Incels are lazy, entitled manchildren with severe deficits in personal development and social ability.
Incels are lazy, entitled manchildren with severe deficits in personal development and social ability
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Incels don't exist. The left cannot provide any consistent definition of an incel.
>not an incel board
why are they here though
Because they are dumb and parasitic
o.p.'s opinion is very avant-garde and edgy; I like that he is so bold as to state it and succumbs not to the widely existent social pressure to instead respect incels.
incel is anyone I don't like
>incel is anyone I don't like
t. lazy, entitled manchild with severe deficits in personal development and social ability
You're SO BRAVE to voice such a daring opinion!
Who brought up roasties?
Weird how slightly shy men with good intentions are demonized while violent felons are increasingly pandered to in 2019. Maybe this is the clown world i keep hearing about. We aren't bad people, we just want some human love and effection :/
>personal development and social ability.
This is the most American concept that has ever existed. The idea of personal development is identical to the way the force is seen in the Star Wars universe. Your boss is pretty well personally developed and your boss' boss is super personally developed. Your ex cheated on you with a guy who was more personally developed than you because he played football in high school and hit the gym more than you.
And more than anything anything anything "social ability" is a retarded ape concept. Only in the most socially isolating conditions can a person think that the enjoyable interchange of ideas and information is a craft that must be honed. "Oh, I didn't laugh at his joke fast enough, the AMOG potential became exponentially radioactive and I lost a lot of frame" or "Man, I felt really stifled in front of her, I need to be able to do a 360 ollie McTwist off of her negs while keeping a frame ready for her shit test."
You really drank the advertisers kool-aid, huh? I'm sure if you buy enough products, pay enough taxes, give enough info to social media sites, pay for enough coaching, and read enough books that you'll get a bunch of pussy. It couldn't have anything to do with genetics or else all of these things you're paying for wouldn't have any use for you.
America is the most retarded place on the planet. We make a religion of being Born Lucky
and the born unlucky are the dangerous heretics
Daily reminder if you are an 8/10 man (more attractive than 80 percent of the male population) you are considered average by women.
Slightly shy? Good intentions??? Sure, buddy.
>The left cannot provide any consistent definition of an incel.
It's right in the name: INvoluntarily CELibate
And they certainly exist.
>We aren't bad people, we just want some human love and effection :/
then demonstrate it by not shooting up schools and walmarts.
>Weird how slightly shy men with good intentions are demonized
No one's demonizing you. They're completely ignoring you. You haven't done anything to impact anyone's life.
Or do you expect people to seek you out just to make sure you're actually quite interesting?
>good intentions
>are overjoyed when females get brutally murdered
>post pics of decapitated girls and laugh at them and say they deserved it
>good intensions
Incels are evil to the core.
Nobody is involuntarily celibate. Anyone can get sex. Incel means someone who is part of an incel community and thinks rape should be legal and has fantasies of violently killing women.
Daily reminder if you post this graph without the other pair then you are part of a gay psyops
>t. guy who had no friends in high school
Grow up you moralfag
Angry entitled virgins
How is that identical to the force?
So guys will basically spam everyone in the off chance some girl says "hi" back, while girls message those they think are in their own league.
That's not news.
It does destroy the incel 80/20 narrative
Yeah but online dating is for loser men so this makes total sense
Who said it was news? What are you talking about
True, but we already knew the incel narrative was a set of excuses, not anything based in reality.
My bad, I got derailed from that idea. It's a magical, invisible force that controls the universe. It's sort of a fetishized notion providence fused with personal responsibility (tm) that says "if only you would focus harder, lightning would come out of your fingertips and destroy the obstacles in your way."
But no it totally exists. You're just bitter because instead of becoming a likeable person, you played video games and became a bitter incel. It's transparent.
Holy tshit thanks!
>guys will literally spam everything.
>It's right in the name: INvoluntarily CELibate
The left does not use this definition.
Not consistently used.
Sounds like you're cherrypicking as much as """the left""" *oooh, spooky noises*
except people are constantly labelled as "incel" even if they have gfs, like all those mass shooters. "incel" literally just means "angry ugly white guy"
That's incel falseflagging. Incels are constantly trying to call everyone incels. When in fact the only correct definition of an incel is someone who identifies as an incel and is active in an incel community.
>except people are constantly labelled as "incel" even if they have gfs,
Social media isn't reality
>and is active in an incel community.
Why is this part of your definition?
If I call myself an incel because I repeatedly try and fail to get a gf, but I never log onto Reddit, am I not still incel?
No entitled virgin is consistently used.
I am not sure about what these graphs mean.
Is the attractivity axis defined by one sex group view on the other? Because if it is so, 80% of men fall in the left half of the graph and women don't message a lot the attractive ones simply because they are not numerous enough.
On the other hand, the more attractive the girl, the more men would text her unless she is too attractive because of the feeling they can't reach this level, which is not surprising.
Dude I think you have left wing derangement syndrome dude.
Why do you lie? Non-virgins are called incels all the time. People are called incels for political views that have no relation to sexuality.
No I think you're just lying.
>I am not sure about what these graphs mean.
It means that men are fairly rational about how women are ranked in terms of attractiveness, but will consistently message girls who are wildy out of their league.
At the same time, women tend to see a disproportionate percentage of guys as being below-average, but will also message below-average guys, suggesting they see themselves as below-average as well.
What am I cherry picking exactly?
I have no idea what you are talking about.
This is damage control. We both know there's no rhyme or reason to the left's usage of the term. Why do you people have to be so goddamn dishonest all the time about everything? It's fucking exhausting to deal with you.
>It's fucking exhausting to deal with you.
I bet it's exhausting, moving from one position to another and not getting pinned-down.
Since sex isn't in the cards for you (obviously) maybe you should take a nice, hot bath to relax?
I haven't moved any positions. My position has been the same from the start.
>Since sex isn't in the cards for you (obviously) maybe you should take a nice, hot bath to relax?
What the fuck are you talking about?
>What the fuck are you talking about?
You're obviously starting to get very upset. Maybe you should take a breather and re-center yourself.
Again, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you spouting random nonsense to change the topic because you lost the argument?
>Non-virgins are called incels all the time.
lol, no they aren't.
>Again, what the fuck are you talking about?
I'm saying your postings are starting to sound angrier and angrier. This is not healthy.
I'm saying you should step away from the keyboard for a couple minutes and relax to cal yourself down.
Because he's retarded. There are millions of excess men in India and China, they're incels too.
Yes they are. The left does it all the time. They'll call anyone an incel. Being an incel (by the dictionary definition) doesn't even require being a virgin, someone can lose their virginity and become involuntarily celibate later. Try again.
So yes, you admit that you lost the argument.
>My position has been the same from the start.
On the knees like a good sissy?
So you admit once again that you lost the argument?
The definition of an incel is that of a dude whose personality is too atrocious to ever approach a woman, but instead of self-improvement they wallow in self-pity and misogyny.
It's basically redpillers except retarded instead of sociopathic.
Im another guy dumb sissy incel
No you're not, and this is just another attempt to change the topic because you lost the argument. Typical braindead leftist shit.
Who are you even responding to at this point?
Also, don't claim victory in an internet argument. You HAVE to know better than that. You've never heard of Danth's Law?
Also, I'm . The Incel is the angry virgin. You're trying to squirm around some definition of "celibacy" to nibble at the fringes when the incels are, by and large, all virgins.
Can't you see him now, pounding his keyboard, spilling his pee bottles and half-eaten chicken tendies all over the place?
The stench must be unbearable.
I'm sure his gf is lucky to have him.
lmao take your schizo pills dumb incel
ITT: When your entire world view and foundation of knowledge are based on whatever the hottest topics on the internet are
>Who are you even responding to at this point?
>Also, don't claim victory in an internet argument.
You admitted to losing the argument.
>You're trying to squirm around some definition of "celibacy" to nibble at the fringes when the incels are, by and large, all virgins.
The dictionary definition means involuntarily celibate. In no way does it require someone to be a virgin. Stop posting.
lmao learn how to debate.
>lmao learn how to debate.
I'm making fun of you user not attempting a debate
You lost the debate as per your own admission.
So this is the rhetorical power of incels....
What is it like when you go on a date? Does it go well until she says she likes Star Wars Episode 8?
>women are lazy, entitled manchildren with severe deficits in personal development and social ability.
you can basically apply this to any group of people and find people that meet this.
you add nothing to the real discussion
>So while feminism tells women "you hate your body and you're constantly doubting yourself because society did this to you, and society needs to change", we kinda just tell men "you're lonely and suicidal because you're toxic"
Tell me Contra's wrong.
Again I'm a different person silly user
If you repeatedly try and fail you are no incel, incels never try
You have done nothing to establish that incels are even real, so on what basis are you calling me an incel? In any case, you lost the debate so now you are just trying to change the topic.
Wait, I thought I lost the debate, not the other four anons who are baiting you.
You should probably go back to r*ddit, because this anonymous thing is driving you batty.
No you are not.
I have not said or implied anything to suggest that I have anything to do with reddit. This is just another attempt at changing the topic because you lost the debate.
Wait so if people misuse a word it doesn't count?
>incels never try
How's that part of the definition?
A guy who tries and fails to have sex still doesn't have sex and, thus, is celibate, though not by choice i.e. involuntarily.
He is involuntarily celibate, he is an INCEL.
The left has done nothing to establish a consistent definition for the word.
>No you are not.
What if I am you and you are me?
>You have done nothing to establish that incels are even real,
For something that's imaginary, it sure shows up on this site a lot.
Whatever. They still don't exist.
>god exist cause people say "oh my god"
Why do the left have to define words for you? What are you talking about?
What is the right wing's definition? Maybe the left can use that?
By your own definition this article really seems to suggest they do.
And the IFS is a conservative think-tank, by the way, so your "left" bogeyman is taking a timeout.
>What are you talking about?
left bad
>muh left
Dude you have mental issues
It's a leftist term which they have not defined.
>your "left" bogeyman is taking a timeout
And now you are so desperate as to claim that the left doesn't even exist. Typical.
And again the existence of the left is denied, and somehow I'm the one with the mental issues.
>What is the right wing's definition? Maybe the left can use that?
Per the IFS,
>"Incel" defined as a never-married male between the ages of 22-35 who has never had sex, and whose stated reason for virginity is something besides religion, heath, or timing.
There you go.
This post is somewhere on the spectrum
You should read that study. You'll find the conservative take on incels isn't particularly tolerant.
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And now we arrive at the inevitable autism accusations. This is standard operating procedure on Jow Forums now. Lose the debate, start throwing around autism accusations. Or did you get triggered because I responded to too many posts at once? I can't tell.
Incels are a leftist concept and the left has refused to define it. Incels do not exist.
Based eurofrend
When you say left do you mean dictionaries?
>Incels are a leftist concept
prove it
>the left has refused to define it
prove that too
One user has actually linked to an actual study, and from a conservative organization, no less, that puts the lie to your first assertion. If they were a leftist concept, a right-wing organization wouldn't put together a study confirming their existence and reasons for existence.
Language is leftist so we should return to communicating with grunts
You're not even debating bro. You're just hung up in some false idea that the left needs to explain words to you.
Why would I mean dictionaries? What are you talking about?
>prove it
The left is constantly going around calling everyone an incel and making incels out to be the greatest threat facing the world, right after nazis.
>prove that too
Prove that the left has a consistent definition for it (protip: you can't, because they don't have one).
I am debating and I have already won the thread.
Dictionaries are where we go for definitions. That's what they're for.
I'm surprised you are pro tranny desu. I mean the left defined gender for you.
The left does not use the dictionary definition.
>I'm surprised you are pro tranny desu.
I never said or implied that I am. This is yet another attempt at changing the topic. Why don't you just stop posting?
Well you must be pro tranny since the left defined gender. Or are you just picking and choosing? Not very intellectually honest bro.
Why are you obsessed with "the left"? Why do you need them to define words for you?