would you date an anorexic alcoholic girl with BPD who cuts herself and is severely underweight. all her calories come from alcohol.
but she has a gentle soul and an open heart
would you date an anorexic alcoholic girl with BPD who cuts herself and is severely underweight. all her calories come from alcohol.
but she has a gentle soul and an open heart
Depends, feel free to add me and we can see
probably not, that sounds like insanity.
sure, as long as i can watch you pee
what's your discord?
You don't even live in my state so why should i
cant even imagine that hell:
never has sex, cries and moans and wheeps that she is with you cause Chad wouldnt fuck, gets you to try to be sad about how No Chad fuck, more crying, can we order a Pizza, runs to the bathroom cryign, crying, cutting, crying screaming, threats of sucide daily,
yea lots of fun, and dumb people will line up thinking they will be sexual LOL
hell no
cutting is a major red flag
Not date. Only fuck, if she agreed to be part of my harem as a bottom tier female.
> (OP)
>probably not, that sounds like insanity.
I'm not insane. I'm a gentle spirit with some issues.
Don't we all have issues?
In my last relationship I was the perfect gf. And what did he do? Cheat on me. So I torched his car.
I just want a man who respects me so I don't have to resort to desperate measures to make my point.
>hell no
>cutting is a major red flag
I have a lot of feelings and cutting is a way of expressing myself. I cut the emotion I'm feeling. Fear. Lust. Anger. Sadness. Sometimes I cut beautiful haikus
order a pizza and make a plan for when you cant reel in idiots with your looks
I don't eat pizza. Too many calories.
I eat six boiled eggs every day and take vitamins so my hair doesn't fall out.
>torched car
Yeah ill pass, if you did that to mine you would join the blaze yourself
This is disgusting. I know from experience that this dude is poor and fat. Don't waste your time.
This bitch barely breaking the skin and mostly only doing it for attention. I wouldn't worry about her "cutting."
i love myself so no
Been there done that
Fuck off and get your life in order
You're not exactly a great seller, if I put it in the nicest way possible.
you were supposed to be based now i'm disappointed
Sure. Fiat#8179
Your problems aren't going to fix it self get help
are you dust? I would but I live far away
No, because I probably would not be good enough for her
If you don't love yourself enough to at least try and get some help, how do you expect most people to be able to love you?
Yes but you would no longer be allowed to cut. And gradually I would get you to eat more and stop drinking.
I'm already underweight and drink myself to sleep every night, i burn myself from time to time with cigarettes and shit, I'm just another loser like a lot of people here. The main problem here is that you are BPD bitch, and that always ends up bad, no matter what.
Knew someone exactly like that for several years. Everyone she knew for any extended period of time, she made miserable. There's just no hope for someone with so many problems. Anyone dumb enough to try dating you deserves what they get.
I knew someone who was bpd and t b h it sucked ass
Yes, I think that would make for a loving gf.
The real question is would you date someone from here and where are you from?
You can only pick one, fembot.
Post pics of cuts, you whore.
not fat, so I'm cool with it
If she is willing to change yes