Another Aryan thread
Post cute Nazis pls
Another Aryan thread
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God whiteoids are so weak. I would beat this frail 'man' into a broken mess
At least they get laid
Have sex
>projecting your inceldom onto me
As if being into "muh aryan masterrace nazis" wasnt enough of an indication.
And yet he probably had a fulfilling life of love and friendship while you rot here with the rest of us.
Looks like an androgynous fucking faggot too, btw
They got pwned by the Soviets so damn hard. Holy fuck Nazis were worthless.
Everyone in the 40s had a fulfilling social life, its the internet that fucked everything up.
He probably shat and pissed himself before he got a frozen block somewhere in russia where he is still remain in an awkward position of death. Would not swap
>would insert myself and cum in 2 pumps out of pure novelty and respect
>tfw no handsome Ukrainian soldier bf to take cute aesthetic photos with REEEEEEEEE
Soviet soldiers are kino.
They are kinky and into rapeplay too.
What is with people worshiping squareheads? They lost the war and cucked themselves even after the Allies and Ruskies left.
>Why yes we are the master race. How could you tell?
Pic related would obliterate you. He's a killer, you're a fat black loser who browses Jow Forums
wait arent Ch*ds considered square heads??
Pic related weighs about 140 pounds and his ruger probably broke his wrist the first time he fired it. Anyone can kill anyone with a gun, silly stormfaggot
They are. A square jaw, a square hairline etc. that's what's considered objectively chad.
He's just out of actual insults.
The nazis were the first people to realize the political power of sexual charisma. That's why every single one of their propaganda posters looks like a fucking fashion advert - people are inherently biased towards an opinion when the guy it comes from looks like a supermodel.
Yeah I'm sure you'd be able to even touch him and he wouldn't dance around you and pummel you to death with stones like the fatass you are LOL Do you blacks actually believe that being fat is an advantage in a real fight?
You're a fucking retard. Blacks males have more lean body mass pound for pound and have denser bones, tendons and muscles. Whites are literally skinnyfat or stocky, thats it. Even in proffesional fighting, we reign supreme, constantly beating up whiteoids while getting paid to do it. Fuck, even the spics whoop your asses, especially in boxing
No one looks like this
Most of them are uncultured with no aesthetic values
Joachim Peiper is so handsome
Blacks have more estrogen than whites that's why they put on weight so fast. White people have the most muscle mass, why do you think we dominate when it comes to swimming and weight lifting? Check the top fighters, 8/10 are white.
His name is Hans Joachim Marseilles, skilled pilot who died during a flight in 1942. Would swap
>Being so much of a beta-cuck that you think only squareheads get pussy
LMAO @ your lives.
>blacks have higher estrogen
This is true, and we also have higher testosterone as a result you absolute fucking retard
>whites dominate weightlifting
Whiteoids get into body building and powerlifting as a way to feel like a manly athlete without having to actually physically compete with another man, they know in any other sport they'd get wrekt by blackie
>best swimmers
Literally no one cares
>best fighters
Now thats just a fucking lie. Everyone knows blacks and mexicans dominate the sport, in fact popularity has gone down for these sports in the west, soley because the biggest demographic is young white males but there are simply no white american champions
My name is literally Arian and I was born with blue eyes and blond hair
You seriously need a life user. I'm really hoping that you're at least a black nationalist, instead of a larping white cuck, who is in one of his fetish episodes
This guy was the supreme dude-Chad leader.
Where tf are you from in order to be named Arian?
True black alphas know the best way to fight for the black cause is to have autistic arguments with white people on Jow Forums
Parents give their kids shitty names like that all the time. My uncle named his daughter Astrid.
Obviously Im black you, fucking moron. I like how you attempted ad hominen instead of trying to argue back because you know its pointless. I am right, youre wrong, now fuck off
I live a boring life, whitey.
Black people are high in estrogen, they put on fat extremely quickly and have a hard time putting on muscle. Black people plateau extremely quickly in physical sports. Nobody cares about boxing, look at the UFC. There's only 6 blacks in the top 50.
Posting cutest Nazis
Arian is a common name for albanian or kurdish people. In fact it means "the golden one" or "the pure blooded" depending on the country of origin. The first albanians were also named arian and the white people in india are named "Ari"
I'm actually really happy with my name and all the people I know love it too. I'm from germany btw
>pic rel
Blacks literally have more muscle mass on average, theres multiple studies that prove it. We have higher estrogen and testosterone, thats why we have denser body tissues you idiot. The ufc is full of whites because they can't box, theyre too pussy/weak to throw hands for 12 rounds , so theyd rather roll around on the ground half naked for 5. This way they can pretend to be alpha fighterbros without having to actually fight
Also the fucking captchas i swear to god
>It's pointless
You're right it's in fact pointless to argue with a chimp brain. Instead of talking out of your ass, try to verify your hot opinions with actual sources you limp dicked ape
>preferring snarky nazi bitchboys who cant even fight over manly russian chads who can kill a grizzly with their bare hands
ok retard.
sounds pretty gay desu
this is why slavs win everytime. jaws and cheekbones made for withstanding blows and physical combat.
Is that why blacks are incapable of competing against whites in sports that require a lot of muscle? You put on fat quickly, that's it. When it comes to putting on muscle you fall very fall behind white people who easily out-lift you, even a white teenager is stronger than your black fat ass.
Oh are you also going to tell me that guns are dishonorable? Nobody gives a fuck that you want to put on over sized gloves and play a game of tag with me.
Of course the captchas are hard for you, not surprising since you're a nigger. Your average IQ is only in the double digits after all.
Damn nigger, how about you finally shut your mouth. Claiming wrong things won't change anything. I really hope your room temperature IQ can comprehend the fact that your entire species is superflous for the existence of this planet. If the whole continent of africa gets nuked today, absolutely nothing would change for mankind as a whole.
You're quite cute. Hope you're not a leftist
Russians look disgusting
The burnt plastic would be pretty bad for us. It's better to round them up and kill them in less environmentally damaging ways.
I voted for afd and everyone from my family and friends know that I'm supporting right wing opinions. To be honest, most guys from my science department (math and physics) also voted right.
I honestly can't tell if pic related is German or Russian from the face. They're quite similar, both are attractive when at a low body fat.
>fat, weak insecure whitoids ignore literal facts and suggest their autism is true simply because they cant come up with actual evidence or sources for their claims.
You all know deep down that you are a weak and inferior race of soibois. Whites are so fucking pathetic its insane
Here are my sources you stupid, barely sentient whitoid. Where are yours?
>literal facs
>larping as another poster
My dear brainlet, please show me the proof for your "facts". I hope you know that nothing you said is close to the truth and without any scientific paper backening them, your opinions matter jackshit
Glad that people support the right wing
He's actually Rupert Friend playing as a Nazi. I agree they look quite similar but some Russians are mixed with Asians
See you absolute fucking brainlet. Are you even aware of how utterly stupid you sound?
>we measured density, total body water, and anthropometric dimensions in 19 white and 15 black male college students.
>He actually believes that a one time study, with n= 34 means anything
Oh user... Why do I exactly know that you've never been in a university in your life and believe that quickly googling scientific papers that back your idiotic opinion, will change the mind of any person you're interfering with
>We reviewed literature on the differences and similarities between the 2 races
>Systematic error can result in the inaccurate estimation of the relative body fat of blacks,
Oh boy
Also it goes both ways, retard. I posted sources that prove my claims, and you havent. Im right, youre wrong, now fuck off.
uuhhhh the cuckboy is seething
How does it feel like to know that your cotton picker body in combination with your ape mentality will never achieve anything in life?
"Blacks are superior" yeah maybe to chimpanzees, but only by a small amount.
Nice attempt to discredit my sources that disprove you, retard. Who carwles about the sample size, you can scroll through and find countless studies. You will literally say anything to try to win this argument but deep down you know its true. See how I managed to post sources as proof? Have any of you dumb faggots posted proof of your claims? And dont worry, when you do Ill say the sample size isnt adequate enough and ill come up with other excuses
>he uses ad hominen again to deflect and avoid argument because he knows hes wrong
Holy fuck the absolute state of whitoids. Whites being intelligent was propoganda
No one posted sources, because everyone abandoned this thread. Bo one gives a shot about your false opinions. I highly advice you to move on, because this shit is too hilarious
My opinions arent opinions nor are they false. I know your insecure coping little brain cam barely comprehend it but please, keep trying to convince yourself, its both sad and funny
>still 12 posters
>My opinions arent opinions
The Nazi party was full of chads.
back your shit up then, you dumb ape
you're low IQ
you have high estrogen
and you're ugly as fuck
The point is, what you claim are "opinions", are actually facts, thus making them not opinions. Understand, whitoid?
Fact, the incel British envied their gains.
>back your shit up
I did retard
>youre low iq
This whole thread would refute that but aight
>you have high estrogen
And I have high T, as well. But you, you just have high estrogen and nothing else
Dont project yourself onto me you filthy whitoid subhuman
The point is that you should learn to express yourself better
>those upboats
fuck commie redditors
The point is you should develop better reading comprehension skills, fucking retard white
rare picture of Hitler winning the illustrious Herr Germania and becoming Chancellor.
Nazi propaganda photo from 1936. It shows Adolf Hitler "The Fuehrer" shouting the Nazi salute of "Sieg Heil!" (Hail Victory!) while non-Aryan children kneel at his feet, adoring the self-styled "Ubermensch".
Any point that could be made was proven when your ancestors were sold to slavers by a rival tribe/kingdom, stay mad nigger
Commies were huge faggots that starved their own people while defeding the kikes, and Im not a stormfag Im a russian(non chink)
Whatever, you stole everything from the arabs and asians and just so happened to have more resources
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A handsome family man
They had great family values
>entire capitalist world is gunning for you and are financially propping up the Soviets to gun for you too
>"lol you just suck"
The winter war showed what the Soviets were capable of in 1v1
That happens when you break non-aggression treaties
Great, we're not talking about that. We're taking about how the Nazis were apparently weak