So It's been over six years since I last saw a Shadow person until tonight. So I went to use the bathroom and when I closed the Bathroom door and turned around to switch on the light there was a Shadow person directly in my face. I must be braver then when I was younger because I stood my ground, I flicked the lights on and off a few times not moving from where I'm at trying not to make alot of movement and it was there until like the fifth flick on the light switch. I've seen Shadow people alot back in my childhood home when I was a child and Teenager but after six years after moving I see another Shadow person but this time In My face like a stand off, What does this mean? It was obviously hiding behind the bathroom door and probably didn't expect me to turn around completely to face it but it was there in my face and didn't just flee right away, it stood there a good minute if not longer. Any thoughts
Anybody believe in Shadow people?, Think I just saw one
And your first conclusion is that "shadow people" exist? Could be many things really, dark eye smudge, your brain playing tricks on you, or maybe you have some kind of mild psychosis.
Why hello darkness my old friend
I would like to think that but when I was younger in my old home multiple people would see them at the same time
Uhhh they're definitely real my coworkers see them at work a lot
I dont know whether they're omens or they themselves are sinister but bad things usually follow, directly related to that person. For a shadow person to come that close to you and you srent injured though is surprising. Usually the imminence is related to how close they are it seems like
It could be early-stage schizophrenia. A-are you okay user?
Thsts what's messing with me that it was up in my face and didn't flee for longer then a minute. I never had one that close to me while awake anyway. IDK what it means
Ive seen these shadow people before, mostly at night when i have to get up to the toilet like you, although i have seen them hanging around my bed. However i always convince myself that these are just figures your brain makes up to scare you. Ive read that your brain is programmed to find faces and figures in objects and the like, even if they arent there which would explain shadow people from a scientific standpoint.
I've seen them in dreams before, and maybe once or twice in my waking life. Weird and spooky, but ultimately uneventful in my experience. I don't think about it much
Just be careful dude
From everything I hear, the number of them sorta indicates the severity of whatevers gonna happen, and the distance indicates time until it happens
But in this case the pattern is broken
Be careful user and keep us posted okay?
I can make you a crystal necklace to keep them at bay, it works for me. As long as it's in your person and you cleanse it during the full moon it works. I firmly believe thsts why I've never seen them despite being nightshift, but the other employees have seen it and had negative experiences (mainly injury)
I did see them when I was younger before this, it's just been a ehile
What kind of injuries btw?
Usually on the job injuries. A rolled ankle or sprained wrist
One time the girl fainted and another time the guy got bit by a bobcat. Those two there were at least double digits of shadow people. The girl that fainted said they were getting closer beforehand
Other times they usually say around 5 or 6
Kind of afraid now from what you say about them being cliser
yea i see them sometimes
That's the thing tho the ones that are close happen within the hour
Yours should have happened already
Could it due with the ruching hour ending and me leaving the room?
Mild-hallucinations like these happen more than we think. Believing in them however indicates a deeper issue is at hand
When multiple people can see the same thing all at once? I've been in rooms with people when I was younger and we'd all see them
>the ruching hour ending
I have no idea what that means but leaving the room shouldn't have had an effect
One time I told my cousins I saw some eyes outside our bedroom window
They saw it too
I made it up tho
It's the power of suggestion. Not saying you didnt see then but its still possible
Oh, Witching hour us a term, many people believe that 3AM somehow is linked to spiritual and paranormal beings and that they are most powerful during said time. People call it the Witching hour
>the number of them sorta indicates the severity of whatevers gonna happen
holy shit, I've been seeing them alot and alot of bad shit has been happening for me. though recently they've kind of been going away thankfully.
tfw this is usually around the time i see them
They were gone 6 years for me till now
Oh you meant witching hour, the typo had me confused
Anyways I doubt it was that cause my coworkers often see them before the sun even completely sets
That's good they've been going away user. Seriously get s crystal, make a necklace yourself if you can. I'm certain that's what keeps me safe here
>the time of night when it's the darkest in 80% of the world is the most scary
>Seriously get a crystal, make a necklace yourself if you can.
how do i make one? also if i fuck up could it make it even worse?
Let's check this thread...
Oh yes, OP is larping
this guy >crystal necklace to cleanse on the full moon
>how do i make one?
You can judt buy a quartz crystal, cant really make those. You can make it into a necklace if you want or just carry the crystal in a pocket or something
Look up hoe to cleanse a crystal, its really more like recharging batteries but thsts the term for some reason
Look man I'm skeptical too but literally everybody says this place is haunted as fuck, everybody I've talked to has seen stuff. And the place has given me bad vibes since I started here. It's not right. Lots of deaths in the river here
But I keep my crystal necklace on me and see nothing. It could be coincidence but it could be legit
Shut up you quartz selling jew.
Try taking your meds
>if u keep this piece of glass u bought at the thrift store in ur pocket the scary shadow people can't hurt u dude
Whats with all the base level reality normies on x
you mean when Jackie Chan falls off the roof onto that long flag held by Chris tucker
Couldn't you just take a piss and ignore him?
a gentlemen shadow person with a fedora helped me find my lost keys. i got nothing but love for em
I'm not religious and don't believe in deities, but I have experienced some weird shit.
When I was 4 my grandfather died, a few weeks after the funeral there was a shadow outside of my window that resembled his figure in the middle of the night. I yelled for my parents but when they got back, it was gone.
Same house a few months later, I wake up in the night to see a hand at the foot of my bed just sticking up into the air.
~14 yrs old, my group of friends and I all noticed a white figure in my friend's backyard and when we all looked, it ran away incredibly fast and disappeared into this brick wall that separated my friend's house to my own that was 15 feet tall.
Two months ago, I move into a new apartment and for the first few nights, I wake up at about ~3-4am to hear three distinct knocks at my front door with nobody there. I would be able to see/hear anyone doing a ding dong ditch so I still don't know what it was
yah i feel as f they are real i've always been afraid of silence and the pitch dark i feel as if people are watching me and i get that sensation that someone is there and that they're watching me i've caught glimpses of them while trying to fall asleep
you both are delusional and should seek help.
I work nights and don't have a crystal. Yet to see a shadow person when not experiencing sleep paralysis.
yah probably but i'm so fucking poor no therapist wants to see me and they would probably make fun of me behind my back
You can have far more vivid hallucinations than these sleep deprived/schizo induced shadow people by swallowing too much nutmeg, yet people don't start believing that all the shit they see is real
dunno if this is related, but perhaps it's just leftover energy? that's what my mom says about my workplace. everyone at work knows our workplace is haunted (built in 1800's and used to have people live there). i work in the basement and often times i'm the only one down there. i've seen dark figures pass by my room through the door window before and when i look out to see if anyone is out there, no one is (often they go in the direction toward a dead end, too). once i went from my room to the room next door (there's a door in the rooms that connects, you don't have to go in the hall) and when i entered the room next door i heard heels clacking around loudly in my room as if someone was walking around. i immediately went to go back to my room, but the second i touched my hand to the door that connects our rooms the sound stopped. a lot of people won't even come to this side of the building because they say the basement (where i work) is so haunted. like i mentioned, my mom says it's probably just leftover energy though and perhaps yours is as well? i work in a place that's part of a catholic church btw, but i am protestant.
ofc for a while u can see dark shit like that.
the fact that you believe they are shadow people however makes you a nigger or/and a retard
>yah probably but i'm so fucking poor no therapist wants to see me and they would probably make fun of me behind my back
i'm sorry to hear that, user. I hope your financial situation improves.
I accidentally took 2 pictures of one last year. It pisses me off how fake the photos look because it's grainy from the lighting, the color came out weird, and the position of the shadow person in the photo looks almost intentional.
i think they maybe exist, but maybe they won't hurt anyone except if you look at them, which is hard to ever do
then post them faggot