280.jpg (1067x1600, 321K)

Imagine wearing underwear instead of diapers

Attached: 493744ed429543a5c358f8faadf146cd.png (844x1500, 1.02M)

This is a Spectre thread!!! Get out of here crunge normie diaper

Attached: 1029FB78-6084-44EB-A61A-9B437AE4AFCE.jpg (589x589, 75K)

Imagine running to the bathroom Everytime you have to shit or piss

Attached: lacey52.jpg (667x1000, 106K)

Imagine not embracing your beginnings and returning to a simpler time

Attached: XwIKwMf_0.jpg (2419x3226, 928K)

sleepy thread?

Attached: sleepy_uwu.jpg (779x586, 51K)

Imagine....thinking this is sexy.

Attached: E5EC16D7-1E8A-46AD-A747-D07A77FFDFF1.png (253x740, 313K)

I swear to Allah you all are infidels posting diaper shit in this holy thread

Attached: 28883B28-082F-40DE-8C1D-4B2E416FE6E9.jpg (750x135, 32K)

bang bang spectre is dead

bang bang diaper nigga is dead

this is a GUNS thread now

Attached: finger GUNS.jpg (1280x770, 63K)

this is now a linus thread

Attached: IMG_7168_1800x1800.jpg (1200x1800, 222K)

Imagine not being into this

Attached: 1525701093262.jpg (482x729, 78K)

This is an elvar appreciation thread

Attached: C35719D6-2F24-4975-B9A2-25EF5F7F6318.jpg (1564x1564, 419K)

Imagine, just imagnie

Attached: 3_0.jpg (800x1000, 644K)

reminder guns is a cute little femboi

Attached: C89BC7EB-D28C-4FAA-8415-0FBCB045B127.jpg (750x1334, 260K)

Spectre is displeased

Attached: 4EC3F251-2987-471B-A684-EFA997D1B4D0.jpg (750x1334, 155K)

GUNS looks down upon diaperfags and retards like spectre

Attached: glare.jpg (640x1136, 77K)