Ask for a counter argument and express a desire for honest dialogue

>ask for a counter argument and express a desire for honest dialogue
Won another debate, lads.

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But you unironically deserve to have violence committed against you

Ok, let's have an honest dialogue.

My position: Pubescent and post-pubescent teens are capable of producing eggs to be fertilized for reproduction, and it is moral to court, marry, and reproduce with them.

Where have I gone astray? You have a 2000 character limit to work with, please don't hold back. I will read and reply to your post.


Make that TWO debates won this morning.

>Pubescent and post-pubescent teens are capable of producing eggs to be fertilized for reproduction,

>and it is moral to court, marry, and reproduce with them.
This does not necessarily follow. Why would the potential for reproduction be at all relevant when we consider whether a relationship is moral? Are relationships among infertile people immoral? Are relationships between adults and young children with precocious puberty moral, like in the case of Lina Medina who became a mother at 5 years old?

Yes 12 years old girls are capable of having children and most of them are horny as fuck
But we cant allow them to be degenerate cunts that would create a corrupt society (already happening lmao)

>This does not necessarily follow
I didn't say "and so it is moral" I said "and it is moral".

It is moral because that is the way divine providence designed females to be.
>Why would the potential for reproduction be at all relevant when we consider whether a relationship is moral?
Because that is what marriage is for.
>Are relationships between adults and young children with precocious puberty moral
Outliers don't matter. They don't represent a significant population.

On those very rare individual instances, we can say it is immoral to take advantage of a mutation, and anyone that would want to is clearly mentally ill.

12yo girls may be capable of having children but they're not adult enough to make the decision to get fucked.
I'd say that decision-making skill starts at 15.

No woman is "adult" enough to make that decision. It is her father's job to find a suitor.

How does it feel being a sub-50 IQ nigger?

The fact that pedophiles are so fucking annoying is already reason enough to eradicate them.

This is why your bloodline is weak, dumb feminist retard. Your mother is a whore.

You will never procreate.
You will never even have sex.
LMAO you will never have a daughter or a son. Did you ever spend a single thought why women aren't into you?

I have two daughters.

It never ends. Even if we somehow established your position to be accepted and the norm, there's always going to be people pushing for more and more and more. It's never enough. It's up to a strong willed people to put their foot down, not let up, and maintain the laws in place. There has to be man-made boundaries to protect the innocent(children).

Say your position becomes reality. The next discussion will be
>NOOOOOO pre-pubescent kids need love too
>You're just afraid of change you bigot
>but their parents can make this decision for them

Look what happened after we allowed gay marriage. No one cares about gays anymore, it's old news. Now the topic of discussion is trannies, cutting dicks off, and even discussing changing a child's sex if he likes dolls at age 3. It's never enough.

No you don't. Even if you did, you're such a beta bitch and bad parent they'll just end up fucking niggers "to get back at daddy"

My position IS reality already. Age of consent is 14-16 in the majority of the first world.

There is no argument to support reproductive acts or rituals with humans that haven't developed enough to reproduce.

>incel with whore mother has a bestiality fetish

>dat projection because his imaginery daughters will become coalburners
In all seriousness, kill yourself now. You'd spare your daughters the shame being the spawn of such a raging bottomfeeder.

There is literally no evidence that proves an independent correlation between consensual sexual activity in youth and mental health problems in later life.

When the effects of childhood sexual contact are examined very single case is lumped together, so an adult having consensual sex with a child is treated the same as a child getting beaten and gangraped, and then the effects are examined. This is flawed because:
A) Consensual sexual encounters are far less likely to be discovered and included in these studies.
B) Assuming the impact of consensual sexual encounters are the same as non-consensual sexual encounters are the same is a fallacy.

Children are often curious about sex and will engage in activities such as watching pornography, masturbation and even sex with each other. Seriously, society will condemn a 19 year old having sex with a 13 year old as harmful, but not condemn two 13 year olds having sex with each other as harmful, even though the experience is the exact same.

All of this is a manifestation of a society-wide virgin complex where young girls are assumed to be uninterested in sex, as nobody wants to admit that their daughter/granddaughter/niece etc is capable of sexual thoughts, since that runs contrary to the image of them as a pure maiden. For evidence, just look at the difference in response when the "victim" is a young boy instead of a girl. It's treated far more lightly, because everyone knows boys are interested in sex and therefore the relationship was a positive one.

If you are a man of reason, you must see that the hysteria surrounding pedophillia is nothing more than a society-wide patriarchal virgin complex that prevents girls from expressing their sexuality in a way that is normal , open and healthy.

Okay if is perfectly go fine to do so go find an underage girl online and go have sex with her

>>dat projection
You're the one that brought up bestiality, cuckold.

I just told you what will happen to your nonexistant daughters. You can throw around your buzzwords and throw another hissy fit but that's what will happen. Stay mad faggot.

Cope harder, cuckold fetishist.

>cope harder
Ironic coming from the incel who larps as having two daughters and wanting to raise them like muzzies.

>the cuckold is an ignorant retard that doesn't know history and thinks anyone that isn't a feminist is a Muslim
Wignats are hilariously stupid.

this could be bait, but for the off chance it isn't do us a favor and kys op

pedos might be the most degenerate fucks in existence, I'm 24 and I can even see myself with someone under 20, let alone a teen, the mental and body maturity gap is so large there is just a big disconnection between me and someone underaged

only a big retarded man child would want something like that, and those people should be executed asap

You are a dumb normalfag and should get off my board.

I'm a depressed and frustrated dumbfuck, I more than belong here, but that doesn't mean I think it's ok to be a degenerate retard like you

ffs, there is a limit for everything, even degeneracy

>normalfag didn't even read the thread
>normalfag thinks "muh depression" is real

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You're still coping you're a backwards incel with no game. You can't safe face anymore.

forget everything I said, I think you might be actually retarded

thanks for curing my depression tho, I feel much better!

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Never reply to one of my threads again, retards.

I'm a late comer but I have a question. Why do you want to lower the age of consent?

Too bad homosexuals are pushing pedophilia as hard as they can and they are almost legalizing it