>Went to a party yesterday
>Got along with one girl really fucking well, we had a conversation that lasted like a solid 2 hours
>Had lots of fun and was happy around her, she gave me a fuckton of compliments and made it very obvious that she likes me
>Now I could technically ask her for a date
>Never went to a date
>Pretty afraid that something goes wrong
>Don't know if I should really ask her out
Fuck I need help
Went to a party yesterday
She was being polite. Don't be stupid.
dont mistake an act of kindness or politeness for a sign of romantic desire
Just ask her on a date, its not that hard.
Just say: would like to hang out [place name] at [timing]
Its better to try than not to
If both of you smoke weed that's literally it
"Hey 420 @6pm my place"
"Sure sounds fun"
"Cool I'll hit you up"
I mean hanging out with me for 2 hours, slightly cuddling and telling me that she likes me seems a bit too much for just being polite.
It is hard. I literally never asked a girl to a date.
That seems way too easy and doesn't seem like it would work
Nah we don't smoke weed
>literally never asked a girl to a date.
Netflix and chill. If you're not going to act quick, she'll move on.
>we had a conversation that lasted like a solid 2 hours
>she gave me a fuckton of compliments and made it very obvious that she likes me
>never asked her for a date
Virginity protection level is over 9000.
You fucking gay shit cuck, how can a human beeing be so pathetic. If you are so afraid of everything, just stay at home.
Asking someone out by telling place and time sounds to easy for you? Maybe because it is that easy you stupid fuck. How can you be a man if you can't ask a hoe to chill with you. Bet you think you have to arrive on a white horse like the little gay shit your are.
>cuddled for a bit
>she said she likes me
and I thought I was dumb
>went to a party
how the fuck do you get invited to one?
>didnt fuck her
Ask her out.
If something goes wrong, you have at least tried and gained XP to level up.
This is how you learn.
I asked my chad brother
You should try it out, just make sure not to spend too much money or give her anything she can use against you
you're not asking her on a date. you're going to ask her if she wants to hangout again. at your place, at a mall or some other designated handout area, or maybe a trail if she is not a landwhale
she's probably just as nervous as you memes aside
dude ask her out NOW what the fuck
>i had fun yesterday. come get lunch with me right fucking NOW
fist her shitter
Alright so I guess I'll invite her to a date but I have absolutely no idea how. I'm a bit afraid it'll just be awkward silence and I'll drop my spaghetti. The reason I got along well with her is because I'm extroverted as fuck when I'm drunk.