Why does every women regardless of looks act like they are hot shit? You aren't better than me, roastie REEEEEEEEEE...

Why does every women regardless of looks act like they are hot shit? You aren't better than me, roastie REEEEEEEEEE. But really where did this "women are insecure" meme come from because i have not seen it

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>every women
I stay inside all day because I hate my looks and don't want people to see me.

Pussy inflation thanks to information mobility. The bubble will crash. Hopefully soon.
>i'm not like the OTHER GRRRRLSSSS

Can I take care of you and make you breakfast and give you massages and wed fall asleep cuddling each other?

user, i didn't give you permission to stalk me

No use lying on a korean chia pet board.

Just trying to change OP's mind.

>But really where did this "women are insecure" meme come from because i have not seen it

Out of all the leftist constructs, the one that annoys me the most may be "Young women have low self-esteem."

The reason it annoys me more than other, potentially much more dangerous leftist memes is because it's so transparently false that it's frustrating when other people don't immediately see through it. The life experience of literally everyone should be sufficient to demonstrate that this statement is laughably false, but still people sagely nod their heads to agree whenever they hear anyone say it. People unironically are sitting around right now getting paid to try to think of ways to solve the "young female low self-esteem" problem.

I used to be a teenage boy, and I met a wide range of teenage girls of every class, race, and creed. And the one thing all of those girls had in common was that they were absolutely sure, deep down in their bones, that they were way, way, way, way better than me. (That's probably too few way's.)

The sheer fucking balls it takes to try to tell me that a group of people who ALL - ALL - think they're better than me have "self-esteem problems" boggles my imagination. The sheer balls it takes to think that I would think that we should undertake a broad social effort to raise the self-esteem of people who already think they're infinitely better than me...it takes my breath away.

Women always are painted as the victim under every circumstance. The roastie cries out in pain as she strikes you.

>Women always are painted as the victim under every circumstance. The roastie cries out in pain as she strikes you.

What's even funnier is that all of the behaviors that are offered up as evidence of "low self-esteem" among females - sexual promiscuity, substance abuse, seeking attention from peers, etc. - directly correlate with "thinking you're better than user". Directly!

If you used lie-detector equipment to test which women at my high school and then at my college thought they were the "mostest betterest" than me OF ALL, it would have been the ones who partied every weekend and sucked the most dick. These behaviors are driven by egotism and vanity, and not by low self-regard. If you even remotely suggested to any of these women that they weren't immensely superior to me, they would have slapped you in your fucking face.

>But user, those girls have low self-esteem that's holding them back in life! We need you to tax you to fund programs to help those girls feel better about themselves, so that they can feel EVEN MORE BETTER THAN YOU than they already do!

what traits suggest someone's acting like hot shit? asking so I can figure out how to pretend like I don't think I'm hot shit

>Why does every women regardless of looks act like they are hot shit?

Most women I meet don't, maybe you're just being an incel

Don't forget about scholarships and diversity quotas to "level the playing field"

>what traits suggest someone's acting like hot shit

Not immediately dropping on the knees and sucking OPs dick

Delusional. All the attractive girls, and the majority of fat girls i know are very confident, at least outwardly.

>All the attractive girls, and the majority of fat girls i know are very confident, at least outwardly.

But you don't know any girls you shutin sperg

>Why does every women regardless of looks act like they are hot shit?
You literally don't think there are any women with confidence problems? I don't think you're looking around much. There are loads of women who are extremely shy and awkward--maybe not as many as men but quite a few. These ugly women who think they're hot shit are a specific type of overcompensater, the average ugly woman doesn't think she's hot shit.

Feminism. This happens when you tell multipl generations of girls that they're better than boys, stronger and smarter, when in reality, most of them are way worse at anything than the majority of men. It's called toxic femininity and it's not good for either gender.
We should re-appeal female suffrage.

A minority of fat and ugly girls have low self esteem, but the majority are confident and all attractive and average girls are

I mean, they are probably smarter as evidenced by their superior performance in school. also they're usually more attractive and less violent, so they're probably better than men too

>You literally don't think there are any women with confidence problems?

Not that poster, but here's my answer:

There are women who have lower confidence...than Stacy. That's just not low enough to justify asking me to care.

My life experience is that the women who are sitting there thinking "Sigh...I'm not as pretty as Stacy, I'm not as smart as Lacey!" still spend part of their time thinking:

>OMG user is so gross! He's such a creep! I'm glad I'm not user! Why is user here, anyway? I wish user would go away!

To bring this back around to OP's point, I consider thinking the above thoughts constitutes "thinking you're hot shit".

you sound like a retard.
the problem with all of them being taught that they are better at x or y is that many of will not be better than the other group at x or y yet still believe they are due to conditioning and group association.
its akin to mutty low tier whites claiming all white people are superior or average asians saying that all white people are stupid, its largely just cope and you can see why it persists for genetic shitlets given its a very comfy cope to perpetuate.

>still spend part of their time thinking:

Looks like you can read minds user why aren't you rich yet

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it clearly is a cope but it doesn't seem to be women-specific, as you've pointed out. also you could say the same shit for men - you know that one fact everyone keeps mentioning about how women's IQ tend to have low standard deviations while men tend to represent extremes of high and low iq? obviously every brainlet man is going to identify with being a misunderstood genius savant while stereotyping all women as inherently mediocre

I went to middle school and high school and college with these women, bro.

I know damn well what they're thinking. And they proved it every time somebody who thought they were funny would say:

>Tracey likes user! They must be DATING!

They proved it with their rage and disgust and the vigor of their denials.

>I know damn well what they're thinking.

Grade A delusion, top incel thinking bro

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>No one knows what people they interact with for years thinks about them

You fucking sped, in literally any other context where people claimed to know what other people thought you would not dispute it. Do black people know what white people who call them niggers think?

That ree shit is disgustingly cringe.
A roastie is actually better than you.