(Male) anons
When was the last time you cried and why?
(Male) anons
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Yesterday, there was a sad moment in my animu. Fiction makes me cry very easily.
the last time I cried was in 7th grade over a math problem, because a girl corrected me and it was humiliating
This week over Two Generals DLC
when i realized anew that I'm a boring, undesirable and that no woman wants to be with after trying again and being humiliated again.
it just kind of goes away after I go to sleep, I'm used to it by now I guess, I'm not sure why i keep hurting myself like this.
I shed a single tear watching Gintama earlier today
awk thats so cute user, i hope its a nice lil cry
does it ever get better bros?
Last time I watched Enter The Void during one of my daily depression.
Loud music triggers my ptsd sometimes, but I haven't actually cried for years.
Years ago from when a relative died or a pet, idk which there was a lot of death when I was young
I havent cried since elementary school, havent been able to, dunno why
Every now and then it gets to me how lonely I am. I also tend to cry when my parents chew me out, even (especially) when it's over trivial shit. I don't think they've ever just straight-up told me they were proud of me.
Nice digits.
>When was the last time you cried and why?
Last night actually. I took a drive to my old high school, parked in the parking lot, laid on the hood of the car and just stared up at the moon. Had my music on and just kept staring until the memories started flooding in.
thats some real feels shit right there user
thx btw
Genuinely, seven years ago when my grandfather died. Aside from that it was dust/wind making my eyes water, and cutting up onions.
Some months ago because I hadn't been able to sleep for days.
Yesterday. I don't want to get into details about it but more or less it's because of a women giving me feels.
Stuff like this is why I haven;t messaged you back
Last night, I usually end up crying when I drink since the memories & the pain of my childhood sinks in
No one cares you dumb whore, go suck off a dog or something. The user in question is too good for you, you're a worthless slut that brings nothing to the table except your warm hole. Deal with it. Now quit fagging up our feels thread.
Watched a asmr gf roleplay alone in my room at 4:00
last time i remember crying was after i had gotten in a fight with my relatives over their incessant bothering about me not having a direction in life and being worthless
i got in bed and played youtube.com
i didnt reach any conclusion,but i did feel better by the time i stopped balling my eyes out
A good friend of mine overdosed on heroin,he texted me "goodbye" and I kept asking him why and calling him for him to not respond.They thought the overdose was accidental which caused his parents to not come to his funeral.His girlfriend commited suicide a week ago.
user....i ....
jesus man why is life like this
I cried yesterday when watching Tenki no Ko. It was a combination of the movie being emotional and me realising I will never know love this pure. I'm still feeling depressed over it.
It is what it is I guess.
Life could always be worse...
media is heavily romanticised dont feel bad over it
It was years ago so I'm not actually quite sure. Probably when I was upset because my mom and sister couldn't stop fighting all the time
my dad said i should kill myself to save money unironically a week ago
I have a weakness for dudes in fiction that have a moment of realization that they're screwed and decide to swiftly and calmly accept death. I don't get to bawling my eyes out or anything like that, but the tears will flow.
Yesterday. I cant remember why I did.
i have a similar thing but to old people killed/sentenced to death but they are innocent
old defenseless things being in bad situations like this
I feel like i'm about to. been failing at everything i put effort into, emotionally deprived, friends ghosting me.
I tend to cry pretty often. rage-crying or inspired/happy crying too.
But i feel like sad crying now.
When I told my Mom about my OCD after eight months of keeping it to myself. That was about 15 months ago. I might've cried since then over some gay shit but I really don't think I have.
yesterday when i was playing milky with my peepee maker and milky flew into my eye!
Shut the fuck up retard, this is a serious thread.
go to /b/ or Jow Forums or /s4s/ or /v/
Friday before last when I was admitted to psychiatric care. Felt my life was crumbling apart but I'm better now.
When I was 17 my internet girlfriend came over to visit someone a couple hours from where I lived. I wanted to go and see her, it would've been our first time meeting in person, we both wanted to meet. I asked my parents if I could go and they said yes. The day I was suppose to go they did like an intervention on me, they sat me down, my parents, siblings, everyone. They took away my car keys, and told me I won't be going anywhere with a stranger they don't know nothing about. I cried, not out of sadness but out of anger, my whole life my family has tried to manipulate me, especially my older brother, he's got this superiority complex, he thinks he can tell people what to do and control everything, he told my parents not to let me go, he also took away mt Xbox, and shut off the internet on the house.
That was the last time I cried. I was 17 then, now I'm 25 and I can't cry, I don't know how to, I forgot. After that happened a couple months later she dumped me, and I fell into a deep depression, started doing heavy drugs, and completely emotionally detached myself from everything.
Until this day I don't talk to my family like I used to before that happened. I hate them.
Half a year ago when my cat died. The fact that made this really sad was that she was older than me and thus always was with me. I still miss her.
RIP Pchelka
There was a tornado and I cried because I thought that I was never going to see my family again.
I think I was 16 or 17 and I finally realized late one night how much of my youth I had wasted. I was thinking about how much I fucked things up in school and I was going nowhere. Thinking about suicide when you're a kid and people still actually like you is pretty rough to wrap your head around. Almost 23 now and I haven't cried since. I wish I could because I think it could help.
It's become obvious how lonely I am to most people. One guy referred me to this girl he thought I might be interested in. Hesitated at first, but decided I'd go for it. Within one conversation, we already hit it off exceptionally well. We started to talk everyday and she's came on really strong with the hints. So not long ago, I decide I'd go for it; ask her out. She's all happy, eager and excited. Seemed like she was even more than me. Next day, I tried to reach out and found I'd been blocked without notice.
The fact that I have no one to discuss this with (not even internet fags) certainly isn't helping. And the ones that are around give shit advice or brush me off altogether.
Last week, before that I hadn't done it in years. I was drinking with a girl and I got sad drunk. How shit my life is hit me like a god damn freight train and I was too far gone to reign it back in. She held me and told me I was going to be okay while I cried into her chest.
4 days ago, psychosis related delusions that I dont know how to talk about
8 years ago, when my gf and my best friend both killed themselves one day apart (they were cheating behind my back).
gf sent me a message saying goodbye, so i hopped in my fucknig car and drove there like a madman, got pulled over by the cops and lost my drivers licence.
couldn't continue working my job without a car (and lost all motivation to ever accomplish something) so i've been collecting neetbux ever since, playing vidya, painting and writing. haven't been sad since i recovered tho, but i don't really feel joy anymore either.
tears of joy
other time when i prayed (sadness)
you are quite silly user
n-no u
Few weeks ago. It was an ordinary day, I came home from work (I live alone), sit on a chair and just started crying. This was playing in my headphones: youtube.com
Nice trips.
Last year when my dad died.
It's been a while because I'm no numb lately. But I would say a few weeks since I cried because of depression or stress or anything. I wish I could do it again
I was feeling really low last night for a mixture of reasons and I passed out drunk. I don't remember if I was crying but the spot by my eyes on the pillow was pretty wet so I think I was.
is music a trigger and what do you have ptsd from
last year before i was admitted in psych ward the same day
i'm a fuckin mess off my medication just had to take my meds and years of sorrow would be sparred on me and my parents
last night, i was out on a late night walk with my gf and we stopped to sit by the lake.
she started telling me about the really rough shit she's been through, her family situation and abandonment issues. then she just buried her head into my shoulder and cried. i got a little teary too ngl
Around October last year.
The whole "morality" thing really sunk in for the first time.
good toone user tyty
last thursday night, following the usual "user you need a job, you cant live with us forever" spiel. i started thinking about how they would probably be relieved if i just killed myself, but then embarassed because of how it would make them look like bad parents. felt good to let it out though.
February 2017 for a job interview where they laid into my portfolio. Basically attacking my life's work.
After that, I have felt surprisingly nothing. I tried watching Clannad and it was enjoyable but I felt nothing.
right now, after discovering how much of fag op is
Probably a couple years ago when dad left
Last night, I was driving around because I didn't want to go home (I have to go back to college today). I was listening to the ending of this song. It was really nice to cry because I feel like I have been hitting an emotional wall lately
ooof boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
2 months ago when I broke up
When nobody wished me happy birthday
I miss my mom
Happy belated birthday, user! I hope that you ate a yummy cake
I have an interesting one...
>First girlfriend cheated
>she was drunk, kissed a guy, you know the drill
>I cried
>a LOT
but wait
that's not it
>months later
>even to this day
>i could cry everytime i think about it.
keep waiting
>and with "it" i dont mean the cheating
>i mean, me crying.
>i get really sad when i think about how sad i was about some trash whore
if I think about how I was sitting there with my best friend, just fucking crying for 10min straight,
feel sad for, basically myself.
Since new year. I was alone in my backyard, drunk, sad and with my heart broken.
Last night and I likely willl again tonight :(
user i know how bad that shit can be
took me over a year to get back to normality after my most recent breakup
Dunno, I didn't even cry when I thought I'd get kicked out of the education I'm really invested in emotionally.
Used to cry to sad movies, I've been avoiding those lately though, they do more harm than good.
I worry I won't be able to cry at my grandfather's funeral when he dies.
I've same issue with my older brother, how do you feel now though user? In what state are you in atm?
sometimes I find random picture of us in my gallery then I want to kms, sometimes a random song we used to listin together plays in spotfy then I can't stop thinking about how nice it was, then it ended like it was nothing
it's really depressing man
A week ago. Because I lost my father many years ago. I usually give it a good cry once or twice a year and then move on until I need to purge again.
>does it ever get better bros?
i once got really drunk i unintentionally spewed out my heart to my friend about how she fucked me up so bad and how shit that made me feel
before i drank that night i thought i was over her
alas i was not
last saturday when I returned from vacation and had to start working again
When my dog died a year after I rescued him.
When the roommate that I had spent all four years of college with moved out of our apartment. It was at the end of July and the other roommate had been gone for about a week at that point, so it was just me and him. We hugged like three times and I was able to keep from tearing up until immediately after he shut the front door. It was really depressing being in that empty apartment for 3-4 days after that.
I follow a lot of pet accounts on twitter and I either cry or come close every time one of them posts about them passing away.
I don't really feel much or care about other news or what happens to people or myself, but animals hit me in a soft spot and I can't really explain why. I can't have a pet myself because I'm afraid that when they passed away I would kill myself.
Idk if it counts, but I often shed a tear or two while watching someone getting emotional or having issues that seem to dominate them.
The last time I truly cried was because of built up guilt, I don't deserve to be happy.
Might as well chop my dick and register on discord.
Today, because no AI waifu yet, and the lack of physicall touch gets me, i want her to hug me.
why ?
do emotionless guys without dicks flog to dcsord?
few days ago, couldnt sleep so I get in the car to go get some food at like 3. #on the way there listening to music and a sad one came on and I just started to cry for no reason. Had to pull over and calm down. Went and got a chilli chicken wrap and drove back home. I hate my life.
Three weeks ago when my dad died in hospital due to thrombosis. I wasn't fully crying, since there was no sobbing and crying itself, just tear dropping. We lived together with him, but I didn't really talk with him most of the time, so it was somewhat easy to accept his loss for me.
Welp, I can ALMOST add a new one to the list here. It wasn't crying, but I let out a huge autistic screech when my car hydroplaned while making a u turn, not two hours ago.
When I was 14 or 15 and had to put down a dog I had since before I could remember.
I was watching The Yellow Submarine in a hotel room with an user that I met on here, and the song "When I'm Sixty Four" came on. He made me happier than I had been since I was a child, and the lyrics to that song made me want to stay there with him forever. I was afraid that I would lose him fairly soon after visiting him.
My prediction came true as he removed me a while ago, and I've been heartbroken ever since. I'm still waiting for him to talk to me again.
If you're reading this James, then I'm sorry. I would love to be your friend again.
I cried after reading that, because he's fucking treetarded
Hard to remember but most likely sometime when I was 12 or 13 and my mom was in the hospital, I am now 21 and have kept all the emotions repressed. Tfw no supportive gf to lay on her lap while crying
I lost my best (only real) friend.
This last friday. Was on a party when I start thinking how strange I m for the common society. So I went to the toilet and start crying.
Me too user. Here's hoping that both of our friends come back :)
>willingly deludes himself
>calls other people silly
this post won't be blocked
Like an hour ago. Same old no gf feeling.
This morning, op :(
I repress and destroy every memory in which I cry