Why do i fall in love with every guy who gives me attention? i get extremely attached and jealous...

why do i fall in love with every guy who gives me attention? i get extremely attached and jealous. its like i dont know how to befriend men normally.

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i feel this with women. I just stopped interacting with them you should do the same with men maybe

You don't need to befriend normally. Just get a boyfriend and be content with that.

There is no reason for women to have male friends other than attention to benefit from chivalry

Do you have any idea why you are like that? Childhood trauma? Attention? Idk why I am even on here. I just woke up from a nightmare and peed some because I am running a fever of 102F I think. It is ok to fall In love OP. Just try to make it is the right guy/gal. I love you and it will be ok. I sleep now.

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can I give you attention? I want to treat you nice

This happened to me once. A guy for once in my life was being nice to me and actively trying to spark up a conversation with me every time he saw me in class until I found out he had a girlfriend of his own. Then I ignored the him from that point on because it hit me to know that he was being sweet for the sake of being friendly.

Daddy issues or your uncle raped you. One of the two.

>Why do I fall in love with every Chad who I have sloppy nsa sex with? I get extremely attached and jealous. its like I don't know how to befriend Chads normally.

Intimacy issues n shit from the past, cos i do the same and i know it's to do with trust/intimacy issues. i lost friends due to false rumours people believed, my parents/family didnt care much about me where now i have just 1 who sometimes messages me more than once a month etc and now when someone shows interest in me, something internally goes into clingy freakout mode where i instantly get attached and if they seem into me even vaguely sexually i get defensive af and envious when they tell me about cuties they see etc even though we don't date
i hate it and i need it fixed faster

Plz be at a uni near me
Usa ofc

Every chad****

hi user :)


Same here. For the first time in my life some guy showed interest in me when I was at a wedding, and even if he was drunk I'm still obsessed with him and the interaction 6 months later. Same thing with an instructor at my uni (he's young, don't worry) who went out of his way to help me and gave me a gift for christmas. Or any young-ish male I've talked with more than 5 minutes really. Pretty much any guy who has ever been friendly with me, I've fallen in love with.

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That's what happens when you're lonely or otherwise deprived of intimate companionship.

Should go away over time as you get some experience and have a circle of friends and so on.

>why do i fall in love with every guy who gives me attention?

You fucking do not. You're either lying or you're LARPing.

It doesn't even sound right when you try to write it from a female perspective. This reads like a guy writing about how much he hates his period.

Can I be your friend? This sounds nice.

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Juliet is that you?

In any case, women like this are fun to hang out with, then their bipolarness kicks in and they become cunty hypocrites and liars.

Hi, would you like to have a conservation with me?

Well I'm not going to say no to trips. I mostly meant irl interactions though.

Oh, that's disappointing. I'm not good looking irl so you won't fall in love with me.

I mean being in love with a half of r9k doesn't sound exactly realistic. Btw those guys weren't all good-looking either, most were pretty average when not looked at with rose-tinted glasses.

"Pretty average" is a standard I can only dream to try and reach. Where do you live?